Alliance Borean Tundra Guide Part 3
Level 72

- Talk to the Flight Master and choose the option to fly
to the search for Bixie. You will get flown straight to
Bixie Wrenchshanker. Turn in Check in With Bixie
and get the follow-up Oh Great... Plagued Magnataur!
- Head east and kill 10 Plagued Magnataurs.
- Then, return to Bixie and turn in Oh Great...
Plagued Magnataur! and get the follow-up There's
Something Going On In Those Caves.
- Head north into the cave and use Bixie's Inhibiting
Powder next to a Plague Cauldron.
- Then, return to Bixie and turn in There's
Something Going On In Those Caves and get the follow-ups:
- Rats, Tinky Went into the Necropolis!
- Might As Well Wipe Out the Scourge
- Head northwest and fight your way into the necropolis.
On the ground floor, talk to Tinky Wickwhistle and
turn in Rats, Tinky Went into the Necropolis! and
get the follow-up I'm Stuck in this Damned Cage... But
Not for Long!
- Head up the stairs and kill Festering Ghouls on
the way for an Engine-Core Crystal.
- On the third floor on the upper level of the necropolis,
enter the side room and kill Doctor Razorgrin for
the Magical Gyroscope.
- On the very top of the necropolis, kill Lich-Lord
Chillwinter for the Piloting Scourgestone.
Return to Tinky and turn in I'm Stuck in this
Damned Cage... But Not for Long! and get the follow-up
Let Bixie Know. Make sure to finish killing 20
Talramas Scourge on the way out.
- Return to Bixie and turn in:
- Might As Well Wipe Out the Scourge
- Let Bixie Know and get the follow-up Back
to the Airstrip
- Hearth to Fizzcrank Airstrip. Turn in Back to
the Airstrip.

- Fly to Valiance Keep.
- Head north and on a plateau at the hill to Karen "I
Don't Caribou" the Culler and kill her. Though a group
quest, this is easily soloable.
- Head southeast to Hierophant Liandra. Turn in The
Abandoned Reach and get the follow-up Not On Our
- Head southeast and kill the Northea Thugs and loot
the objects on the ground to collect 12 Shipment of Animal
- Return to Hierophant Liandra and turn in Not
On Our Watch. Get the follow-up The Nefarious Clam
- Ride southeast to the shore and dive into the water to
the sunken ship. Kill Clam Master K. On the bottom
of the ship, you'll find a Wine Crate - loot the
Kul'Tiras Wine from it.
- Swim to Valiance Keep and at the inn, turn in In
Wine, Truth and get the follow-up A Deserter.
- At the barracks, downstairs in the jail, turn in A
Deserter and get the follow-up Cowards and Fools.

- Ride west out of Valiance Keep and southwest down
to Karuk. Turn in A Diplomatic Mission and
get the follow-up Karuk's Oath.
- Head west and kill 6 Skadir and 5 Skadir Longboatsman
on the way to the Captured Tuskarr Prisoner.
Kill the naga and talk to the prisoner to get Cruelty
of the Kvaldir.
- Then, ride back to Karuk and turn in the quests:
- Karuk's Oath and get the follow-up Gamel
the Cruel
- Cruelty of the Kvaldir
- Head south and enter the cave and kill Gamel the Cruel.
- Then, return to Karuk and turn in Gamel the
Cruel and get the follow-up A Father's Words.
- Head to the southwesternmost part of land and talk to
Veehja and turn in A Father's Words and get
the follow-up The Trident of Naz'jan.
- Swim southeast. Head to small passageway between the two
islands and climb up from there. Head down the corridor
east and up the stairs and kill Ragnar Drakkarlund and
loot the Trident of Naz'jan.
- Return to Veehja and turn in The Trident of
Naz'jan and get the follow-up The Emissary.
- Head to just north of the east island and dive down. Use
the Trident of Naz'jan on Leviroth, then kill
- Return to Karuk and turn in The Emissary.

- Ride north to the D.E.H.T.A Encampment. Turn in
your quests:
- Kaw the Mammoth Destroyer
- The Culler Cometh
- The Nefarious Clam Master...
and get the follow-up The Assassination of Harold
Lane (Group).
- Try to find someone to join you to kill Harold Lane,
who is northwest of Lake Kum'uya. Use the Cenarion
Horn on him to cause a stampede to trample over him.
(If you don't have a groupmate, keep searching and get
back to this quest later.)
- Return to the D.E.H.T.A Encampment and turn in
The Assassination of Harold Lane.
- Head northwest to the entrance of the Coldrock Quarry
and get the quests from Elder Atkanok:
- The Honored Ancestors
- Reclaiming the Quarry
Enter the quarry and kill Beryl Treasure Hunters while
visiting the elders (small stone statues on the ground).
- Head northwest to under the east platform and identify
Elder Sagni.
- Head north to under the north platform and identify Elder
- Head west to under the west platform and identify Elder
- Return to Elder Atkanok and turn in The Honored
Ancestors and get the follow-up The Lost Spirits.

- Head into the quarry again and kill Beryl Hounds for
6 Core of Malice. Use the cores on 3 Kaskala Craftsmen
and 3 Kaskala Shaman. Also, finish killing 12 Beryl
Treasure Hunter.
- Return to Elder Atkanok and turn in:
- The Lost Spirits and get the follow-up Picking
Up the Pieces
- Reclaiming the Quarry and get the follow-up
Hampering Their Escape
- Head into the quarry and kill Beryl Reclaimers for
3 Gnomish Grenade. Gather 6 Tuskarr Ritual Object
scattered throughout the quarry during the next couple
Then, climb up the hill near the Eastern Platform and
use the Gnomish Grenade. (If it says "Too far
away", then look around for a climbable hill closer. Throw
it from there.)
- From the top of the hill, throw the Gnomish Grenade
to destroy the Western Platform.
- Use the Gnomish Grenade under the Northern Platform
to destroy it.
- Return to Elder Atkanok and turn in:
- Picking Up the Pieces and get the follow-up
Leading the Ancestors Home
- Hampering Their Escape and get the follow-up
A Visit to the Curator

- Just like earlier, we're going to visit the 3 Elders again.
First, use the Tuskarr Ritual Object inside your
backpack when standing next to Elder Sagni.
- Use the Tuskarr Ritual Object next to Elder
- Use the Tuskarr Ritual Object next to Elder
- Head around northwest out of the quarry and onto the platform
to kill Curator Insivius.
- Return to Elder Atkanok and turn in the quests:
- Leading the Ancestors Home
- A Visit to the Curator
- Ride to Amber Ledge.

- Get the Flight Path at Amber Ledge. Also, turn
in Nick of Time. Get the quests:
- Prison Break
- Monitoring the Rift: Cleftcliff Anomaly
- Head southwest and kill Beryl Mage Hunters until
you get a Beryl Prison Key. Use the key to unlock
an Arcane Prison.
- Head south down the slope and swim west to the anomaly.
Use the Arcanometer when standing on the glowing
purple anomaly.
- Return to Amber Ledge and turn in:
- Prison Break and get the follow-up Abduction
- Monitoring the Rift: Cleftcliff Anomaly and
get the follow-up Monitoring the Rift: Sundered Chasm

- Head south and damage a Beryl Sorcerer to low health,
then use the Arcane Binder to capture it.
- Head down the path south, then swim north and dive. Use
the Arcanometer at the glowing purple anomaly.
- Return to Amber Ledge the way you came. Turn in:
- Abduction and get the follow-up The Borean
- Monitoring the Rift: Sundered Chasm and get
the follow-up Monitoring the Rift: Winterfin Cavern
Enter the tower and head up and turn in The Borean
Inquisition and get the follow-up The Art of Persuasion.
Target the Imprisoned Beryl Sorcerer and use the
Neural Needler on him to torture him several times
until he speaks. Once he does, turn in The Art of Persuasion
and get the follow-up Sharing Intelligence.
Outside, turn that in and get the follow-up A Race
Against Time.
- Head south and kill Inquisitor Salrand. Loot Salrand's
Broken Key from Salrand's Lockbox.
- Return to Amber Ledge and turn in A Race Against
Time and get the follow-up Reforging the Key.
Turn that in to Surristrasz and get the follow-up
Taking Wing.
- Head slightly southeast to Warmage Anzim and turn
in Taking Wing. Get the follow-up Rescuing Evanor.
Get on the drake and fly to the cage holding Evanor. Click
the cage and stand next to Evanor to get teleported back
to the top of the mage tower. Turn in Rescuing Evanor
and get the follow-up Dragonspeak. Exit the tower
to Surristrasz and turn the quest in to get the follow-up
Traversing the Rift. Accepting the quest summons
a drake to fly you to Coldarra.