Horde Ghostlands Guide Part 2
Level 14-15

- At The Farstrider Enclave, Turn in Bearers of
the Plague and get the follow-up Curbing the Plague.
- Head northwest to Ranger Valanna and turn in Help
Ranger Valanna! Get the follow-up Dealing with Zeb'Sora.
- Swim east to Zeb'Sora and kill trolls for 6
Zeb'Sora Troll Ears.
- Then, return to Ranger Valanna.

- At Ranger Valanna, turn in Dealing with Zeb'Sora
and get the follow-up Return to Captain Helios.
- Return to The Farstrider Enclave. Turn in Return
to Captain Helios. Get the new quests:
- Attack on Zeb'Tela
- Shadowpine Weaponry
- The Traitor's Shadow
- Head north to the small island and talk to Geranis
Whitemorn to get Forgotten Rituals.
- In the water around the island, kill 8 Ravening
Apparition and 8 Vengeful Apparition, and
gather 8 Wavefront Medallion in the mud piles
on the sea floor.
- Then, return to Geranis Whitemorn and turn
in Forgotten Rituals. Get the follow-up Vanquishing
- Swim north to the Altar of Tidal Mastery and use
your Bundle of Medallions. Kill Aquantion.
- Then, return to Geranis Whitemorn and turn
in Vanquishing Aquantion.
- Swim southeast to the Dawnstar Spire. Head up the
spire to the second floor. Go to the Dusty Journal
and use it to complete The Traitor's Shadow. Get
the follow-up Hints of the Past.
- Return to Farstrider Enclave.

- At Farstrider Enclave, turn in your quests:
- Spirits of the Drowned
- Hints of the Past and get the follow-up Report
to Magister Kaendris.
- Head to the Sanctum of the Sun and turn in Report
to Magister Kaendris. Get the follow-up The Twin
- Return to Tranquillien.

- After returning to Tranquillien, get the quests
in town:
- Spinal Dust
- Rotting Hearts
- Retaking Windrunner Spire
- Head northwest to the coast and kill undead Grimscale
Murlocs for 6 Plagued Murloc Spines while heading
- Swim southwest to Shalandris Isle. Look around
the island (inside the tents, as well as on the boat)
for the Night Elf Plans: An'daroth, An'owyn, and
Scrying on the Sin'dorei.
- Head southeast to Windrunner Village. Kill Phantasmal
Seekers and Stonewing Slayers for 6 Phantasmal
Substance and 4 Gargoyle Fragments.
- Head south to Windrnuner Spire. Kill 8 Deatholme
Acolytes and 10 Fallen Rangers. You should also
get the random drop, The Lady's Necklace from one
of the mobs, which starts a quest.
- Head northeast and kill 10 Vampiric Mistbat and
8 Spindleweb Lurker. Also, get 5 Crunchy Spider
Leg from the spiders.
- Make your way to Apprentice Shatharia and get the
quest Underlight Ore Samples from her.
- Head southwest and around and kill the gnolls; note that
many are in groups. To be safer, aim for the ones which
patrol solo or are standing alone. You can fulfill the numbers
without entering the actual cave. Kill 8 Blackpaw Gnoll,
6 Blackpaw Scavenger, and 4 Blackpaw Shaman. Also, collect
6 Underlight Ore.
- Head east to the Bleeding Ziggurat. Be careful
since its a narrow enclosed space and not to accidently
aggro the mobs inside. Clear the room, then get the Stone
of Light inside the Ziggurat.
- Head east to the Howling Ziggurat and do the same
thing to get the Stone of Flame.
- Return to Tranquillien.