Horde Borean Tundra Guide Part 5
Level 70

- At Sage Highmesa, turn in Sage Highmesa is Missing.
Get the follow-up A Proper Death.
- Head east and kill 10 Plagued Magnataurs as well
as enough Mammoths for 5 Scourged Mammoth Pelt.
- Then, return to Sage Highmesa and turn in A
Proper Death and get the follow-up Stop the Plague.
- Head north into the cave and use Highmesa's Cleansing
Seeds next to a Plague Cauldron.
- Then, return to Sage Highmesa and turn in Stop
the Plague. Get the follow-up quests Find Bristlehorn
and Fallen Necropolis.
- Head northwest and fight your way into the necropolis.
Head up a ramp and talk to Longerunner Bristlehorn.
Turn in Find Bristlehorn and get the follow-up
The Doctor and the Lich-Lord.
- Clear your way up the stairs of the necropolis, killing
20 Talramas Scourg along the way.
- On the third floor on the upper level of the necropolis,
enter the side room and kill Doctor Razorgrin.
- On the very top of the necropolis, kill Lich-Lord
- Return to Sage Highmesa and turn in Fallen Necropolis
and The Doctor and the Lich-Lord. Get the follow-up
Return with the Bad News.

- Hearth to Taunka'le Village. Turn in your quests:
- Return with the Bad News
- The Collapse
- The Sub-Chieftains
- Defeat the Gearmaster
- Shrouds of the Scourge and get the follow-up
The Bad Earth
- Ride northeast and pick up 8 Scourged Earth.
- Then, return to Taunka'le Village. Turn in
The Bad Earth and get the flolow-up Blending
- Ride northeast to the Temple City of En'Kilah.
At the entrance, put on the Imbued Scourge Shroud which
will make you invisible to all the monsters in the area
except abominations.
- Ride northeast up the stairs to the Spire of Pain.
Go to the middle of the room and you will get credit for
Spire of Pain Scouted.
- Ride northwest to the Spire of Blood. Head up the
stairs on the outer building and enter the middle of the
room on the second floor and you will get credit for Spire
of Blood Scouted.
- Ride west to the Spire of Decay. Go to the middle
of the room and you will get credit for Spire of Decay
- Ride back to Taunka'le Village. Make sure
to re-equip your normal cloak!

- At Taunka'le Village, turn in Blending In and
get the follow-up Words of Power. Also, get the new
quests: Neutralizing the Cauldrons and A Courageous
- Ride to the Temple City of En'kilah again. Clear
your way up east to the Scourge Cauldron outside.
Use Sage Aeire's Totem next to it.
- Clear your way north to the Spire of Pain. Kill
the two Mystical Webbing to free High Priest Talet-Kha.
Kill him for his scroll.
- Head back down to the ground level of the temple. Clear
your way up to the middle set of stairs while looking for
the Darkfallen Bloodbearer, who patrols up and down
this middle set of stairs. Kill him for the Vial of Fresh
Blood, which starts the quest The Spire of Blood.
- Head into the Spire of Blood's lower floor. Talk
to Snow Tracker Grumm and turn in The Spire of
Blood. Get the follow-up Shatter the Orbs.
- On the ground floor, destroy 5 En'kilah Blood Globe.
- Head out and up the outer stairs to the upper floor.
Kill High Priest Andorath for his scroll.
- Head southwest to another Scourge Cauldron. Use
Sage Aeire's Totem next to it.
- Head northwest to another Scourge Cauldron. Use
Sage Aeire's Totem next to it.
- Head southwest into the Spire of Decay and kill
High Priest Naferset for his scroll.
- Ride back to Taunka'le Village.

- At Taunka'le Village, turn in your quests:
- Shatter the Orbs
- A Courageous Strike
- Neutralizing the Cauldrons
- Words of Power and get the follow-up Breaking
Through (Group)
(Optional) - If, during the rest of your time in the
zone, you find somebody else interested in doing Breaking
Through with you, go back to the Temple City, take
the teleporter, and complete the quest.
- Ride southwest to Kaskala.

- At Kaskala, get the quests:
- Not Without a Fight!
- Preparing for the Worst
- Head southwest and pick up 12 Kvaldir Raiders and
pick up 8 Kaskala Supplies. If you need more, swing
around to east of Kaskala to finish gathering them.
- Return to Kaskala and turn in:
- Not Without a Fight! and get the follow-up
Muahit's Wisdom
- Preparing for the Worst
- Head southeast to the island to Elder Muahit and
turn in Muahit's Wisdom and get the follow-up Spirits
Watch Over Us.
- Head northeast into the sea and look for Iruk,
drowned in the water. Right click him and get Issilruk's
- Then, return to Elder Muahit and turn in Spirits
Watch Over Us and get the follow-up The Tides
- Head south and kill Heigarr the Horrible.
- Then, return to Elder Muahit and turn in The
Tides Turn and get the follow-up Travel to Moa'ki