Alliance Stranglethorn Vale Guide Part 1
Level 34

- Hearth to Ironforge. Train your skills. Also, check
the auction house for 4 Lesser Bloodstone Ore and
try to buy them if they're available.
- Turn in A King's Tribute to Grand Mason Marbelsten.
Wait for him to finish constructing the statue, then
get the follow-up A King's Tribute.
- Turn in A King's Tribute to King Magni Bronzebeard.
- Go to the Hall of Explorers in Ironforge and turn
in Letter to Stormpike, and get the follow-up Further
Mysteries. Also, pick up the quest Reclaimers' Business
in Desolace from Rotten Stonehammer, also
in the Hall of Explorers.
Fly to Stormwind.
Go into the Stormwind Keep. Turn in Reassignment
to Major Samuelson, and get the quest Perenolde
Tiara from Count Remington Ridgewell.
Once done, Fly to Darkshire, Duskwood.

- Walk south along the road to Stranglethorn Vale.
This next quest circuit is long! Stranglethorn Vale has many
great quests, all right next to each other - we'll knock them
out in a line. Make sure you've already previously visited
Booty Bay and picked up all the quests there as we've
done earlier - if not, then run down to Booty Bay and
pick up the quests there, then fly back to the Rebel Camp
and start from Step 1.
- Head up the mountainous path to the Rebel Camp at
the entrance of Stranglethorn Vale. Turn in Supplies
to Private Thorsen and get all the quests:
- The Second Rebellion
- Bad Medicine
- Krazek's Cookery
- Head out of the camp, follow the road south past the bridge
then break off and go to Nesingwary's Camp, the site
of many adventures to come! Investigate The Camp's
quest objective will complete once you reach the camp.
Turn in Hemet Nesingwary Jr. and get the quests Welcome
to the Jungle, which when turned in, will yield these
- Panther Mastery
- Tiger Mastery
- Raptor Mastery
Ignore The Green Hills of Stranglethorn for now
because those quests would take up too much quest log
Green Hills of Stranglethorn Organization Tip: Over
the long time you'll be spending in Stranglethorn, you'll
be getting a lot of pages. Fill up your main backpack
with pages in the appropriate spot whenever you get it.

- Chapter I: Page 1, 4, 6, 8
- Chapter II: Page 10, 11, 14, 16
- Chapter III: Page 18, 20, 21, 24
- Chapter IV: Page 25, 26, 27
This way, you'll know exactly what pages you're missing
and what chapters you can turn in whenever you return
to the Nesingwary camp.
- Head northwest along the river and kill River Crocolisks
for 2 Large River Crocolisk Skin. If you don't
find enough, there are more on the other side of the river
as well.
- Head southeast and hunt 10 Young Stranglethorn Tigers.
- Head even further southeast and hunt 10 Young Stranglethorn
Panthers. Note: if there aren't enough in the immediate
area, go further east to find many panthers.
- Return to Nesingwary's Camp and turn in Panther
Mastery and Tiger Mastery, and get the follow-ups.
- Head west and walk up the hill path and kill 10 Stranglethorn
Tigers and 10 Stranglethorn Panthers.
- Southwest from there, hunt 10 Stranglethorn Raptors.
- Further southwest, on the mid-level portion of the cliff,
are many Crystal Spine Basilisks. Kill them for 10
Singing Crystal Shards.
- Swim southwest to the Stone of the Tides Island -
just land on it slightly to get the explored quest message,
than take off. Be careful, the monsters are much stronger
than you on the island.
- Swim northeast to the Bal'lal Ruins and kill Bloodscalp
Trolls for 15 Bloodscalp Ears.
- Return to Nesingwary's Camp and turn in Panther
Mastery, Tiger Mastery, and Raptor Mastery and
get the follow-ups for all three.
- Head across the bridge and go to the Kurzen Camp to
slay 15 Jungle Fighters and Medicine Men for
7 Jungle Remedy. The Fern Extract is located
in crates near buildings as well as in the center of the
compound. Be careful not to over-aggro in this camp as the
mobs flee and bunch quite a bit.
- Return to the Rebel Camp and turn in The Second
Rebellion and Bad Medicine. Get the follow-ups
Kurzen's Mystery and Special Forces.
Fly to Booty Bay. At Booty Bay, turn in:
- Supply and Demand and get the follow-up Some
Assembly Required
- Singing Blue Shards and get the follow-up Venture
Company Mining
- The Stone of the Tides and get the follow-up Water
- Krazek's Cookery and get the follow-up Favor
for Krazek and Optional: turn in Favor for Krazek
immediately if you have the 4x Lesser Bloodstone
Ore. Get the follow-up Return to Corporal Kaleb and
turn that in at Rebel Camp.
- Bloodscalp Ears and get the follow-up Hostile
Fly back to Rebel Camp.