Alliance Terokkar Forest Guide Part 3
Level 65

- Ride northeast to Allerian Post and turn in:
- The Firewing Liaison
- Thinning the Ranks
- Report to the Allerian Post and get the follow-up
Attack on Firewing Point
- Head north to Firewing Point and kill 10 Firewing
Defender, 10 Firewing Bloodwarder, and 10 Firewing Warlock.
- Head northwest and look for Ironjaw who roams around
the area.
- Note: Aldor only! If Aldor, head further northwest
and look for Stonegazer who wanders near the edge.
Soloable elite.
- Return to Allerian Post and turn in Attack on
Firewing Point and get the follow-up The Final Code.
- Head to Firewing Point. Clear to the northeast
(Note: if you're leveling with someone, you can do the Isla
Starmane escort quest Escape from Firewing Point,
it is extremely difficult and not recommended if solo due
to the amount of adds she attracts)
Head all the way to the top and kill Sharth Voldoun to
get The Final Code.
Then, make your way back down and with the orb of translocation
and clear to the Mana Bomb and click it.
- Return to Allerian Stronghold and turn in:
- The Elusive Ironjaw
- The Final Code and get the follow-up Letting
Earthbinder Tavgren Know

- Fly to Shattrath City If Aldor, turn in A Cure
for Zahlia in northern Shattrath, Lower City.
Take the Stormwind Portal and Train your skills.
Hearth to Shattrath City.
- Head east to Earthbinder Tavgren and turn in Letting
Earthbinder Tavgren Know.
- Head southwest to the Refugee Caravan.
If you're leveling with someone, head east and kill Trachela
in the huge mound of Bonelashers for Trachela's Carcass,
which you need to summon Torgos soon.
Note: Throughout the Bone Wastes you'll find Restless
Bones on the ground. Make sure to grab them and have 10
Restless Bones by the end of your time
in The Bone Wastes.
- Head southwest to Veil Rhaze. Kill 4 Deathtalon
Spirit, 4 Screeching Spirit, and 2 Spirit Raven.
If you're leveling with someone, use Trachela's Carcass
at the scarecrow Torgo's Bane in the area and
kill Torgos. Otherwise, abandon the quest.
- Head northeast to the Shadow Tomb and clear all
three corridors for the cabal chest at the end of each one
and loot the contents. Go to the northern room last.
- Gavel of K'alen in the western room
- Drape of Arunen in the eastern room
- Scroll of Atalor in the northern room
At the northern room, get Akuno's escort quest,
Escaping the Tomb. Fairly standard escort quest
with 2 ambushes.
- Return to the Refugee Caravan.