Alliance Howling Fjord Guide Part 6
Level 70

- Fly to Westguard Keep and go to the inn. Turn in
Mission: Forsaken Intel and get the follow-up Absholutely...
Thish Will Work!
- Go to the jail in the keep and use Peppy's Special
Mix on the Dragonflayer Vrykul Prisoner.
- Return to the inn and turn in Absholutely... Thish
Will Work! and get the follow-up You Tell Him
- Go to the keep to Captain Adams and turn in
You Tell Him ...Hic! and get the follow-up Mission:
Plague This!
- Go to Greer Orehammer next to the gryphon master
and go on the bombing mission. Bomb 5 Plague Tanks
with Orehammer's Precision Bombs.
- Return to Captain Adams and turn in Mission:
Plague This! and get the follow-up Operation:
Skornful Wrath. Also, get the new quest Everything
Must Be Ready outside the keep.
- Ride north to Steel Gate and get the quests:
- Scare the Guano Out of Them!
- See to the Operations
- The Cleansing
- Where is Explorer Jaren?
Go to the flying machine and turn in See to the Operations
to the Steel Gate Archaeologist and get the
follow-up I've Got a Flying Machine!
- Enter the flying machine and fly it to the sacks and
land it near them, then use the Grappling Hook ability.
- Fly up to the top to a platform (marked with a
red arrow pointing at them). Land on them to drop
off a sack of relics. Repeat until you've delivered
3 Sacks of Relics.
- Turn in I've Got a Flying Machine! and get
the follow-up Steel Gate Patrol.
- Enter the flying machine again and use your abilities
- Rockets (Ability 2) on cooldown and
Machine Gun (Ability 1) to kill 8 Gjaelerbron
- Turn in Steel Gate Patrol.
- Head southeast down the slope to Whisper Gulch.
Clear your way west, then south across the bridge, then
continue west - you'll need to make a small drop as you
continue west. Emote /raise next to 10 Abandoned
Pack Mules and use Steelring's Foolproof Dynamite
on the ore to split them into fragments. Gather 18
Whisper Gulch Gem and 6 Whisper Gulch Fragments as you
head down the path.
- Follow the path to Explorer Jaren.

- At Explorer Jaren, turn in Where is Explorer
Jaren? and get the follow-up And You Thought Murlocs
Smelled Bad!
- Head northwest and kill all the undead until you get a
Scourge Device. Get the quest It's a Scourge Device
from it.
- Return to Explorer Jaren and turn in It's a
Scourge Device and get the follow-up Bring Down Those
- Return to the undead camp and use the Scourging Crystal
Controller next to the crystal, then destroy it.
- Head north to the next crystal and destroy it.
- Head north to the next crystal and destroy it.
- Swim west to Old Icefin.

- At Old Icefin, get Trident of the Son.
- Head all the way south and kill Rotgill for Rotgill's
Trident. Also, finish killing 15 Scourge if you
haven't already.
- Return to Explorer Jaren and turn in:
- And You Thought Murlocs Smelled Bad!
- Bring Down Those Shields
- Return to Old Icefin and turn in Trident of
the Son.
Once done, Hearth to Westguard Keep.

- After hearthing to Westguard Keep, turn in your
- Send Them Packing
- Danger! Explosives! and get the follow-up
Leader of the Deranged
- Ride northeast along the road to Fort Wildervar.
Reach Christopher Sloan at the pier and get I'll
Try Anything!
- Dive into the lake and gather 5 Northern Barbfish from
the Water Plants. The plants often spawn random enemies
as well.
- Return to Fort Wildervar. Turn in I'll Try Anything!
and get the follow-up The One That Got Away.
Turn in Everything Must Be Ready further up in town.
Make sure to gather all the quests in town, they're a bit
- Preying Upon the Weak
- The Enigmatic Frost Nymphs
- Down to the Wire
- The Book of Runes
- The Yeti Next Door
- March of the Giants (Group)
(Optional: if you find someone else interested in
the quest, your group can hunt down Runed Stone Giants
at Giants' Run to the east. They are fairly
tough and hit hard. Once done with this, you can do the
follow-up group quest The Lodestone as well in
the northern area of Giants' Run.)

- Dive into the lake again and near the Sunken Boat,
use the Fresh Barbfish Bait to lure Frostfin,
then kill it.
- Head southwest out of the lake to the Frozen Glade.
Turn in The Enigmatic Frost Nymphs and get the follow-up
Spirits of the Ice.
During all the following next steps, gather 10 Spotted
Hippogryph Down and 8 Trapped Prey scattered
around the area. There's no need to finish gathering all
of them immediately, just accumulate them over the next
steps - you'll easily have your 10 by the end of all the
Fort Wildervar quests.
Kill Ice Elementals for 15 Icy Cores around
the area, then turn in Spirits of the Ice and get
the follow-ups:
- The Fallen Sisters
- Wild Vines
- Head southwest to the Vibrant Glade and kill 8
Scarlet Ivy and use Lurielle's Pendant on 7
Chill Nymphs after you've weakened them.
- Return to the Frozen Glade and turn in:
- The Fallen Sisters
- Wild Vines
and get the follow-ups:
- Spawn of the Twisted Glade
- Seeds of the Blacksouled Keepers
- Head east and kill Iron Rune Stonecallers &
Binders for Book of Runes Chapters 1, 2, and 3.
Combine it into The Book of Runes.
- Return to Fort Wildervar.

- At Fort Wildervar, turn in your quests:
- The One That Got Away
- The Book of Runes and get the follow-up Mastering
the Runes
- Ride northwest to the Twisted Glade and kill 10
Thornvine Creepers and 8 Spores. Use the Enchanted
Ice Core on the spore corpses.
- Return southeast to the Frozen Glade and turn
- Spawn of the Twisted Glade
- Seeds of the Blacksouled Keepers
and get the follow-up Keeper Witherleaf
Head east and loot the Iron Rune Carving Tools under
a canopy building.
- Ride northwest to the Twisted Glade and kill Keeper
- Ride northeast along a long path, killing rams for 4
Tough Ram Meat on the way up. Click the Frostblade
Shrine at the top to spawn Your Inner Turmoil. Kill
it and you will gain a levitation buff.
- With your levitation buff, you can just float down from
the mountain south into Fort Wildervar. Aim for the
western area. Head down the west path and enter the mine.
Combine your 4 Tough Ram Meat into a Giant Yeti
Meal and use it next to Shatterhorn to wake him
up. Then, kill him.
- Return to Fort Wildervar.

- At Fort Wildervar, turn in your quests:
- The Yeti Next Door
- Mastering the Runes and get the follow-up The
Rune of Command
- Head south to the Frozen Glade and turn in Keeper
If you haven't finished gathering 10 Spotted Hippogryph
Down and 8 Trapped Prey, this is the last opportunity
to gather them, so keep an eye out for them during the next
- Ride east and look in the nearby area for a neutral non-aggressive
Stone Giant and use the Rune of Command on
it to gain control of it.
Then, head to Binder Murdis and kill him.
- Return to Fort Wildervar and turn in your quests:
- The Rune of Command - don't get the follow-up
- Preying Upon the Weak
- Down to the Wire and get the follow-up They
Call Him Steelfeather
Type /target Steelfeather to be able to find Steelfeather,
flying above. Use the Feathered Charm next to Gil
Grisert to watch Steelfeather. Wait for the
hippogryph to go back to her nest of eggs to receive the
completion credit, then turn in They Call Him Steelfeather.