Alliance Ashenvale Guide
Level 31
Fly to Stormwind.
Sail to Auberdine using the boat at Stormwind Harbor.
Get the Auberdine Flight Path.
- Head straight south along the road of Darkshore to Astranaar,
Ashenvale (Or Fly, if you already have the path).

- Keep following the road to get to Astranaar. At Astranaar,
Get the Flight Path. Also, get the following quests:
- A Helping Hand from Vindicator Palanaar
- Kayneth Stillwind from Shindrell Swiftfire
- Ride further east along the path - all the way to the
northeast Ashenvale: Forest Song. Get the Forest
Song Flight Path.
Turn in A Helping Hand and Kayneth Stillwind,
and pick up the quests:
- The Lost Chalice
- A Shameful Waste
- Agents of Destruction
- Forsaken Disesases
- Destroy the Legion
- Reclaiming Felfire Hill
- Vile Satyr! Dryads in Danger!
Ignore the quests: Report from the Northern Front and
The Howling Vale.

- Head west into Xavian and fight your way to Anilia
to complete Vile Satyr! Dryads in Danger! and get
the follow up The Branch of Cenarius.
- Go north to Geltharis and kill him.
- Return to Forest Song and turn The Branch of
Cenarius in and get the follow-up Satyr Slaying!
- Head Southwest into Satyrnaar. Pick up 5 Satyrnaar
Fel Wood from the ground, while killing your way and
collecting 16 Satyr Horns to the Chalice
of Elune.
- Head Southeast to the Warsong Lumber Camp. At the
Warsong Lumber Camp, gather 15 Warsong Lumber laying
around the camp and kill 2 Warsong Shredder, 5 Horde
Deforester, and 10 Horde Scout. Make your way south
of the barracks to the bunker, where Overseer Gorthak
- Head southwest to Felfire Hill. Whenever you see
Dirt Mounds, click it to plant a seed. Kill 6
Mannoroc Lasher, 6 Roaming Felguard, and 6 Searing Infernal.
You should also get a random drop from them which starts
the quest Diabolical Plans.
- Head west to Dor'Danil Barrow Den. Pick up the
Bottle of Disease at the Forsaken alchemy labs there.
- Ride back to Forest Song and complete:
- The Lost Chalice
- A Sinful Waste
- Agents of Destruction
- Forsaken Diseases
- Destroy the Legion
- Diabloical Plans
- Reclaiming Felfire Hill
- Satyr Slaying!
Don't take any of the follow-up quests. That's it for Ashenvale!