Horde Ghostlands Guide Part 3
Level 16-17

- After returning to Tranquillien, turn in your quests:
- The Plagued Coast
- Culinary Crunch
- Into Occupied Territory
- Trouble at the Underlight Mines
- Windrunner Village
- The Lady's Necklace
- Retaking Windrunner Spire
Get the new quests:
- Deliver the Plans to An'telas
- Journey to the Undercity
- The Sanctum of the Sun
Additionally, at this point, you will have comfortably
hit level 16. Fly to Silvermoon City and train
your skills. Then, Hearth back to Tranquillien.
- Head northeast and kill your way into the Amani Catacombs.
Inside the catacombs, clear your way through the tomb. Along
the way, in a side room, you'll find Ranger Lilatha.
Get her escort quest, Escape from the Catacombs and
escort her out.
Along the way, make sure you finish collecting 8 Troll
Juju and Burn 10 Mummified Troll Remains.
- Finish the escort to end up at Farstrider Enclave.
Turn in Escape from the Catacombs and Curbing
the Plague. Get all the quests here you may have missed
earlier, as well as A Little Dash of Seasoning.
- Head southeast to Zeb'Tela. Kill 8 Shadowpine
Headhunters and 8 Shadowpine Shadowcasters and
gather 3 Headhunter Axe and 3 Shadowcaster Mace
which only drop from the above mobs.
- Then, return to Farstrider Enclave.

- At Farstrider Enclave, turn in Attack on Zeb'Tela
and get the follow-up Assault on Zeb'Nowa.
- Head north to Magister Sylastor. Turn in
Deliver the Plans to An'telas. Get the follow-up
Deactivate An'owyn.
During the next steps as you visit the troll villages and
poison their food, make sure to kill 10 Shadowpine Catlord
and 10 Shadowpine Hexxer along the way, as well
as getting 3 Catlord Claws and 3 Hexxer Staves
off them. There's no need to stay in one area and finish
it all, just kill them along the way and focus on poisoning
the food.
- Head south to the troll villages. At the first village,
go into a hut and poison the Fresh Fish Rack.
- Poison the Raw Meat Rack, outside.
- Poison the Smoked Meat Rack, outside.
- Further south is Kel'gash - he is an elite and
is a rough solo fight, but give it a shot and blow your
cooldowns / potions on him. For some classes, it will be
close, but its doable.
- Head northwest to An'owyn and clear the camp. The
Crystal Controlling Orb is a random drop from a Sentinel
Infiltrator. Once you get one, use it by the Night
Elf Moon Crystal to deactivate it.
- Then, return to Farstrider Enclave.