Alliance Un'goro Crater Guide Part 2
Level 56
- Head east to Torwa Pathfinder and turn in The
Apes of Un'Goro and get the quests The Mighty U'cha
and The Bait for Lar'korwi and open Torwa's
Pouch to receive the items.
- Go north and right click and examine the Eastern Crystal
Pylon. To the east of the pylon is a flat rock - Use
the Preserved Threshadon Meat, then the Pheromone
Mixture to spawn Lar'korwi. Kill it and loot
its head.
- Head northwest to another Expedition Camp and loot
the Crate of Foodstuffs. There are also a lot of
bloodpetals around - finish collecting 15 Bloodpetals.
- Head northeast into the gorilla cave again. At the end
of the cave, kill U'cha and loot his pelt. Also,
clear a path to A-Me 01 and complete and get the
next step in Chasing A-Me 01. Turn in your Mithril
Casing here to complete it and start an escort quest.
- Lead A-Me to Marshal's Refuge and turn in Chasing
A-Me 01.
- Head northeast to the Northern Pylon just east
of Marshal's Refuge. Right click and examine it.
- Head south to Fire Plume Ridge. Enter from the
northeast side. Kill Scorching Elementals to collect
Un'Goro Ash and clear your way up to the top of Fire
Plume Ridge. Just kill enough to clear up for now, we'll
kill more later. Use Krakle's Thermometer next to
the Fire Plume Hot Spot.
- Head west off the ridge to Krakle and turn in Finding
the Source and get the follow-up The New Springs.
- Ride southeast to Torwa Pathfinder and turn in:
- The Mighty U'cha
- The Bait for Lar'korwi

- Head back to Fire Plume Ridge, this time clearing
your way up from the south side. Finish collecting 9
Un'Goro Ash. Get to Ringo and turn in Lost!
and get the follow-up escort quest, A Little Help
From My Friends. Get off the mountain from the east
side then lead Ringo to Marshall's Refuge.
- Return to Marshall's Refuge and turn in all your quests:
- Roll the Bones
- Shizzle's Flyer
- Alien Ecology
- Muigin and Larion
- Beware of Pterrodax
- Expedition Salvation
- A Little Help From My Friends
- The Eastern Pylon
- The Northern Pylon
- The Western Pylon
- Making Sense of It (Received after turning
in all the Pylon quests, can turn in immediately)
Fly to Gadgetzan. Turn in
- Super Sticky
- Bungle in the Jungle and don't get the follow-up.

- Fly to Ratchet. Turn in Volcanic Activity.
- Head to Islen Waterseer and turn in Seeking
Spiritual Aid and get the follow-up Cleansed Water
Returns to Felwood.
Then, return to Ratchet.
Note: If you hit Level 58 (or further), skip the level
57 portion of the guide and move on to Level 58 - to the Outlands!