Alliance Terokkar Forest Guide Part 4
Level 65

- At the Refugee Caravan, turn in your quests:
- Veil Rhaze: Unliving Evil and get the follow-up
Veil Lithic: Preemptive Strike
- The Shadow Tomb
- Escaping the Tomb
- Ride southwest to Veil Lithic. Look for the Cursed
Eggs, most are by the buildings. Open them until you
Redeem 3 Hatchlings and Kill 3 Malevolent Hatchlings.
The hatchling type is random and one spawns upon opening
the eggs.
- Ride southeast to Sha'tari Base Camp and get the
- An Improper Burial
- Taken in the Night
- Digging Through Bones
- The Dread Relic
Digging Through Bones starts an easy escort quest.
Follow the dwarves to and back from their dig and get
the follow-up Fumping.
- Fumping is doable solo and quickly if you get the guards
at the camp involved. Head JUST east of the base camp
and immediately stop when the zone changes from Sha'tari
Base Camp to The Bone Wastes.
Use your Fumper, then run back towards the guards
to get the guards to attack the spawned mobs. Make sure
to use your burst damage on the Bone Sifters so you get
credit for the kill. Do this until you get 8 Mature
Bone Sifter Carcass, then turn in Fumping and
get the follow-up The Big Bone Worm (Group).
- Head east and Burn 8 Sha'tar Vindicator and Auchenai
Warrior Corpses.
- Return to Sha'tari Base Camp and turn in An
Improper Burial and get the follow-up A Hero is Needed.
Head east and kill 12 Auchenai Initiate and 5 Auchenai
Head further east to the Derelict Caravan and
clear to the Massive Treasure Chest. Open it and
loot the Dread Relic, then either AoE or run away
from the circle of zombies which spawn.
- Make sure you've finished gathering 10 Restless Bones!
If done collecting them, head through the southeastern
tunnel of Auchindoun and go down the western tunnel in central
Auchindoun. Get the quest I See Dead Draenei from
Ha'lei. Then, go to Ramdor the Mad and turn
in the quests:
- Recover the Bones and get the follow-up Helping
the Lost Find Their Way
- I See Dead Draenei and get the follow-up Ezekiel
- Head southeast to Vindicator Haylen and get For
the Fallen.

- Head southeast and kill 20 Dreadfang Widow and
free 6 Sha'tar Warrior from the Netherweb Victim
- Return to Vindicator Haylen and turn in For
the Fallen.
If you have a partner with you, get the follow-up Terokkarantula
and go back to the very southeasternmost area of the spider
area to kill Terokkarantula.
- Head west and kill 10 Lost Spirit and 10 Broken
- Reach the Sha'tari Base Camp and turn in:
- Taken in the Night
- A Hero is Needed and get the follow-up The
Fallen Exarch
- The Dread Relic and don't get the follow-up
- Head northeast up the stairs and kill the Auchenai around
the Auchenai Coffin to spawn the Reanimated Exarch
and kill it.
- Return to Sha'tari Base Camp and turn in The
Fallen Exarch.
- Ride northeast to the Refugee Caravan and turn
in Veil Lithic: Preemptive Strike and Helping
the Lost Find Their Way. Don't get any follow-ups.
- Ride north to Shattrath City.
Take the Portal to Stormwind and train your skills.
- If ALDOR: Buy so you have 10 Mark of Kil'jaeden
and 1 Fel Armament
- If SCRYER: Buy so you have 10 Firewing Signet and
1 Arcane Tome
Then, Hearth to Shattrath City. At the
Aldor or Scryer Rise, turn in those two collection
quests with the items bought above.
That's it for Terokkar Forest, time to go to the lush
greens of Nagrand, a welcome change from the Bone