Horde Feralas Guide Part 1
Level 47

- Fly to Camp Mojache, Feralas. (If you don't
have the flight path, ride west from the Thousand Needles.)
Get the quests:
- War on the Woodpaw
- Gordunni Cobalt
- A New Cloak's Sheen
- A Strange Request
- The Mark of Quality
Head a bit northeast to Xerash Fireblade at the
Lariss Pavilion. Turn in A Strange Request and
get the follow-up Return to Witch Doctor Uzer'i.
Return to Camp Mojache. Turn in Return to
Witch Doctor Uzer'i and get the follow-up Natural
Materials (don't pick up Testing the Vessel
- Just a little southwest of Camp Mojache, on the road,
get The Ogres of Feralas from Rok Orhan.
- Ride south and kill Woodpaw Gnolls for 10 Woodpaw
Gnoll Manes.
- Ride northwest and kill Sprite Darters for 10
Iridescent Sprite Darter Wings.
- Ride northeast up the mountain to Gordunni Outpost.
Clear your way through the ogres to The Gordunni Scroll,
which starts the quest The Gordunni Scroll. Along
the way:
- Kill 10 Gordunni Ogre, 10 Gordunni Ogre Mage, 5
Gordunni Brute.
- Use Orwin's Shovel at places with a blue glow
and collcet 12 Gordunni Cobalt.
- Return to Camp Mojache.

- At Camp Mojache, turn in your quests:
- War on the Woodpaw
- Gordunni Cobalt
- A New Cloak's Sheen
- The Gordunni Scroll
- The Ogres of Feralas (slightly southwest
of the camp)
Get the follow-up quests:
- Alpha Strike
- A Grim Discovery
- Dark Ceremony
- The Ogres of Feralas
- The Sunken Temple
- Ride south and kill 5 Woodpaw Alpha. They spawn
where there are larger groups of woodpaw and are located
within the camps in the area - look for tents, there are
generally alphas near them.
- Then, return to Camp Mojache and turn in Alpha
Strike. Get the follow-up Woodpaw Investigation.
- Ride south to the Woodpaw Battle Map to complete
Woodpaw Investigation. Get the follow-up The Battle
- Then, return to Camp Mojache and turn in The
Battle Plans. Get the follow-ups Zukk'ash Infestation
and Stinglasher.
- Ride south to the Writhing Deep. Clear your way
down the ramp to the bottom level of the eastern entrance
to find Stinglasher. Kill it for its glands. Continue
killing insects in the area for 20 Zukk'Ash Carapce as
- Ride northwest to the Grimtotem Village. Kill the
Grimtotems for 20 Grimtotem Horns.
- Ride southwest and clear your way southwest through the
ogres. The Gordunni Mage-Lords are in the temple
building deep in the ogre area - kill them until you get
a Gordunni Orb.
On your way out, finish killing 5 Gordunni Mauler, 10
Gordunni Shaman, and 10 Gordunni Warlock.
- Ride northwest to the Yeti Cave. Kill the Feral
Scar Yetis inside for 10 Yeti Hides.
- Ride northwest and kill Rogue Vale Screechers.
After killing them, use Yeh'kinya's Bramble to collect
their spirit. Collect 3 Screecher Spirits.
- Return to Camp Mojache. Turn in your quests:
- The Ogres of Feralas
- Zukk'ash Infestation
- Stinglasher
- The Mark of Quality
- A Grim Discovery
- Dark Ceremony
Get all the follow-up quests:
- A Grim Discovery
- The Gordunni Orb
- Zukk'ash Report
- Improved Quality
Hearth to Orgrimmar.