Alliance Travel To The Outlands!
Level 58
Hearth to Stormwind. Train your skills.
Abandon all quests which are not complete.
Level 58 is the minimum level requirement to
enter the Outlands. And should you enter the Outlands at this
time? Absolutely!
- The Outlands quest experience is much greater than those
of Azeroth, with pretty much every single quest rewarding
over 10k experience apiece.
- The monsters give more experience and are not more difficult.
There are even a couple packs of easy ones which can be
grinded on to gain experience at a greater rate than questing
in Azeroth.
- The quest rewards are huge upgrades.

- Fly to Nethergarde Keep, Blasted Lands. Before
you get excited and run for the Dark Portal...Buy
a Nethergarde Bitter at the keep.
- Head southeast to The Dark Portal. Get Through
the Dark Portal. This should now be the only quest in
your quest log.
- Enter The Dark Portal!