Horde Alterac Mountains Guide
Level 36
Hearth to Orgrimmar and train your skills.
Take the Zeppelin to The Undercity.

- Fly to Tarren Mill. Turn in The Crown of Will
and get the next step in the chain. Also, get the quests
- Stone Tokens
- Helcular's Revenge
- Infiltration
- Prison Break In
- Head northwest into the Yeti Cave. Inside, charge
Helcular's Rod with the Flame of Azel and
Flame of Veraz in the cave.
- Head northwest to the Alterac Mountains.

- Head northeast up the plateau and kill the Syndicates
for the Syndicate Missive.
- Kill Mountain Lions for a Fresh Carcass.
- Head northwest into another Yeti Cave. Clear your
way to the end of the cave to the Flame of Uzel and
charge your rod. At the flame, use the Fresh Carcass
to lure Frostmaw. Kill it for Frostmaw's Mane.
- Head southwest to the Lordamere Internment Camp.
In the camp, clear your way through the Dalaran Guards
and kill all the undead targets near and inside the
building for their Bloodstones.
- Head a little north to Kegan, who is in the second
story of this house. Kill him for his Bloodstone.
Finish collecting 10 Stone Tokens as well.
- Head south back to the Hillsbrad Foothills.

- Ride southeast to Helcular's Grave at the Southshore
Graveyard and complete Helcular's Revenge. Avoid
all the guards.
- Ride back to Tarren Mill and turn in your quests:
- Stone Tokens and get the follow-up Bracers
of Binding
- Prison Break In and get the follow-up Dalaran
- Infiltration - don't get the follow-up.
- Then, head back to the Alterac Mountains and go
to the Dalaran Crater area.
- When there, kill 12 Elemental Slave and 6
Dalaran Summoner. Continue killing however many
elementals you need for 4 Bracers of Earth Bindings
as well.
- Then, return back to Tarren Mill and turn in Bracers
of Binding and Dalaran Patrols.
Finally, Hearth back to Orgrimmar. Fly to Thunderbluff.
Go to The Hunter Rise and turn in Frostmaw.
Get the follow-up Deadmire.