Alliance Swamp of Sorrows & Tanaris Guide
Level 45
Quick quest log check and also a quick mention: this is a
great point to jump in if you're just joining the guide now
because most of the quest chains have been completed and we're
moving on to a new set of zones. The only quests that should
be in your quest log at the moment (other than instance
quests and class quests) are:
- Akiris by the Bundle
- Cortello's Riddle
- Whiskey Slim's Lost Grog
- Stoley's Debt
- Tran'rek
- In Search of the Temple
Don't worry if you don't have any of the quests if you've
just jumped in, they are fairly minor continuation quests
- just skip past them if they're mentioned later. You should
get In Search of the Temple from Stormwind though
if you don't have that one.
- Fly to Darkshire, Duskwood. Pick up the quest Supplies
For Nethergarde, a quest with a 1 hour timer. Make sure
you've got about an hour free, since we'll be going through
a small zone before turning this quest in.
- Head east into the Deadwind Pass.

- Head east through the pass to the Swamp of Sorrows.

- Follow the road east and at the bridge, dive into the
water and click the Soggy Scroll to complete and
get the next step in Cortello's Riddle.
- Head north to The Harborage and get the quest Pool
of Tears.
- Head southeast and find and ill Noboru the Cudgel
- he wanders around the entire shaded area, so search around.
Tip: type /target Noboru, and if a monster actually shows
up, look around carefully to see if you can spot him. Noboru's
Cudgel starts the quest Noboru the Cudgel. Its
a gray item quest starter which is quite unusual.
- Head southeast to the Pool of Tears. Dive in and
search the bottom of the lake for 5 Atal'ai Artifacts.
Make sure you get credit for In Search of the Temple
as well by swimming into the pool a ways towards the
temple in the center.
- Head back to the Harborage and turn in The Pool
of Tears and Noboru the Cudgel.
- Head southeast into the Blasted Lands.

- Head east to Nethergarde Keep and turn in Supplies
For Nethergarde. Get the Flight Path.
Then, Hearth to Stormwind.
In Stormwind, turn in In Search of the Temple at
the southeastern area of The Dwarven District and get
the follow-up To The Hinterlands.
Fly to Menethil Harbor.
Take the boat to Theramore and turn in Akiris by
the Bundle.
- Fly to Mudsprocket.
- Head northwest back to the raptor area and go in the cave
to complete and get the next step in Cortello's Riddle.
- Return to Mudsprocket.
Fly to Gadgetzan, Tanaris.

- In Gadgetzan, turn in Tran'Rek and don't
get the follow-up. Also, get the following quests and ignore
the ones which are Zul'Farrak instance quests.
- Wastewander Justice
- Water Pouch Bounty
- Wanted: Andre Firebeard
- Gadgetzan Water Survey
- Wanted: Caliph Scorpidsting
- Handle with Care
- Head northeast to the ruins and kill all the Wastewanders
you find here. There's not enough here to finish the
quest, so once you kill all of them, move on and don't wait
for respawns.
- Head further northeast to Steamwheedle Port and
turn in Stoley's Debt and get the follow-up Stoley's
Shipment. Also, get the quests:
- Screecher Spirits
- Pirate Hats Ahoy!
- Southsea Shakedown
- Head southwest to the northern wastewander camps and finish
up killing 10 Wastewander Thieves and Bandits.
- Return to Gadgetzan and turn in Water Pouch
Bounty and Wastewander Justice and get the follow-up
More Wastewander Justice.

- Head southeast deeper into the wastewander camps and kill
Wastewander Rogues, Assassins, and Shadow Mages.
Hunt for Caliph Scorpidsting who patrols between
the camps.
- Head southeast to Lost Rigger Cove's entrance.
- Head through the tunnel and kill your way south to the
main pirate compound. Outside the camp are primarily the
Southsea Pirates and Southsea Freebooters,
while inside the compound there are primarily Southsea
Dock Workers and Southsea Swashbucklers inside
the houses.
Inside the compound, Andre Firebeard is in the middle
and he pulls with 2 pirates. Kill him.
The eastern house holds Stoley's Shipment on the
top of the floor. Be ready to take on three swashbucklers
at a time inside the house. Exit the house and finish both
killing 10 of each Southsea Pirate and collecting
20 Pirate Hats.
- Return to Steamwheedle Port and turn in:
- Andre Firebeard
- Southsea Shakedown
- Stoley's Shipment and get the follow-up Delivery
to MacKinley
- Pirate Hats Ahoy!
- Head back to Gadgetzan and turn in:
- More Wastewander Justice
- WANTED: Caliph Scorpidsting