Alliance Storm Peaks Guide Part 3
Level 79

- At Bouldercrag's Refuge, Get the Flight Path.
Turn in The Earthen of Ulduar and get the follow-up
Rare Earth. Also, Set your
Hearthstone to Bouldercrag's Refuge.
- Fly northwest down the cliff face. Mine 7 Enchanted
- Then, Hearth back to Bouldercrag's Refuge and
turn in Rare Earth. Get follow-ups Fighting
Back and Relief for the Fallen.
- Fly northeast down to the Snowdrift Plains. Kill
10 Stormforged Attackers and use your Telluric
Poultice to heal 8 Fallen Earth Defenders.
- Then, return to Bouldecrag's Refuge. Turn in
Fighting Back and Relief for the Fallen.
Get the follow-ups Slaves of the Stormforged
and The Dark Ore.
- Fly southwest to The Frozen Mine. Collect 5
Dark Ore Samples, Kill 3 Stormforged Taskmasters,
and talk to 8 Captive Mechagnomes and attempt to
free them.
- Then, return to Bouldercrag's Refuge. Turn
in Slaves of the Stormforged and The Dark
Ore. Get the follow-ups The Gifts of Loken
and Facing the Storm.
- Fly southwest to Nidavelir.

In Nidavelir, kill a Stormforged War Golem for
a Dark Armor Plate. This starts the quest Armor
of Darkness. While flying in the next three steps to destroy
Loken's items, kill 10 Nidavelir Stormforged and get
4 Dark Armor Samples from the Stormforged War Golems.
All of the items to destroy are inside small buildings.
- Destroy Loken's Power.
- Destroy Loken's Favor.
- Destroy Loken's Fury.
- Then, return to Bouldercrag's Refuge.

- At Bouldercrag's Refuge, turn in:
- Armor of Darkness and get the follow-up The
Armor's Secrets
- Facing the Storm
- The Gifts of Loken
- Fly southeast to the other side of the mountain to
Mimir's Workshop. Talk to Attendant Tock and
wait for him to finish investigating the Armor Plate.
- Then, return to Bouldercrag's Refuge. Turn
in The Armor's Secret. Get the follow-up Valduran
the Stormborn.
- Fly southwest to Valduran the Stormborn. Use Bouldercrag's
War Horn to summon Bruor and Bouldercrag to help you.
Kill Valduran.
- Then, return to Bouldercrag's Refuge. Turn
in Valduran the Stormborn. Get the follow-ups
Destroy the Forges! and Hit Them Where it
- Fly to the Forges and use Bouldercrag's Bomb to
destroy the North, Central, and South Lightning Forge.
They are all very close to each other. Kill 10 Stormforged
Artificer as well.
- Then, return to Bouldercrag's Refuge.

- At Bouldercrag's Refuge, turn in Destroy the
Forges! and Hit Them Where it Hurts. Get the
follow-up A Colossal Threat.
- Fly back to the forge area. Get the Colossal Attack
- Get the Colossal Defense Specs.
- Then, return to Bouldercrag's Refuge. Turn
in A Colossal Threat and get the follow-up The
Heart of the Storm.
- Fly in from a small hole on the south side of the Temple
of Storms (fly north, facing the S in the Temple of Storms
on the map) and fly in all the way to the Heart of the
Storm. "Attempt" to loot the Heart of the
- Then, Hearth back to Bouldercrag's Refuge.
Turn in Heart of the Storm and get the follow-up
The Iron Colossus.
- Fly northwest and use a Jormungar Control Orb
to take control of a Tamed Jormungar. Its abilities
- Ability 1: Submerge - you can only move while
submerged. When you submerge, you gain the ability to
Emerge - you can only attack while emerged.
- Ability 2: Jormungar Strike - powerful melee
strike. Use this attack on cooldown.
- Ability 3: Acid Breath - powerful stacking
dot. Use this attack on cooldown as well.
Before you fight the Iron Colossus, read the entire
secstion on the strategy so you can avoid dying the first
time against it.
- Head west to The Iron Colossus. (Submerge first
to move).
Emerge next to him and then start spamming your two
attack abilities, Jormungar Strike and Acid Breath.
The big gimmick to the fight is that when The Iron Colossus
emotes: "The Iron Colossus prepares to slam
the ground in front of him!" you must immediately
Submerge and run BEHIND him (you can and
should start moving even before the animation for being
underground shows up - you can move right after submerging).
Emerge behind him, then continue attacking. Rinse
and repeat each time he emotes. You cannot get hit
by his ground slam attack - if you manage to dodge it each
time, you'll kill him hanildy.
- Finally, return to Bouldecrag's Refuge to turn
in the final part of this long quest chain.
To conclude with this area, turn in your remaining quests:
- Fly to Frosthold and turn in:
- Baby Stealers
- Stemming the Aggressors and get the follow-up
Sirana Iceshriek (Group)
- Fly to K3 and turn in Overstock.
Congratulations! You should have hit level 80 by now, and
have turned in all the most convenient quests. For a lot of
extra gold, you can proceed onto the rest of the Storm Peaks
and complete the rest of the quests, as well as the ones from
Icecrown. Or go instance! Or go raid! The possibilities
open up once you hit 80.
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