Alliance Terokkar Forest Guide Part 2
Level 64

- At Shattrath City, turn in:
- The Eyes of Skettis and get the follow-up Seek
Out Kirrik
- Rather be Fishin'
- If Aldor: Restoring the Light and
Voren'thal's Visions
- Head southeast out of Shattrath to Private Weeks.
Make sure you Dismount so you can have the disguise
put on you.
Turn in Speak with Private Weeks and get the follow-up
Who Are They?
You should now be disguised (if not, talk to Private
Weeks again).
- Head southeast into Grangol'var Village. You won't
be attacked by anyone except the Shadowy Hunters,
so stay away from them. Talk to:
- Shadowy Advisor inside the keep
- Shadowy Initiate by the pond
- Shadowy Laborer wanders around
- Return to Private Weeks and turn in Who Are
They? and get the follow-up Kill the Shadow Council!
- Head southeast into Grangol'var Village. Kill 10
Shadowy Executioner and 10 Shadowy Summoner as you clear
your way to Shadowmaster Grieve, who is inside the
- Head south to the Refugee Caravan.

- At the Refugee Caravan, turn in Seek Out Kirrik
and get all the quests:
- Before Darkness Falls
- Veil Skith: Darkstone of Terokk
- Missing Friends
- The Infested Protectors
- Head northwest to Veil Skith, killing the infested
treants on the way and the Wood Mite that they spawn
when they die.
- At Veil Skith, clear your way to the Darkstone
of Terokk on the ground level in the middle of the
camp. Use your Rod of Purification next to it.
- Head up to the rope bridges via the tree house west
of the Darkstone. Free 12 children from the cages
using the Veil Skith Prison Keys and at the end
of the road, kill Urdak.
- Finish gathering 30 Arakkoa Feathers as well.
- Head southeast and finish killing 25 Wood Mite from
the infested treants.
- Return to the Refugee Caravan. Turn in:
- Veil Skith: Darkstone of Terokk and get the
follow-up Veil Rhaze: Unliving Evil
- Missing Friends
- The Infested Protectors
and get the new quests:
- The Tomb of Lights
- The Vengeful Souls
- Head southeast to the Shadow council orcs and kill 8
Cabal Skirmisher, 4 Cabal Spell-Weaver, and 2 Cabal Initiate.
Slay until you get the quest Cabal Orders from
an item drop.
- Head east to the Tomb of Lights and kill all the
Bonelasher on the way. (You don't have to finish
killing 20 yet.)
Kill 10 Ethereal Nethermancer, 10 Ethereal Plunderer,
and 5 Vengeful Draenei.
- Head west and finish killing 20 Bonelasher.
- Return to the Refugee Caravan and turn in:
- Before Darkness Falls
- Cabal Orders and get the follow-up The Shadow
- The Tomb of Lights
and get the new quest: Recover the Bones.

- Hearth / Return to Shattrath City.
- Go to Vekax in northern Lower City and turn in
The Outcast's Plight and don't get the follow-up.
- Head east to Wind Trader Lathrai and turn in A
Personal Favor and get the follow-up Investigate

- Fly to Allerian Stronghold. Turn in:
- Thin the Flock
- Olemba Seeds and get the follow-up Vessels
of Power
- Magic Disturbances
- Stymying the Arakkoa
- Timber Worg Tails and get the follow-up The
Elusive Ironjaw
- Kill the Shadow Council!
- Wanted: Bonelashers Dead! and get the follow-up
Torgos! (Group)
- Head east to the Bonechewer Ruins and kill 12
Warped Peons.
- Head northeast to Allerian Post and turn in Unruly
Neighbors. Get the follow-ups:
- The Firewing Liaison
- Thinning the Ranks
- Clear the way into the keep inside the Bonechewer Ruins
and kill Lisaile Fireweaver and grab the Fel
Orc Plans on the ground next to her for the quest Fel
Orc Plans. Finish killing 10 Bonechewer Devastator
and 6 Bonechewer Backbreaker on your way out.
- Head northwest and clear to the northeastern part of
Tuurem. Gather 8 Draenei Vessels and kill
the Firewing Courier inside a hut and loot the Sealed
- Head west to Earthbinder Tavgren and turn in Investigate
Tuurem and get the follow-up What Are These Things?
- Return to Allerian Stronghold. Turn in:
- Vessels of Power
- Fel Orc Plans
- What Are These Things? and get the follow-up
Report to the Allerian Post