Alliance Borean Tundra Guide Part 2
Level 71

- Ride along the road northeast to the D.E.H.T.A Encampment.
Get and turn in the starter quest, A Mission Statement.
Then, pick up all the unlocked quests:
- Ears of Our Enemies
- Happy as a Clam
- Help Those That Cannot Help Themselves
- Ned, Lord of Rhinos...
- Unfit for Death
- Head south and kill Loot Crazed Poachers and Hunters
for their ears (you don't have to get 15 yet) and
use your Pile of Fake Furs on the Caribou Traps
8 times.
- Head west into the lake and kill 10 Loot Crazed Divers
and collect their ears. Keep killing them until you
collect 15 Nesingwary Lackey Ears.
- Head west up the hill and kill Lunchbox. This will
cause Nedar, Lord of Rhinos to dismount - then, kill
him. Its soloable despite being labeled a group quest.
- Head northeast to the large area of mammoths and use the
D.E.H.T.A Trap Smasher on the Trapped Mammoth
Calf. Smash 8 Traps in the area.
- Return to the D.E.H.T.A Encampment and turn in
all your quests:
- Unfit for Death and get the follow-up The
Culler Cometh
- Happy as a Clam and get the follow-up The
Abandoned Reach
- Ned, Lord of Rhinos...
- Help Those That Cannot Help Themselves and
get the follow-up Khu'nok Will Know
- Ears of Our Enemies

- Ride north to Khu'nok the Behemoth and turn in
Khu'nok Will Know and get the follow-up Kaw the
Mammoth Destroyer.
- Mount a Wooly Mammoth Bull nearby, then ride north
to the area with Kaw's Minions.
This is your new action bar.
Use Ability 1: Mammoth Trample on cooldown in melee
range to do AoE damage.
Use Ability 2: Mammoth Charge to initiate a fight
and charge and stun the minion.
Use Ability 3: Thundering Roar, the AoE fear ability,
if you get a large amount of minions on you and need to
break them up.
You can take Kaw the Mammoth Destroyer on solo despite
the group quest label. Clear the minions near him, and walk
near the platform to initiate the fight. First, kill the
mount simply by using ability 1, the AoE stomp, on cooldown.
Then, to fight Kaw, you can use run away-charge tactics
since you will be faster than him - run away, then use ability
2 to charge and stun him, then use ability 1 to deal a lot
of damage. Rinse and repeat to easily take him down, then
loot Kaw's War Halberd which he drops on the ground.
- Head northwest to Fizzcrank Airstrip.
Get the new flight path.
Set your Hearthstone to Fizzcrank
Turn in Distress Call and get the follow-up The
Mechagnomes, then go through the dialogue to complete
the quest. Turn it in downstairs.
Get all the quests:
- Re-Cursive
- Dirty, Stinkin' Snobolds!
- King Mrgl-Mrgl
- What's the Matter with the Transmatter?
- Head northwest and head into the cave to enter Magmoth.
Pick up 10 Crafty's Stuff in the boxes. You won't
have to go too far in, there are many boxes near the entrance.
- Return to Fizzcrank Airstrip. Turn in Dirty,
Stinkin' Snobolds! and get the follow-up Just a Few
More Things...

- Head southeast and clear a path through the robots towards
the station. Pick up any Fizzcrank's Spare Parts you
find on the way. Kill Fizzcrank Mechagnomes and use the
Transmatter Injection on their corpse. Kill robots
until you find The Ultrasonic Screwdriver, which
starts the quest The Ultrasonic Screwdriver.
On the bottom of the station, loot Crafty's Tools.
If you need more gnomes, head up the station until you've
finished Injecting 6 Gnomes. (You don't need to
finish collecting spare parts yet, we'll be back shortly)
- Return to Fizzcrank Airstrip and turn in:
- Re-Cursive and get the follow-up Lefty Loosey,
Righty Tighty
- The Ultrasonic Screwdriver and get the follow-up
Master and Servant
Also, get the new quest, Finding Pilot Tailspin.
- There are a lot of Fizzcrank Spare Parts and robots
along the pipeline! Make sure to pick up 15 Fizzcrank
Spare Parts and Reprogram 15 Robots.
Follow the pipe southeast and click the glittering West
Point Station Valve, then kill Twonky.
- Follow the pipe southeast and click the Mid Point Station
Valve, then kill Max Blasto.
- Follow the pipe northeast and click the North Point
Station Valve, then kill ED-210.
- Follow the pipe back through the mid point station and
click the South Point Station Valve, then kill The
- Head southwest to Iggy "Tailspin" and turn in Finding
Pilot Tailspin and get the follow-up A Little Bit
of Spice.
- Head southeast and kill Gorlocs for 4 Gorloc
Spice Pouches.
- Return to Iggy "Tailspin" and turn in A Little
Bit of Spice and get the follow-up Lupus Pupus.
- Then, head around the area to find Oil-Stained
Wolves. Select them and use the Wolf Bait on
them to get them to give you the gift of Wolf Droppings
- loot them and collect 8 Microfilm.
- Then, return to Iggy "Tailspin" and turn in
Lupus Pupus and get the follow-up Emergency
Protocol: Section 8.2, Pargraph C.

- Head around the wrecked flying machines to spot Crashed
Recon Pilot bodies. Right click them for Fizzcrank
Pilot's Insignias. You should find them anywhere around
the flying machine areas as pictured above.
- Then, return to Iggy "Tailspin" and turn in
Emergency Protocol: Section 8.2, Paragraph C and
get the follow-up Emergency Protocol: Section 8.2,
Paragraph D.
- Head northwest to the Wrecked Flying Machine. Use
the Emergency Torch to burn it.
- Head south to another Wrecked Flying Machine. Use
the Emergency Torch to burn it.
- Head northeast to another Wrecked Flying Machine.
Use the Emergency Torch to burn it.
- Return to Iggy "Tailspin" and turn in Emergency
Protocol: Section 8.2, Paragraph D and get the follow-up
Give Fizzcrank the News.

- Hearth to Fizzcrank Airstrip. Turn in:
- Give Fizzcrank the News
- What's the Matter with the Transmatter? and
get the follow-up Check in With Bixie
- Left Loosey, Righty Tighty and get the follow-up
The Gearmaster
- Master and Servant
and get the new quest, Scouting the Sinkholes.
Head southeast to the Pumping Station. Fight your way
to the top of it and in the house at the top, loot the
Gearmaster's Manual to spawn Gearmaster Mechazod.
Kill him and loot Mechazod's Head.
Head southeast and stand on the Northwest Sinkhole
and use the Map of the Geyser Fields on it.
Head east and stand on the Northeast Sinkhole and
use the Map of the Geyser Fields on it.
Head south and stand on the South Sinkhole and
use the Map of the Geyser Fields on it.
- Return to Fizzcrank Airstrip and turn in:
- Scouting the Sinkholes and get the follow-up
Fueling the Project
- The Gearmaster

- Head southeast and use the Portable Oil Collector when
standing on the Oil Slicks all throughout the pool
area. Collect 8 Barrels of Oil.
- Then, return to Fizzcrank Airstrip and turn in
Fueling the Project and get the follow-up A Bot
in Mammoth's Clothing.
- Head southwest and kill any mammoth and loot them until
you have 6 Thick Mammoth Hide.
- Return to Fizzcrank Airstrip and turn in A Bot
in Mammoth's Clothing and get the follow-up Deploy
the Shake-n-Quake!