Horde Ghostlands Guide Part 4
Level 18-19

- At the Farstrider Enclave, turn in your quests:
- Assault on Zeb'Nowa
- Shadowpine Weaponry
- A Little Dash of Seasoning
- Bring Me Kel'gash's Head! (or abandon the
quest if you weren't able to do it)
- Head southwest to Magister Sylastor and turn in
Deactivate An'owyn.
- Head southwest and head to the Sanctum of the Sun and
turn in:
- The Sanctum of the Sun
- The Twin Ziggurats
- Underlight Ore Samples
Get the follow-up quests:
- War on Deatholme
- The Traitor's Destruction
- Head southwest to Apprentice Vor'el and get Clearing
the Way.
- Clear your way southwest and kill 10 Greater Spindleweb
and 10 Ghostclaw Ravager along the way.
- Reach Deatholme and kill 5 Eye of Dar'Khan,
6 Nerubis Centurion, and 6 Wailer.
- When done, return to the Sanctum of the Sun and
turn in War on Deatholme. Get the follow-ups Dar'Khan's
Lieutenants and A Restorative Draught.
- Then, head northwest to Tranquillien.

- At Tranquilien, turn in your quests:
- Troll Juju
- Investigate the Amani Catacombs
- A Restorative Draught
Get the new quests:
- Rotting Herats
- Spinal Dust
- Captives at Deatholme
Then, head south to Deatholme. Through the next
steps, kill your way through the locations (they are all
inside the buildings) and gather 10 Rotting Hearts
and 10 Spinal Dust.
- The first stop is just west of the entrance - rescue Apothecary
Enith. Also, kill Jurion.
- Head south for a possible spawn location of Masophet.
- Head east and rescue Ranger Vedoran. Also, Borgoth
may be here - if he is, then kill him.
- Head east for a possible spawn location of Masophet
(you can skip this step if you killed Masophet in step
- Head northeast and rescue Apprentice Varnis. Borgoth
may be here as well - if he is, then kill him.
- Head northwest and kill Mirdoran.
- If you have a group with you, kill Dark'han,
Knucklerot, and Luzran as well - if you
don't have one, just abandon those quests.
- Before you leave, finish gathering 10 Rotting Hearts
and 10 Spinal Dust which drop mainly from
the undead just north of Deatholme in The Dead Scar
- Head northeast to the Sanctum of the Sun. Turn
in Captives at Deatholme and Dar'Khan's Lieutenants.
- Finally, Hearth to Tranquillien. Turn in Rotting
Hearts and Spinal Dust.
With all the Ghostlands quests out of the way, you should
comfortably be at least level 20.
Important Note: If you are not yet level 20, then
grind Ghostlands monsters until you are - this is important
because mounts are, as of Patch 3.2, available at level 20.
Fly to Silvermoon City and train your skills.