Alliance Duskwood Guide Part 4
Level 29
Fly to Stormwind.

- Turn in Cleansing the Eye at the Cathedral.
Also, inside, accept The Missing Diplomat, the
start of a long and experience-heavy chain spanning several
levels, from Thomas the Altar Boy.
- Turn in Blessed Arm at Grimand Elmore and
get the follow-up Armed and Ready.
- Head to Stormwind Keep to Bishop DeLavey.
Turn in The Missing Diplomat and get the next series
in the chain.
- Go to Jorgen and turn in The Missing Diplomat
and get the next series in the chain.
- Go to Elling Trias and turn in The Missing
Diplomat and get the next series in the chain.
Once done, Fly to Darkshire.
Set your Hearthstone to Darkshire.

- Take the path up west from Darkshire again and kill 12
Nightbane Dark Runners.
- Return to Darkshire and turn in Worgen in the Woods
and get the follow-up, Worgen in the Woods.

- Turn in The Missing Diplomat to Watcher Brackus
on the path northeast of Darkshire and get the follow-up
The Missing Diplomat.
- Go southwest to the Ogre Mound. Get Abercrombie's
Crate right outside the cave.
- Go to the end of the cave and kill Zzarc'Vul to
receive the Ogre Monocle.
- Get out of the ogre mound and head west to get the
Defias Docket inside the eastern house.
- Go to Abercrombie. Complete Ogre Thieves and
get the Note to the Mayor follow-up.
- Go to Sven. Complete Armed and Ready and
get the follow-up Morbent Fel.
- Hearth to Darkshire. Turn in:
- Note to the Mayor. Complete the small follow-up
series worth much experience and get the follow-up Bride
of the Embalmer.
- Look to the Stars
- Head northeast to Watcher Brackus and turn in The
Missing Diplomat and get the next step in the series
of The Missing Diplomat.

Its time to do the big four quests in Duskwood! Start looking
for a partner for Mor'Ladim. If you get another person
interested, then go kill Mor'ladim who wanders around in the
Raven Hill Cemetery - otherwise, its okay to abandon the quest
at the end of all the Duskwood quests.
- Go kill Stalvan. He is a fairly tough melee mob,
attacking quickly - stuns and staying at range help.
- Go to the northwest, towards Abercrombie. Go to Eliza's
Grave Dirt and open it. Eliza will spawn - she's a spellcaster,
so interrupt her and quickly kill her since she has low
HP. A guard will spawn soon after she spawns - kill it after
finishing off Eliza.
- Equip Morbent's Bane. Use it on Morbent Fel
and when his protective shield is off, he is a weak spellcaster.
Kill him.
- Turn in Morbent Fel to Sven.
- Optional: If you found a partner to group with, kill
Mor'Ladim in Raven Hill Cemetery.
- Go back along the south road to the far east and kill
8 Nightbane Vile Fang and 8 Nightbane Tainted Ones.
- Go back to Darkshire and turn in the final quests in Duskwood:
- Bride of the Embalmer
- Worgen in the Woods
- The Legend of Stalvan
- Mor'ladim (Abandon it if incomplete)

Fly to Stormwind. Train your skills.
- Go to Elling Trias and turn in The Missing Diplomat
and get the next step
- Speak to Dashel Stonefist and get ready to fight
him and his thugs. Focus on Dashel first since when he gives
up, his thugs stop as well. Get the next step in The
Missing Diplomat.
- Go to the Stormwind Library and turn in An
Old History Book if you have it - its a quest received
from a random item drop from any monster in Duskwood, hopefully
you got lucky enough to get one. Get the follow-up Southshore.
If you don't have this quest, don't worry about it, just
ignore the reference for this quest later.
- Return to Elling Trias and get the next step in
The Missing Diplomat.
Optional: Now's the time to do The Stockades if you
can! If you have a group or someone willing to run you
through it, pick up Quell the Uprising and The Color
of Blood in Stormwind. If you don't go to The Stockades,
abandon A Grim Task, Crime and Punishment,
What Comes Around..., and The Stockade Riots.