Alliance Borean Tundra Guide Part 5
Level 72

- Take the flight back to Amber Ledge, then fly to Fizzcrank
Airship. Turn in your quests:
- Back to the Airstrip
- The Gearmaster
- Head northwest to Winterfin Reteat. Turn in King
Mrgl-Mrgl and get the follow-up Learning to Communicate.
- Dive southwest and find Scalder. Kill him and use
the King's Empty Conch on its corpse.
- Then, return to Winterfin Retreat and turn in Learning
to Communicate and get the follow-up Winterfin Commerce.
- Swim southwest to the murlocs and search for Winterfin
Clams. They are small objects scattered on the ground
all around the camp.
- Then, return to Winterfin Retreat and turn in Winterfin
Commerce. Get the new quests:
- Oh Noes, the Tadpoles!
- Them!
- Swim back to Winterfin Village. Open cages to Free
Murloc Tadpoles and kill murlocs all throughout the
next steps.
Head into the cave at the back of the village.
At the entrance of the cave, Use
the Arcanometer to get a reading.
Don't get the escort quest (Escape from the Winterfin
Caverns) from Lurgglbr yet. Get the quest Keymaster
Urmgrgl from Glrglrglr. Head into the cave a
bit to find Keymaster Urmgrgl and kill him for his
key, then return to Glrglrglr and turn in Keymaster
Now take the Escape from the Winterfin Caverns escort
quest and escort Lurgglbr out of the cave. Finish
killing 15 Winterfin Murlocs and freeing 20 Murloc
- Return to Winterfin Retreat and turn in the quests:
- Oh Noes, the Tadpoles! and get the follow-up
I'm Being Blackmailed By My Cleaner. Then, turn
that in on the northern side of the island.
- Escape from the Winterfin Caverns
- Them!
Get the new quests:
- Grmmurggll Mrllggrl Glrggl!!!
- Succulent Orca Stew

- Head northwest and kill orcas for 7 Succulent Orca
Blubber. Hunt down Glrggl who swims around the
big iceberg for Glrrgl's Head.
- Return to Winterfin Retreat and turn in:
- Grmmurggll Mrllggrl Glrggl!!! and get the follow-up
The Spare Suit. Turn that in and get the follow-up
Surrender... Not!
- Succulent Orca Stew
- Put on King Mrgl-Mrgl's Spare Suit and swim southwest
to Winterfin Village. Head all the way to the end
of the cave through the murlocs as they are now friendly
to you. Kill Claximus for the Claw of Claximus.
Put the suit back on, try out the /dance emote by claximus
and take a nice screenshot, then exit the cave.
- Return to Winterfin Retreat and turn in Surrender...Not!
Once done:
- Ride back to Fizzcrank Airstrip.
- Take the flight to Amber Ledge and turn in
Monitoring the Rift: Winterfin Cavern.

- Ride far southeast to Kaskala. Turn in Cowards
and Fools and get all the quests
- The Son of Karkut
- Not Without a Fight!
- Preparing for the Worst
- Head southwest and pick up 12 Kvaldir Raiders and
pick up 8 Kaskala Supplies. If you need more, swing
around to east of Kaskala to finish gathering them.
- Return to Kaskala and turn in:
- Not Without a Fight! and get the follow-up
Muahit's Wisdom
- Preparing for the Worst
- Head southeast to the island to Elder Muahit and
turn in Muahit's Wisdom and get the follow-up Spirits
Watch Over Us.
- Head northeast into the sea and look for Iruk,
drowned in the water. Right click him and get Issilruk's
- Then, return to Elder Muahit and turn in Spirits
Watch Over Us and get the follow-up The Tides
- Head south and kill Heigarr the Horrible.
- Then, return to Elder Muahit and turn in The
Tides Turn.

- Head east to Unu'pe and Get the Flight Path.
- Ride northeast to Death's Stand and turn in The
Son of Karkut and get the follow-up Surrounded!
- Head northwest and kill Rocknar and loot A Handful
of Rocknar's Grit.
- Head east to the Ziggurat. Kill 7 Ziggurat Defenders.
Inside the ziggurat, get Finding the Phylactery from
- Return to Death's Stand and turn in Surrounded!
and get the follow-up Thassarian, the Death Knight
(Note: DON'T get The Lost Courier).
Then, go to Dusk, the black horse, and mount it.
Dusk brings you to a small pool. Fight off the mobs in the
water and click the Frozen Phylactery to spawn the
guardian. Kill it and loot Tanathal's Phylactery.
- Return to Thassarian.

- At Thassarian, turn in:
- Thassarian, the Death Knight
- Finding the Phylactery and get the follow-up
Buying Some Time
- Ride northeast to the Temple City of En'kilah and
kill 20 Undead. Use Lurid's Bone to help you
kill faster.
- Return to Thassarian and turn in Buying Some
Time and get the follow-up Words of Power.
- Go back to the temple. Head up the east stairs to the
Spire of Pain and kill High Priest Talet-Kha for
his scroll.
- Go northwest to the Spire of Blood - head up the
side stairs to get to the second floor and kill High
Priest Andorath for his scroll.
- Head west to the Spire of Decay and kill High
Priest Naferset for his scroll.
- Return to Thassarian and turn in Words of Power
and get the follow-up Last Rites (Group).
- Optional: (Group) Try to find 1 or 2
more people to do Last Rites with you - a 2 person group
is fine if you have a healer and a tank; otherwise,
take 3. Enter the undead city again and enter the blue
glow to go up. When you appear in the upper area, head
directly above you to take the next blue teleporter
Talk to Thassarian to fight Prince Valanaar.
Note that the prince has an ability called Soul Deflection
in which he channels a purple beam to all party
members. Stop attacking when he does so, because all
damage done on him is reflected to you while he channels.
When done killing him, turn in Last Rites.

- Ride northwest to the southern sinkhole. Use the Shake-n-Quake
5000 Control Unit at the sinkhole to summon Lord
Kryxix - then, kill it.

- Hearth to Fizzcrank Airstrip. Turn in Just
A Few More Things... and Deploy the Shake-n-Quake.
Get the follow-up Hah... You're Not So Big Now!
- Head north to Magmoth and use Crafty's Blaster
on 5 Magmoth Crushers / Mates of Magmothegrar,
then kill them.
- Then, return to Fizzcrank Airstrip and turn
in Hah... You're Not So Big Now! and get the
follow-up Plan B.
- Head southwest to Steeljaw's Caravan and loot 10
Warsong Outfit from the dead horde scattered around
the area, as well as the Warsong Banner.
- Then, return to Fizzcrank Airstrip and turn
in Plan B and get the follow-up It Was the
Orcs, Honest!
- Head north to Magmoth. Wear the Warsong Orc
Disguise. Then, jump down into the pool of water and
kill Magmothregar. Make sure you're wearing the disguise,
then plant the Warsong Banner into his corpse.
Then, look to the south wall for Bonker Togglevolt -
you will find him through the exclamation mark on the
radar. (If not, he's currently being escorted by someone
else, just wait for him to reappear later.) Talk to
him to get the escort quest Get Me Outa Here!
Escort him out of the cave.
- Return to Fizzcrank Airstrip and turn in It
Was the Orcs, Honest!
That concludes the Borean Tundra. Fly to Valiance Keep,
then sail to Stormwind. Train your skills.
From Stormwind, fly to Menethil Harbor and
take the boat on the northern dock to go back to Valgarde
Fly to Westguard Keep in the Howling Fjord
and get Of Traitors and Treason (Note: if you have
The Lost Courier in your quest log, you must abandon
that first before you can get the quest). Then, talk to
the Gryphon Master and turn in Of Traitors and Treason
and get the follow-up High Commander Halford Wyrmbane.
You will then fly off to Wintergarde Keep, Dragonblight.