Alliance Wetlands Guide Part 3
Level 27
Turn in Seeking Wisdom to Bishop Farthing in
the Cathedral Square in Stormwind and get the follow-up
The Doomed Fleet.
Then, fly to Menethil Harbor, Wetlands.
Set your Hearthstone to Menethil

- Talk to Glorin Steelbrow and turn in The Doomed
Fleet. Get the follow-up, Lightforge Iron. Also,
get Fall of Dun Modr from collapsed dwarf at Menethil
- Go to the Waterlogged Chest to get the next part
of the quest, The Lost Ingots, then kill the surrounding
Murlocs for 4 more Ingots.
- Head back to Glorin and turn the quest in to get
the follow-up Blessed Arm.
- Head northeast out of Menethil Harbor and hit the Murloc
huts one by one. The first one is a Damaged Crate.
- North of that is a Sealed Barrel.
- Even more north off that is a Half-buried Barrel where
you will find the statuette and get the quest Return
the Statuette.
- Head further north from there and go to The Lost Fleet.
Kill the 13 Cursed Sailors and 5 Cursed Marines
and collect the Snuffbox from Snellig on the
bottom of the ship closest to shore.
- Hearth to Menethil Harbor (or walk if it isn't
up.) Turn in:
- Return the Statuette
- The Cursed Crew and get the follow-up Lifting
the Curse