Alliance Hillsbrad Foothills Guide
Level 33
Hearth to Ironforge. Go train your skills.

- Fly to Southshore. Pick up all the quests:
- Head southwest to the shore and kill 10 Torn Fin Tidehunter
and 10 Torn Fin Oracle.
- Head back to Lieutenant Farren and turn in Down
the Coast and get the follow-up Farren's Proof.
- Head southwest to the shore and kill more Murlocs
for 10 Murloc Heads .
- Head back to Lieutenant Farren and turn in Farren's
Proof and get the follow-up Stormwind Ho!
- Head southeast and kill 10 Daggerspine Sirens and 10
Daggerspine Shorehunters.
- Head back to Lieuenant Farren and turn in Stormwind
Ho! and get the follow-up Reassignment.
- Head to the tower and pick up the Shipment of Rare
Crystals in the Unopened Crate inside the tower.
- Go into the cave and kill Yeti for 10 Yeti Fur
and gather 5 Alterac Granite.
- Head out of the yeti cave and head north into the Alterac

- Head up northwest to the plateau and kill Mountain
- Go to the next plateau and finish hunting 8 Mountain
Lions and 10 Hulking Mountain Lion.
- Go to the Syndicate Camp. Slay Syndicates and collect
the Syndicate Documents there to get the quests Encrypted
Letter and Foreboding Plans.
- While the Syndicates are respawning, head to the Crushridge
Ogres and kill them and collect 9 Dirty Kuncklebones.
- Head back to the Syndicates again and finish killing 12
Syndicate Footpad and 8 Syndicate Thief. If more syndicates
are needed past this, there is another camp to the northeast.
- Ride back to Southshore. Turn in your quests:
- Missing Crystals
- Bartolo's Yeti Fur Cloak
- Costly Menace
- Syndicate Assassins
- Encrypted Letter and get the follow-up Letter
to Stormpike
- Foreboding Plans, don't get the follow-up yet
- Crushridge Bounty, don't get the follow-up yet