Horde Borean Tundra Guide Part 2
Level 68

- After arriving at Garrosh's Landing, turn in your
- Escaping the Mist
- Horn of the Ancient Mariner and get the follow-up
Orabus the Helmsman
- Into the Mist and get the follow-up Burn
in Effigy
- Mobu Pneumatic Tank Transjigamarig
- Super Strong Metal Plates! and get the follow-up
Tanks a lot...
- Tanks a lot... and get the follow-up The
Plains of Nasam
- Ride northwest to the ships The Kur Drakkar and
The Serpent's Maw. Use your Tuskarr Torch next
to the ships to burn them.
- Ride southeast and burn the Bor's Hammer.
- Ride west to the end of the Warsong Jetty and use
the Horn of the Ancient Mariner. Fight through the
waves of crewmen who jump off the ship, then kill Orabus.
- Ride south to Bor's Anvil and burn the ship.
- Then, return to Garrosh's Landing.

- At Garrosh's Landing, turn in Burn in Effigy
and Orabus the Helmsman. Get the follow-up Seek
Out Karuk!
Then, enter one of the Horde Siege Tanks by right
clicking it. You will enter the vehicle and gain five abilities:
- Ability 1: The Demoralizer - you can
adjust your aim with the up and down setting to shoot
a projectile farther or closer.
- Ability 2: Land Mine Barrier - use
this ability when there are many monsters next to you.
- Ability 3: Meatpounder - a simple melee
range attack. Use when there aren't many monsters.
- Ability 4: Meatsaw - this is a channeled
frontal attack which grinds up all monsters in front
of you.
- Ability 5: Rescue - when you're next
to an Injured Warsong Soldier, use the ability
to rescue it. You'll need to rescue 3 of them.
- Also, whenever you drive over an Oil Drum,
you will Restore Mana.
The fastest way to complete this objective is to drive
right into an area with a lot of Scourge Minions.
Use Meatsaw (Ability 4) when you've gathered
up a lot of them to kill a lot all at once. When Meatsaw
is down, drive into another area with a lot of Scourge
Minions and use Land Mine Barrier (Ability 2)
to kill all the minions around your tank. Repeat gathering
a lot of minions and alternating the cooldowns of Meatsaw
and Land Mine Barrier until you've killed 100
Scourge Minions.
Also, make sure to have gained credit for "Scourge
Leader Identified" which you will get when you
drive near the Image of Kel'Thuzad in the center
of the field. Finally, make sure you've rescued 3 Injued
Warsong Soldier.
- Once done, ride southeast to Karuk.

- At Karuk, turn in Seek Out Karuk! and get
the follow-up Karuk's Oath.
- Clear your way through the Skadir to the Captured
Tuskarr Prisoner. Kill the naga and the prisoner will
give you the quest Cruelty of the Kvaldir. Also,
finish killing 6 Skadir Raider and 5 Skadir Longboatsman.
- Then, return to Karuk. Turn in Cruelty of
the Kvaldir and Karuk's Oath and get the
follow-up Gamel the Cruel.
- Go south into the cave and kill Gamel the Cruel.
- Then, return to Karuk. Turn in Gamel the
Cruel and get the follow-up A Father's Words.
- Ride southwest to Veehja. Turn in A Father's
Words and get the follow-up The Trident of Naz'jan.
- Swim southeast. Head to small passageway between the two
islands and climb up from there. Head down the corridor
east and up the stairs and kill Ragnar Drakkarlund and
loot the Trident of Naz'jan.
- Swim back to Veehja and turn in The Trident
of Naz'jan and get the follow-up The Emissary.
- Swim just north of the east island and dive down. Use
the Trident of Naz'jan on Leviroth, then kill
- Finally, return to Karuk (not the Naga) and
turn in The Emissary.

- Hearth to Warsong Hold.
- Ride out west to the Warsong Farms Outpost. Turn
in Reinforcements Incoming and get the quests:
- The Warsong Farms
- Merciful Freedom
- Damned Filthy Swine
During the next steps, clear Unliving Swine, Warsong
Aberrations, and En'kilah Necrolords on the
way to kill 10 Unliving Swine and gather 5 Scourge
Cage Keys and free 5 Prisoners.
- Clear your way southwest to the Warsong Granary
and scout it.
- Clear your way to Torp's Farm and scout it.
- Clear your way to the Warsong Slaughterhouse and
scout it.
- Return to Warsong Farms Outpost.

- At the Warsong Farms Outpost, turn in the three
- The Warsong Farms and get the follow-up Get
to Getry
- Merciful Freedom
- Damned Filthy Swine and get the follow-up Bring
'em Back Alive
- Ride west and find an Infected Kodo Beast. Use
Torp's Kodo Snaffle on it, then Sprint (Ability
1) back and Deliver the Kodo (Ability 2).
Deliver 8 Kodos back.
- Ride northwest to Shadowstalker Getry at the top
of the tower. Turn in Get to Getry and get the follow-up
Foolish Endeavors. Follow him to the field and Saurfang
will come help - give him a lot of time to get aggro,
then help out.
- Ride back to Warsong Hold.