Alliance Howling Fjord Guide Part 2
Level 68
- Head north out of Valgarde into the village and
head to the northeast big house near the river. Kill the
Dragonflayer Harpooners outside to get a Harpoon
Control Mechanism. Then, head into the house and use
the Incense Burner and listen to the two Vrykuls'
conversation. Then, right click off the spirit world buff
to return to the physical world.
- Head northeast up the path by the river. At the end of
the path, find Defender Mordun and turn in Fresh
Legs and get the follow-ups:
- Into Utgarde!
- Disarmament
These are the two quests for the Utgarde Keep instance.
Try to find a group during your time in the Fjord to run
it at least once. In addition to the normal instance experience,
the quests give you an additional 60,500 Experience!
- Return to Valgarde and turn in your quests:
- The Echo of Ymiron and get the follow-up Anguish
of Nifflevar
- Locating the Mechanism and get the follow-up
Meet Lieutenant Icehammer...
Then, talk to Captain Zorek again and ask him
to fly you to Lieutenant Icehammer.
Land in front of Lieutenant Icehammer. Turn in
Meet Lieutenant Icehammer and get the follow-up
Drop It then Rock It!
- Head north to the Baleheim Bonfire and use the
Alliance Banner. Kill the Vrykul who come to attack
the banner.
- Return to Lieutenant Icehammer and turn in Drop
It then Rock It! and get the follow-up Harpoon Master
- Head south to Nifflevar and clear your way to the
southwest house on the top of the hill with harpoon pointing
towards the river. Kill Harpoon Master Yavus.
- Use the Incense Burner outside the house and go
to the middle of Nifflevar. Stand next to King Ymiron
and listen to the speech.
- Ride southeast (you can do so while under the effects
of the Incense Burner to avoid mobs) to the Explorers'
League Outpost. Turn in The Explorers' League Outpost
and get the follow-up Problems on the High Bluff.
Turn in that quest and get the new quests:
- Tools to Get the Job Done
- Trust is Earned
Complete Trust is Earned by clicking on a Loose
Rock nearby the camp and get a Fjord Grub,
then clicking the Rock Falcon cage to feed a falcon. Get
the follow-up The Ransacked Caravan.
- Ride far northeast to Donny. Get Out of My Element?
from him.
- Head into the pit. Kill 10 Rune Destroyer, 5 Iron
Rune Laborer, and 2 Iron Rune Sage while looking
for the Building Tools. The tools are on top
of the wooden platform.
- Then, go back to Donny and turn in Out of
My Element?
- Return to the Explorers' League Outpost and turn
in Tools to Get the Job Done and get the follow-ups
- We Can Rebuild It
- We Have the Technology