Alliance Felwood & Winterspring Guide
Level 57

Fly to Emerald Sanctuary, Felwood. Turn in the
- Cleansed Water Returns to Felwood and get the
follow-up Dousing the Flames of Protection
- Felbound Ancients wait a moment for the purification
process, then get the follow-up Purified! Then,
complete the quest and receive the item Flute of
the Ancients
- Head into Jaedenar and enter the building at the
end of the area, by the corrupted moonwell, and head downwards.
kill your way down to Arko'narian. You should have
gotten a Blood Red Key from one of the mobs (random
drop) which starts the A Strange Red Key. Turn
it in to Arko'narian and get the follow-up Rescue
from Jaedenar.
Douse the 1st Brazier and 2nd Brazier in the
same room and follow Arko'narian further. Don't let
her die and let her tank one demon whenever she pulls multiple.
Douse the 3rd Brazier and 4th Brazier in the
room where she gets her equipment. Then, follow her to the
escort and kill Trey Lightforge.
- Head northeast to the ruins and use the Flute of the
Ancients in your inventory in front of the Statue.
Accept Arei's escort quest Ancient Spirit and
let him lead you to the road. He's a solid tank, so let
the attackers attack Arei in front and then pull them one
by one. Once complete, you can destroy the Flute of
the Ancients.
- Head north to Nafien and turn in Speak to Nafien.
Get the follow-up Deadwood of the North.
- Head west and kill 6 Deadwood Den Watcher, 6 Deadwood
Avenger, and 6 Deadwood Shaman. You're also likely to
have received a Deadwood Ritual Totem, start the
quest from it if you got one.
- Return to Nafien and turn in Deadwood of the
North and enter Timbermaw Hold.
Note: If you're 58 or about 25k experience away from
it, then go into "turn in quests mode" - first,
go through the Timbermaw Hold tunnel to Donova Snowden (see
below) and turn in It's a Secret to Everybody, then head
back and then fly back and turn in the quests and then move
onto the Level 58 portion of the guide. Otherwise, finish
up the rest of the guide.

- Head through the tunnel to Winterfall. Meet Salfa
and get Winterfall Activity.
In the rest of the Winterspring, pick up 10 Moontouched
Feathers as you travel through the area.
- Ride south to Donova Snowden and:
- Turn in It's a Secret to Everybody and don't
get the follow-up.
- Turn in The New Springs and get the follow-up
Strange Sources.
- Get the quest Threat of the Winterfall.
- Head north to a Winterfall Furbolg village and kill all
the furbolgs there.
- Head southeast to another Winterfall Furbolg village and
kill all the furbolgs there, finishing killing 8 Winterfall
Pathfinder, 8 Winterfall Den Watcher, and 8 Winterfall Totemic.
You should also have looted a Empty Firewater Flask which
starts Winterfall Firewater.
- Head northeast to Starfall Village. Turn in To
Winterspring! and get the follow-up Ruins of Kel'Theril.
Turn in Ruins of Kel'Theril, but don't get the follow-up
Troubled Spirits of Kel'Theril. Do get the
quest Enraged Wildkin.
- Head southeast to Everlook and turn in Felnok
Steelspring. Ignore the quests that take you to the
plaguelands (Luck Be With You, Sister Pamela, The Everlook
Report, Duke Nicholas Zverenhoff) and only get the quests:
- Chillwind Horns
- Are We There, Yeti?
- Ursius the Shardtooth

- Head southeast to the yeti cave and kill yetis to collect
10 Thick Yeti Fur.
- Head southwest. Pick up the Damaged Crate in the
camp to complete and get the next step in Enraged Wildkin.
- Head east to the wagon and click the keg to complete and
get the next step in Enraged Wildkin. Also, pick
up Jaron's Supplies next to the wagon.
- Head east and kill owlbeasts until you receive a Blue-Feathered
- Ride south until you Discover Darkwhisper Gorge
and complete Strange Sources.
- Ride to Everlook. Turn in:
- Are We There, Yeti? and get the next step in
the chain.

- Head southeast once again to the yeti cave. Head deeper
inside this time and kill Ice Thistle Matriarchs and
Patriarchs for 2 Pristine Yeti Horn.
- Head northeast to Winterfall Village and kill 8
Winterfall Shaman and 8 Winterfall Ursa. Note that many
are on the outer cliffs instead of being in the village
- search around the hillside by the village for more Winterfall.
Also, you're likely to have found a Winterfall Ritual
Totem, get the quest from it.
- Head north and kill Chillwind Chimaera until finished
collecting 8 Uncracked Chillwind Horn.
- Head west into the hills and search for Ursius.
Make a targetting macro (/target Ursius) and search
carefully when he's in range. He wanders throughout the
mountain range.
- Return to Everlook and turn in:
- Chillwind Horns, don't get the follow-up.
- Are We There, Yeti?, don't get the follow-up.
- Ursius the Shardtooth
- Head northwest to Starfall Village and turn in
Enraged Wildkin.
- Head southwest to Donova Snowden and turn in:
- Threat of the Winterfall
- Winterfall Firewater
- Strange Sources
- Head west to Salfa outside Timbermaw Hold
and turn in Winterfall Activity.
- Go through Timbermaw Hold and turn in the Winterfall
Ritual Totem and the Deadwood Ritual Totem if
you received them. Also, you should get the quest Runecloth
if you are friendly - you should easily have 30 Runecloth
- turn in the quest for a nice amount of experience.
Then, head through to Felwood.
To finish up:
Head south to Talonbranch Glade.
Fly to Emerald Sanctuary. Turn in the quests:
- Rescue from Jaedenar
- Dousing the Flames of Protection
Fly to Forest Song, Ashenvale and turn in Ancient
Fly to Ruth'Theran Village. Turn in Moontouched
Head into Darnassus to the northern Cenarion Enclave.
Head up to Arch Druid Staghelm and get Un'Goro Soil.
Turn in the quest to Jenal, below, behind the tree.
Hearth to Stormwind.