Horde Desolace Guide
Level 37

- Fly to Sun Rock Retreat, Stonetalon Mountains.
- Head southwest through the pass to Desolace.

- Head southeast to Bibbly F'utzbuckle and get Bone
- Head west to Azore Aldamort and get Sceptre
of Light.
- Head southeast to Ghost Walker Post and get all
the quests there, and turn in Family Tree and Alliance
Relations - make sure to search north and west of the
immediate entrance as well for all the quests:
- The Burning of Spirits
- Befouled by Satyr
- Gelkis Alliance
- Khan Dez'hepah
- Catch of the Day
- Head southwest along the road to Shadowprey Village.
Get the Flight Path and get Hand of Iruxos.

- Continue down to the pier at Shadowprey Village and
get Other Fish to Fry and Clam Bait. Jump
into the water and open Shellfish Traps for 10
- Then, turn in the fish to Jinar'Zillen, the
fisherman on the dock, for 2 Bloodbelly Fish.
- Ride far to the east to Magram Village. Kill Magram
Centaurs until you reach Friendly reputation
with the Gelkis Centaur. (You can check your progress
on the reputation tab.)
- Ride northwest to Smeed Scrabblescrew. Get the
quest Kodo Roundup from him.
- Head west and collect 10 Kodo Bones. Sometimes
upon looting, a Kodo Apparition will attack you.
- Then, use the Kombobulator on a kodo to tame
it, then run back to Smeed, then return to the
graveyard and tame another. Repeat until you've tamed
5 Kodos.
- Head northeast to the Kolkar Village and kill Khan
Dez'Hepah in one of the big tents and loot his head.
- Head northwest to Bibbly F'utzbuckle. Turn in
Bone Collector.
- Head northeast to Sargeron and kill 7 each
of: Hatefury Rogue, Felsworn, Betrayer, and Hellcaller.
- Head southwest to Thunder Axe Fortress.
- While clearing your way from objective to objective,
attack the Burning Blade Members and at about
10% health remaining, use your Burning Gem. In
all, you'll Infuse 15 Burning Gems. Keep killing
the mobs until you get a Flayed Demon Skin as
well, which starts the quest The Corrupter.
- To the direct left right at the entrance is a watch
tower. Head up it and kill the Burning Blade Seer
on the top for the Sceptre of Light.
- Inside the main building straight through the entrance,
use the crystal to spawn a Demon Spirit. Kill
it for the Demon Box.
- Head west to Azore Aldamort and turn in The
Sceptre of Light. Get the follow-up Book of the Ancients.
- Head southwest to Rackmore's Log and get Claim
Rackmore's Treasure.
- Swim west and search the area for Giant Softshell
Clams. Open them for 10 Soft-Shelled Clam Meat. Also,
kill Drysnap Pincers until you get the Rackmore's
Silver Key.
- Head northeast and kill Slitherblade Naga until
you get the Rackmore's Golden Key.
- Swim northwest to Ranazjar Isle. On the southeast
side of the island is a chest to complete Claim Rackmore's
- Head northwest and activate the Serpent Statue to
summon Lord Kragaru. Kill him for the Book of
the Ancients.

- Around the area, finish killing 7 Slitherblade Myrmidon,
7 Slitherblade Naga, and 5 Slitherblade Sorceress.
- Swim southeast to Azore Aldamort and turn in Book
of the Ancients.
- Ride southeast to Ghost Walker Post. Turn in all
your quests here:
- The Burning of Spirits and get the follow-up
Alliance Relations.
- Befouled by Satyr
- The Corrupter (don't get the follow-up)
- Khan Dez'hepah
- Catch of the Day
- Ride southwest to Uthek the Wise. Turn in Gelkis
Alliance. Don't get the follow-up.
- Head west to Shadowprey Village and turn in your
- Clam Bait
- Other Fish to Fry
- Hand of Iruxos
That finishes Desolace - Hearth to Orgrimmar.