Horde Borean Tundra Guide Part 3
Level 69

- At Warsong Hold, turn in Foolish Endeavors and
get the follow-up Nork Bloodfrenzy's Charge. Also,
get the new quests, To Bor'gorok Outpost, Quickly! and
Too Close for Comfort.
Outside the keep, turn in Nork Bloodfrenzy's Charge and
get the follow-up Coward Delivery...Under 30 Minutes
or It's Free.
- Ride out the east gate to the Crossroads. Use your
Warsong Flare Gun and your Alliance Deserter will
be picked up.
- Ride back west to Scout Tungok. Turn in Coward
Delivery...Under 30 Minutes or It's Free and get the
follow-up Vermin Extermination.
Also, a bit southwest is Bloodmage Laurith - get
The Wondrous Bloodspore from her.
- Ride southwest and gather 10 Bloodspore Carpel.
Kill the Bloodspores along the way.
- Then, return to Bloodmage Laurith. Turn in
The Wondrous Bloodspore and get the follow-up
Pollen from the Source.
- Kill Bloodspore Moths in the area for 5
Bloodspore Moth Pollen.
- Then, return to Bloodmage Laurith. Turn in
Pollen from the Source and get the follow-up
A Suitable Test Subject.

- At Bloodmage Laurith, use the Pollinated Bloodspore
Flower. This will complete A Suitable Test -
get the follow-up The Invasion of Gammoth. Turn this
quest in immediately to Primal Mighthorn and get
the follow-up Gammothra the Tormentor.
- Ride southwest into the magnataur cave. Clear your way
down the cave - use your Pouch of Crushed Bloodspore
on any Magnataurs on the way to turn them un-elite.
When you reach the bottom of the cave, in a side cavern,
you will find Gammothra the Tormentor. Use the pouch
on her and kill her for the Head of Gammothra.
Then, fight your way back up and out of the cave.
- Outside the cave, follow the path upwards and walk around
the ledge to reach the Massive Glowing Egg. Get the
quest Massive Moth Omelet from it.
- Return to Bloodmage Laurith and Scout Tungok,
making sure to have finished killing 8 Bloodspore Harvester,
5 Bloodspore Firestarter, and 2 Bloodspore Roaster
along the way. Turn in your quests:
- Gammothra the Tormentor and get the follow-up
Trophies of Gammoth
- Massive Moth Omelet?
- Vermin Extermination (to Scout Tungok
a bit northeast.)
- Ride west back to Warsong Hold. Turn in Trophies
of Gammoth and get the follow-up Hellscream's Champion.
- Go to the stables inside the keep (western side)
and talk to the stables master. Get a ride to Taunka'le

- The wolf ride will take you to Taunka'le Village.
Get the Flight Path. Set your Hearthstone
to Taunka'le Village. Turn in Ride to Taunka'le
Village and Hellscream's Champion and get all
the quests in the village:
- Load 'er Up!
- Sage Highmesa is Missing
- Scouting the Sinkholes
- What Are They Up To?
- Ride west to the South Sinkhole. Stand on it and
use the Map of the Geyser Fields.
- Ride north to the Northeast Sinkhole. Stand on
it and use the Map of the Geyser Fields.
- Ride west to the Northwest Sinkhole. Stand on it
and use the Map of the Geyser Fields.
- Ride southwest to the Crashed Recon Pilot. Get
the quest Emergency Supplies from him.
- Ride on the dry strips of land in the pools and search
for Fizzcrank Recon Pilots. Search them for 7
Emergency Toolkits.
- Ride north to Fizzcrank Pumping Station and clear
your way up to the station until you get credit for exploring
the station for What Are They Up To?
- Ride back south to a Wrecked Flying Machine. Use
Jenny's Whistle next to it to summon a mule.
- Mount up and ride back to Taunka'le Village - make
sure to avoid mobs so that your mule does not get hit much.