Horde Ashenvale Guide Part 1
Level 24
After hearthing to Orgrimmar, train your skills.
Also, get The Ashenvale Hunt from the wandering Warcaller
Gorlach who wanders around Orgrimmar. Also, check the
auction house for a Deadly Blunderbuss and buy it.

- Fly to The Crossroads.
- Follow the path north to Ashenvale Forest. Ignore
any quests along the way.

- Follow the road to the guard tower and get the quests
- Ashenavle Outrunners
- Warsong Supplies
- The Lost Pages
- Follow the road east to Splintertree Post. Get
the flight path. Get the quests:
- Satyr Horns
- Stonetalon Standstill
Turn in The Ashenvale Hunt to Senani Thunderheart.
Get the follow-up The Ashenvale Hunt and turn it
in again to him. Once you go through this somewhat illogical
step (you get no experience for turning the quest in
the second time), you don't get a follow-up quest;
instead, turning in this quest ALLOWS you to get quest
starting items off of three named mobs in this zone. We
will visit them later.
- Head south and kill 9 Ashenvale Outrunners. They
are stealthed, so walk around a bit to get them to unstealth
and attack you.
- Head west to Silverwing Outpost. Kill all the night
elves along the path and inside the building as well. Do
this quickly, since we're clearing the outpost for the next
- Head southeast to Torek. Get Torek's Assault.
Follow Torek and his raiders up to the outpost - the
orcs will run into the outpost which we just cleared. Stay
back, since once the orcs are inside the post, night elves
will spawn and ambush them - let them aggro onto the orcs,
then kill them one by one. Kill all the night elves to successfully
Take Silverwing Outpost.
- Head northwest to Greenpaw Village and kill Furbolgs
in the village until they drop the Logging Rope.
- Head southwest to Mystral Lake. (MAKE SURE TO
Go up to the gazebo in the middle of the lake to
get credit for scouting the gazebo. Around the area, kill
12 Befouled Water Elementals and Tideress
- Tideress drops a Befouled Water Globe, which starts
the quest The Befouled Element.
- Head northwest and kill Ursangous. He drops a paw
which starts Ursangous's Paw.

- Head northwest and follow the path all the way to Zoram'gar
GUARDS). Turn in Trouble in the Deeps. Don't
get the follow-up and also note - get Vorsha the Lasher
LAST!; just get the following four quests in the area:
- Naga at the Zoram Strand
- Between a Rock and a Thistlefur
- Troll Charm
- Vorsha the Lasher
- Once you get Vorsha the Lasher, follow Muglash
northwest to an island. Fight off the waves, and finally,
kill Vorsha the Lasher.
- Head northeast and kill Nagas for 20 Wraithtail
- Head a ways southeast to Thistlefur Village. Kill
8 Thistlefur Avenger and 8 Thistlefur Shaman on
your way north into the cave.
- Head into the cave and gather 8 Troll Charm along
the way. At the end of the cave, talk to Ruul Snowhoof
to get the escort quest, Freedom to Ruul. Let
Ruul lead the entire way out the cave so that he draws aggro
from the furbolgs first. There will be one ambush of 3 furbolgs
along the way as well - make sure they attack Ruul first
by staying behind him.
- Return to Zoram'gar Outpost and turn in your quests:
- Naga at the Zoram Strand
- Between a Rock and a Thistlefur
- Troll Charm
- Vorsha the Lasher
Don't get any of the follow-ups.

- Fly to Splintertree Post. Turn in your quests:
- Ashenvale Outrunners (Slightly southwest,
at the watch tower)
- Freedom to Ruul
- Torek's Assault
- Ursangous's Paw
- Stonetalon Standstill
- The Befouled Element and get the follow-up
Je'Neu of the Earthen Ring
- Fly to Zoram'gar Outpost and turn in Je'Neu
of the Earthen Ring.