Alliance Hinterlands Guide
Level 47

- Fly to Auberdine, Darkshore.
- At Auberdine, take the boat on the right pier of the dock
to Rut'theran Village. Get the flight point. Then,
Go up the path and turn in
- Handle with Care and get the follow-up Favored
of Elune?
- In Search of Knowledge and get the follow-up
Feralas: A History. Get the follow-up by going
to the book on the floor by the bookshelf and turn it
in to get the follow-up The Borrower.
- Head up to Darnassus by going through the pink
glow at the end of the path. Head to the Temple of the
Moon and turn in Rise of the Silithid and Dolling
Head back out to the flight point at Rut'theran Village.
- Fly to Thalanaar, Feralas and turn in Thalanaar
- Fly to Gadgetzan and turn in
- The Borrower and get the follow-up The Super
Snapper FX.
- The Super Egg-O-Matic and return the resulting
egg to Curgle to complete the quest.
- Fly to Auberdine.
- Sail to Stormwind Harbor and train.
- Fly to the Southshore, Hillsbrad.

- Head northeast out of Southshore.
- Enter The Hinterlands.

- Head northeast to Aerie Peak. Set
your Hearthstone to Aerie Peak. Get all the quests:
- Preying on the Predators
- Troll Necklace Bounty
- A Gesture of Goodwill
- Featherbeard's Endorsement
- Skulk Rock Clean-Up
At the top of Aerie Peak, Get the Flight Path.
Also, turn in To the Hinterlands and get the
follow-up Gryphon Master Talonaxe. Talk to him
in the cave at the top and get the follow-up Witherbark
Cages. (Ignore Rhapsody Shindigger)
Note: on the following steps, be on the lookout for 15
Wildkin Feathers throughout the path - they are scattered
on the ground throughout The Hinterlands. Also, make sure
to kill 10 Mangy Silvermane and 5 Silvermane
Wolf on the western side of the Hinterlands before
you head to the eastern part.
- Head south to and click Featherbeard's Journal
to complete Featherbeard's Endorsement and get
the follow-up In Pursuit of Featherbeard.
- Head southeast to the troll ruins and kill all the trolls
and collect Troll Tribal Necklace. Open the First
and Second Witherbark Cage in this camp.
- Head southwest to the cave and kill Witch Doctor Mai'jin
and Tcha'kaz.
- Head southeast to the troll temples and climb the east
temple to find Featherbeard's Remains to complete
In Pursuit of Featherbeard and get the follow-up
Reclaiming the Eggs. Collect any Gryphon Eggs
you see around the altar.
- Collect Gryphon Eggs a bit southwest, on the side
of the temple.
- If you need more more eggs, finish gathering 5 Gryphon
Eggs further southwest.
- Head northeast to another set of troll ruins and open
the Third Witherbark Cage. Finish collecting 5 Troll
Tribal Necklace as well.
Note: at this point, make sure you've finished gathering
15 Wildkin Feathers and killed 10 Mangy Silvermane
and 5 Silvermane Wolf. Go back west and kill/loot
more if you haven't yet.

- Head northeast to Agol'Watha and kill 10 Green
- Head to Skulk Rock and kill 10 Jade Ooze.
- If you have a Distress Beacon OOX-09/HL, head northwest
to the island and complete the quest and accept the escort.
Run and clear in front of the chicken because it has low
hit points. You will face 2 ambushes of 3 mobs each - let
the chicken attack one and draw aggro while you face the
other 2.
- Head east down to the coast and collect 12 Pupellyverbos
Ports in bottles at the beach, starting from the south
side of the coast and walking your way up north. Also, find
Gammerita and take snapshot of it with the Super
Snapper FX.
- Head north and dive to the bottom of the waterfall.
Click Cortello's Chest and complete Cortello's
Once done, Hearth to Aerie Peak. Turn in:
- Preying on the Predators
- Troll Necklace Bounty
- Witherbark Cages
- A Gesture of Good Will
- Reclaiming the Eggs
- Skulk Rock Clean-Up
Don't pick up any follow-ups or new quests. This completes
our time in The Hinterlands.