Alliance Duskwood Guide Part 3
Level 26

- Go to Western Stormwind by the Canals and get the
next step in The Legend of Stalvan.
While here, also train your skills.
- Fly to Lakeshire, Redridge Mountains. Head
west into Elwynn Forest.

- Go to the Eastvale Logging Camp and talk to Marshal
Haggard. Go look through the chest upstairs inside his
house for the Faded Journal Page, then talk to him
again for the next step in The Legend of Stalvan.
- Head to the Tower of Azora and turn in Theocritus'
Hearth to Darkshire and turn in:
- Gather Rot Blossoms and get the follow-up Juice
- Look To The Stars and get the follow-up Look To The
- The Shadowy Figure (by speaking with many citizens
around Darkshire) and get the follow-up Finding the Shadowy
- The Night Watch and get the follow-up The Night
- The Legend of Stalvan and complete all the follow-up
quests, ending up with the final part of The Legend of

- Head west out of Darkshire - on the cliffside west of
it, there's spots where you can head up. Take it and head
up and kill 6 Nightbane Shadow Weavers. Be careful
at the Nightbane's large aggro range and make sure to clear
a path to each Shadow Weaver even if you have to plow through
many Nightbane in order to do so.
- Head northwest to Abercrombie. Turn in Juice
Delivery and get the follow-up Ghoulish Effigy.
- Head southwest to Jitters and turn in Finding
the Shadowy Figure and get the follow-up Return to
- Return to Sven and get the follow-up Proving
Your Worth.
- At the northwest mausoleum in the cemetery, kill 15
Skeletal Raiders, 3 Skeletal Healers, and 3 Skeletal Warders.
- At the northeast mausoleum in the cemetery, kill 20
Plague Spreaders and finish collecting 7 Ghoul Ribs
and 10 Ghoul Fangs.
- Head northeast to Abercrombie and turn in Ghoulish
Effigy, and get the follow-up Ogre Thieves.
- Go west and take the quest The Weathered Grave at
the Weathered Grave.
- Head to Sven and turn in Proving Your Worth
and pick up the follow-up Seeking Wisdom.
- Hearth to Darkshire. Turn in:
- The Totem of Infliction
- Worgen in the Woods, and get the follow-up Worgen
in the Woods
- The Night Watch
- The Weathered Grave, and get the follow-up Morgan
Ladimore, turn that in and get the follow-up Mor'ladim