Alliance Tanaris Guide Part 2
Level 49
- Fly to Gadgetzan. Get the quests:
- Gadgetzan Water Survey
- The Thirsty Goblin
- The Dunemaul Compound
- Thistleshrub Valley
- Super Sticky
- Go west to the small lake and use the Untapped Dowsing
Widget right next to it. You'll get ambushed by 2 Level
48 Centipaar Tunnelers.
- Head back to Gadgetzan and turn in Gadgetzan
Water Survey and get the follow-up Noxious Lair Investigation.
- Head southeast to some ruins and talk to Marvon Rivetseeker.
Turn in The Sunken Temple and get the follow-up The
Stone Circle and Gahz'ridian.
- Head west to the Noxious Lair and kill all the
Centipaars until you get 5 Centipaar Insect Parts.
- Head southeast to the Dunemaul Compound and kill
Gor'marok the Ravager and Dunemaul Brutes and
Enforcers. Don't wait for them to respawn, there will
be more in the next camp.
- Head southeast to the ruins and kill more ogres and pick
up Gahz'ridian Ornaments.
- Head southwest to more ruins and finish killing 10
Dunemaul Brutes and Enforcers and collecting 30 Gahz'Ridian
Ornaments. Don't forget to put your normal headgear
back on afterwards!
- Go west to and kill 8 Gnarled Thistleshrubs and Thistleshrub
Rootshapers. Kill Thistleshrub Dew Collectors as
well until you get a Laden Dew Gland. Keep an eye
out for Tooga while you're around, talking to him
starts an escort quest.
- Go to Tooga who wanders around anywhere in Thistleshrub
Valley or southwest of it as well. Accept Tooga's
Quest. Follow the path as shown below.

- Starting at Tooga - take the path as shown above
to avoid fights and get to the end quickest.
- Stop by at Marvon Rivetseeker and turn in Gahz'ridian.
- Reach Torta who is a bit south of Steamwheedle
Port and complete Tooga's Quest.
Another happy couple reunited.
- Go north to Steamwheedle Port and turn in Screecher
Spirits and get Yuka Screwspigot.
- Head west to Gadgetzan and turn in:
- Noxious Lair Investigation
- The Thirsty Goblin
- The Dunemaul Goblin
- Thistleshrub Valley
and get the quest The Scrimshank Redemption.

- Head south to the Gaping Chasm and go down the
spiral and take the second entrance going northwards. Follow
and kill your way through the path and you'll find Scrimshank's
Surveying Gear. Loot it return back to the entrance
and get out.
- Chances are you've found a OOX-17/TN Distress Beacon
by now. Head east to the mountain and find the Homing
Robot OOX-17/TN. Turn in the quest and accept the escort.
Run and clear in front of the chicken because it has low
hit points. After a small walk, you'll be ambushed by three
scorpions. Let the chicken pull a mob off you, face the
other scorpions, then finally kill the one on the chicken.
- Return to Gadgetzan and turn in The Scrimshank
Redemption as well as the follow-up Insect Part Analysis.
Get the follow-up Rise of the Silithid.

Fly to Ratchet and head south to Liv Rizzlefix
(will be on the radar because she has a yellow exclamation
mark). Outside Liv's hut is Marvon's Chest - loot the
Stone Circle from it. Get the quest Volcanic Activity
from her.
Sail to Booty Bay. At Booty Bay, turn in:
- Delivery to MacKinley
- Whiskey Slim's Lost Grog
- All the OOX Quests (and if you completed them
all, An OOX of Your Own for lots of experience!)