Horde Hillsbrad Foothills Guide Part 2
Level 23

- Head west to the Hillsbrad Fields
and kill every Starving Mountain Lion
you find on your way. Don't worry about finsihing gathering
10 Lion Blood, it can be
finished on the way back. First, clear to to Farmer
Getz who is in the northeast field area.
- Kill your way northwest into the house and kill Farmer
Ray. Finish killing 6
Hillsbrad Farmers and 6 Hillsbrad Farmhands
in the fields.
- Head east and finish killing Starving Mountain Lions
for 10 Lion Blood.
- Return to Tarren Mill.

- At Tarren Mill, turn in Battle
of Hillsbrad and Elixir
of Pain. Get the follow-ups Battle of Hillsbrad,
Elixir of Pain, and Souvenirs
of Death.
- Head back to the Hillsbrad Fields, to the northern
house next to the northern field. Give the potion to Stanley
and kill him.
- Head south and kill 15 Hillsbrad
Peasants and Farmer Kalaba.
You do not have to farm here for the 30 Hillsbrad Human
Skulls - there will be many more Hillsbrad casualties in
the future in which the skulls will be picked up in due
time. Stop killing once you've finished killing the peasants
and Kalaba
- When done, Hearth to Orgrimmar.