Horde Borean Tundra Guide Part 4
Level 69

- At Taunka'le Village, turn in your quests:
- Emergency Supplies and get the follow-up The
Power of the Elements
- Load 'er Up!
- Scouting the Sinkholes and get the follow-up
The Heart of the Elements
- What Are They Up To? and get the follow-up
Master the Storm
Head inside the small hut behind the questgiver and click
the Storm Totem. This will summon the Storm
Tempest. Defeat it. Then, outside, turn in Master
the Storm and get the follow-up Weakness to Lightning.
Also, pick up the new quests which open up:
- Cleaning Up the Pools
- Souls of the Decursed
- Ride west to the pool area which has many Steam Ragers.
Use your Windsoul Totem next to the ragers. Pull
the Steam Ragers towards the totem and kill them
when they're next to the totem and Collect 10 Energy.
- Then, return to Taunka'le Village. Turn in
The Power of Elements and get the follow-up Patching
- Ride southeast and kill Marsh Caribous for 5
Uncured Caribou Hide.
- Go further southeast to the shore and kill Frozen Elementals
for 5 Elemental Hearts.
- Return to Taunka'le Village. Turn in Patching
- Ride northwest to Wind Tamer Barah.

- At Wind Tamer Barah, turn in The Heart of the
Elements. Get the follow-up The Horn of Elemental
- Clear your way northeast through the Gorlocs to
Chieftain Gurgleboggle. Kill it for Gurgleboggle's
Key, and use it on Gurgleboggle's Bauble in the
pond nearby for the Lower Horn Half.
- Ride west and find a Steam Vent - steam coming
up from the ground. Stand on it and use your Uncured
Caribou Hide five times to get 5 Cured Caribou Hides.
- Ride northwest to the Fizzcrank Pumping Station.
Clear your way towards the main station since there are
many mechagnomes and robots on it. In the area, you'll need
- Kill 15 Robots after using the Sage's Lightning
Rod on them
- Kill Fizzcrank Mechagnomes then use The
Greatmother's Soulcatcher on 10 Corpses
- Collect 15 Fizzcrank Spare Parts lying around
- Ride south to another gorloc camp. Kill Chieftain Burblegobble
for Burblegobble's Key, and use it on Burblegobble's
Bauble in the pond nearby for the Upper Horn Part.
- Return to Taunka'le Village. Turn in your quests:
- Cleaning Up the Pools
- Patching Up
- Souls of the Decursed and get the follow-up
Defeat the Gearmaster
- Weakness to Lightning and get the follow-up
The Sub-Chieftains
- Head northwest to Wind Tamer Barah.

- At Wind Tamer Barah, turn in The Horn of Elemental
Fury. Wait for her to complete her ritual and then get
the follow-up The Collapse.
- Ride southwest to the Southern Sinkhole. Use the
Horn of Elemental Fury while standing on the sinkhole
to summon Lord Kryxix. Kill him.
- Ride northwest to the South Point Station Valve.
Click it, then kill The Grinder.
- Ride northwest to the West Point Station Valve.
Click it, then kill Twonky.
- Ride east to the North Point Station Valve. Click
it, then kill ED-210.
- Follow the pipe southwest and click the Mid Point
Station Valve. Click it, then kill Max Blasto.
- Then, fight your way the top of the Fizzcrank Pumping
Station. Inside the cabin at the top, loot the Gearmaster's
Manual to spawn Gearmaster Mechazod. Kill
him and loot Mechazod's Head.
- Ride east to Sage Highmesa.