Alliance Howling Fjord Guide Part 7
Level 70

- Fly to Westguard Keep.
- Ride north to Steel Gate and turn in The Cleansing
and get the follow-up In Worg's Clothing.
- Head north into Rivenwood. Look around and above
for Darkclaw Bats hanging in trees. Use your Feknut's
Firecrackers targeting the ground by the tree under
the bats to get them to drop Darkclaw Guano and attack
you. Gather 10 Darkclaw Guano as you continue heading
- Once the cave with worgs by it is in sight, use the Worg
Disguise and go into the cave to Ulfang. Turn
in In Worg's Clothing and get the follow-up Brother
- Ride southwest to Bjomolf who wanders around a
bit. Search for him and kill him around the worg area.
- Head southeast to Varg who also wanders around
a little, and kill him.
- Return all the way back to Ulfang in the cave.
Use the disguise, enter the cave, and turn in Brother
Betrayers and get the follow-up Eyes of the Eagle.
- Ride southeast along the path to Skorn. Use your
Westguard Command Insignia to summon a Westguard
Sergeant. Turn in Operation: Skornful Wrath and
get the quests from him:
- Towers of Certain Doom
- Gruesome, But Necessary
- Burn Skorn, Burn!
In Skorn and in the next steps, kill all Vrykul
in the way and use The Sergeant's Machete on
their corpse. If your sergeant dies, summon a new one
to help.

- Clear your way through to the Northwest Longhouse.
Use your Sergeant's Torch inside to burn it.
- Clear your way south to the Northwest Tower. Use
the Sergeant's Flare near it.
- Clear your way northeast to the Northeast Longhouse.
Use your Sergeant's Torch inside to burn it.
- Clear your way south to the Barracks. Use your
Sergeant's Torch inside to burn it.
- Clear your way south to the East Tower. Use the
Sergeant's Flare near it.
- Clear your way south to the Southeast Tower. Use
the Sergeant's Flare near it.
- Head northwest to The Thane's Pyre and finish Dismembering
20 Vrykul. Keep killing them if you haven't received
the Vrykul Scroll of Ascension yet, a random drop.
Get the quest Stop the Ascension! from it.
Use the Vrykul Scroll of Ascension next to the pyre
and kill Halfdan the Ice-Hearted.
- Clear your way southwest, past the bonfire, to the Southwest
Tower. Use the Sergeant's Flare near it.
Turn in your quests to the summoned Westguard Sergeant:
- Towers of Certain Doom
- Gruesome, But Necessary
- Burn Skorn, Burn!
and get the follow-up All Hail the Conqueror of Skorn!

- Head west, hopping down the cliffside slowly -
take intermediate jumps, don't fall the entire distance
in jump. There are small ledges to fall on as you make your
way down. You should see a waterfall soon - at the bottom
of the waterfall is a nest. Open an egg to get Talonshrike
to attack you. Kill him for the Eyes of the Eagle.
- Return to Westguard Keep and turn in:
- Stop the Ascension!
- All Hail the Conqueror of Skorn
and get the follow-ups. Note: Don't
get Of Traitors and Treason yet!
- Dealing with Gjalerbron
- Of Keys and Cage
- Ride north to Gjalrebron. Kill all the vrykuls
until you've:
- Freed 10 Gjalerbron Prisoners
- Killed 15 Gjalerbron Warrior, 8 Gjalebron Rune-Caster,
and 8 Gjalerbron Sleep-Watcher
- Found the Gjalerbron Attack Plans - a random
drop, and started the quest Gjalerbron Attack Plans.
- Ride northwest to the worg cave. Put on the costume, go
inside and talk to Ulfang and turn in Eyes of
the Eagle and get the follow-up Alpha Worg.
- Head southwest and look for Garwal who wanders
around a large amount of territory. Search for him and kill
- Head south to Steel Gate and turn in your quests:
- Scare the Guano Out of Them!
- Alpha Worg
- Ride back to Westguard Keep. Again, Note:
Don't get Of Traitors and Treason yet! Turn
- Dealing with Gjalerbron and get the follow-up
Necro-Overlord Mezhen
- Of Keys and Cage and get the follow-up In
Service to the Light
- Gjalerbron Attack Plans and get the follow-up
The Frost Wyrm and its Master
and get the new quest, Sleeping Giants.

- Ride back to Gjalerbron. Enter the building at
the entrance and go down into The Walking Halls.
Kill Necrolords for 5 Awakening Rods and use
them on the Dormant Vrykuls, and kill 4 Fearsome
- Head northeast to the top "floor" of Gjalerbron.
At the top, go east up the platform and kill all Deathless
Watchers and Putrid Wights. Then, kill Necro Overlord
Mezhen and loot Mezhen's Writings, which starts
the quest The Slumbering King. Then, go back to the
top "floor".
- Head northeast into the building. Go around the ritual
to the back side, and pull and kill Queen Angerboda.
Then, exit the building.
- Head west to the platform and kill all Deathless Watchers
and Putrid Wights. Then, kill the Wyrmcaller Vile
to get Wyrmcaller's Horn. Use the horn to summon
Glacion. It is soloable.
Finish killing 10 Deathless Watchers and 2 Putrid Wights
- if you need more, on the platform down the stairs,
there's also two branches to the east and west with the
mobs on them.
- Ride south and go down the slope to Whisper Gulch,
and clear your way west into the cave and kill Squeeg
- Ride back to Westguard Keep and turn in your quests:
- Leader of the Deranged
- In Service to the Light
- Necro Overlord Mezhen
- Sleeping Giants
- The Frost Wyrm and its Master
Again, Note: Don't get Of Traitors
and Treason yet!
That concludes the Howling Fjord for now. Fly back
to Valgarde, then take the boat back to Menethil Harbor.
Fly to Stormwind, and Train Your Skills. Also, check
the auction house for an Overcharged Capacitator and
buy it. And while you're in Stormwind, check to see if you
have 5,000 gold for your Epic Flying Mount. If so, continue
on to buy your Epic Flying Mount as explained on the next