Alliance Storm Peaks Guide Part 2
Level 79

- Head into the Forlorn Mine.
- Talk to Lok'lira the Crone and turn in Leave
No Goblin Behind. Get the follow-up The Crone's Bargain.
- Kill Overseer Syra, just east in the next big
room (She also patrols into the tunnels to the north
and south), for the Runes of the Yrkvinn,
then return to Lok'lira the Crone and turn in
The Crone's Bargain and get the follow-up Mildred
the Cruel.
- Head east and talk to Mildred the Cruel. Turn
in Mildred the Cruel and get the follow-up Discipline.
Head into the north and south tunnels in the room and
use your Disciplining Rod on 6 Exhausted Vrykul.
Then, return to Mildred the Cruel and turn in
Discipline and get the follow-up Examples
to be Made.
- Head east to Garhal just in the next room and
kill him. Then, return to Mildred the Cruel and
turn in Examples to be Made and get the follow-up
A Certain Prisoner.
- Return west to Lok'lira the Crone and turn
in A Certain Prisoner. Get the follow-up A
Change in Scenery.
- Head east out of the mine to Brunnhildar Village.
Turn in A Change in Scenery and get the follow-up
Is That Your Goblin?
- Head just southeast and talk to Agnetta Tyrsdottar
and challenge and kill her.
- Return to Lok'lira the Crone and turn in Is
That Your Goblin? and get the follow-up The Hyldsmeet.
Talk to Lok'lira again and go through her dialogue Turn
in the quest and get the follow-up Taking On All Challengers.
- Look around camp for 6 Victorious Challengers
and challenge and kill them. Then, return to Lok'lira
the Crone and turn in Taking on All Challengers
and get the follow-up You'll Need a Bear.
- Head east to Brijana and turn in You'll Need
a Bear and get the follow-up Going Bearback.
You'll enter into an automated ride. Keep using your Flaming
Arrow (Ability 1) on cooldown and don't Sprint
until you're done and just want to get back faster.

- Once you return to Brijana and complete the quest,
turn in Going Bearback and get the follow-up Cold
- Fly east to Dun Niffelem and mount directly onto
a Captive Proto-Drake. Once on, use Ice Shard
on Brunnhildar Prisoners and make sure you stay
in range as they get grabbed by your drake. Free 3 since
you can only carry that many, then fly back west. You need
to rescue 9, so make two more trips. When done, turn in
Cold Hearted. Get the follow-up Deemed Worthy.
- Talk to Astrid Bjonrittar in the southern area
of Brunnhildar Village. Turn in Deemed Worthy
and get the follow-up Making a Harness. Also,
get the following quests in the next house to the west:
- Aberrations
- Off With Their Wings
- Yuda's Folly
- Fly southwest and kill Icemane Yetis for 3 Icemane
Yeti Hides.
- Fly further southwest to Garm's Bane and lay out
the Improved Land Mines and kill 12 Garm Invaders
with them.
- Return to Astrid Bjonrittar and turn in Making
a Harness. Get the follow-ups The Last of Her Kind
and The Slithering Darkness.
Fly east and enter the cave. First, kill 8 Ravenous
Jormungars as you clear to the back of the cave. When
done, mount the Injured Icemaw Matriarch and take
the ride out of the cave.
Return to Astrid Bjonrittar.

- At Astrid Bjonrittar, turn in The Last of Her
Kind and The Slithering Darkness. Get the follow-up
The Warm-Up.
- Head northeast to Kirgaraak. Spam Maul (Ability
4) as your main damage dealer. You can also do a
combo attack by using Smash (Ability 5) to
knock your opponent away then using Charge (Ability
6) right after. Do that attack on cooldown as well.
- Turn in The Warm-Up and get the follow-up Into
the Pit. Enter the pit and get on the bear. Kill
6 Hyldsmeet Warbears. Make sure to keep an eye
on your own health too! Then, turn in Into the Pit
and get the follow-up Prepare for Glory.
- Head northwest to Lok'lira the Crone and turn
in Prepare for Glory. Get the follow-up Lok'lira's
Parting Gift.
- Speak to Gretta the Arbiter at the northeastern
area of the village and turn in Lok'lira's Parting
Gift. Get the follow-up The Drakkensryd.
You'll be flown to the Temple of Storms. Use
your Hyldnir Harpoon to jump onto a targeted
drake and enter hand to hand combat with an Hyldsmeet
Drakerider. You can use your normal abilities to
kill it, and can eat and drink on the drake if need
be. Kill 10 Hyldsmeet Drakeriders. Finish by
using your Hyldnir Harpoon on a Column Ornament
at the temple. Turn in The Drakkensryd to
Thorim. Get the follow-up Sibling Rivalry.
Talk to him and go through the dialogue to complete
the quest and get the follow-up Mending Fences.
- Fly west to Valkyrion. In the area, complete the
following objectives while killing 12 Nascent Val'kyr
and killing Valkyrion Aspirants for about 6
Vials of Frost Oil.
- Kill Yulda the Stormspeaker. Get Valkyrion
Must Burn from the Harpoon Crate next to
- Use a Valkyrion Harpoon Gun and aim the Flaming
Harpoon on the stacks of hay to start 6 Fires.
You may want to use the other set of harpoon guns as
well to get different angles for aiming.
- Throw the Vials of Frost Oil onto the eggs
and freeze 30 Proto-Drake Eggs. The eggs are
mostly in groups of 6.
- Fly southeast atop the mountain and use your Fresh
Ice Rhino Meat to Feed 8 Stormcrest Eagles.
- Fly southwest to Frosthold and turn in your quests:
- Ancient Relics
- Loyal Companions and get the follow-up Baby
- Missing Scouts and get the follow-up Stemming
the Aggressors
- On Brann's Trail and get the follow-up Sniffing
Out the Perpetrator

- Fly east and kill 8 Frostfeather Screechers and 8 Frostfeather
Witches and pick up 15 Stormcrest Eagle Egg along
the frozen river.
- Fly north and use the Frosthound Collar at the
Abandoned Camp. Use abilities on cooldown: Net
(Ability 1) to net Pursuers and use Ice
Slick (Ability 2) on the ground behind you to
slow them down.
When you reach the cave, kill Tracker Thulin. Get
Brann's Communicator and use it and turn in Sniffing
Out the Perpetrator. Get the follow-up Pieces to
the Puzzle.
- Fly southeast to Brunnhildar Village. Turn in your
- Aberrations
- Off With Their Black Wings
- Valkyrion Must Burn
- Yulda's Folly
- Fly east to Fjorn's Anvil. Pick up a Granite
Boulder off the ground then target a Stormforged
Iron Giant and use Thorim's Charm of Earth. You
can only hold one boulder at a time. You will also get a
Slag Covered Metal - start the quest The Refiner's
Fire from it.
- Kill Seething Revenants for 10 Furious
- Head further east to the actual Anvil in Fjorn's
Anvil. Kill Fjorn (by picking up a Granite
Boulder and using Thorim's Charm of Earth as
usual). Then, use the Anvil to complete The
Refiner's Fire. Also, finish killing 5 Stormforged
Iron Giants.
- Fly to Thorim and turn in Mending Fences
and The Refiner's Fire and get the follow-up Forging
an Alliance.
- Fly northwest to The Inventor's Library.
- Kill Library Guardians for 6 Investor's
Disk Fragments, then combine it into the Investor's
Then, use Brann's Communicator to summon Brann
Bronzebeard. Turn in Pieces of the Puzzle
and get the follow-up Data Mining.
- Use the Investor's Disk on 7 Databanks
to gather 7 Hidden Data.
Then, use Brann's Communicator to summon Brann
Bronzebeard. Turn in Data Mining. Get the
follow-up The Library Console.
- Go southwest into the actual library building. Click the
Library Console and turn in The Library Console.
Get the follow-up Norgannon's Shell. Use the Charged
Disk to summon Archivist Mechaton. Kill it for
Norgannon's Shell
Then, use Brann's Communicator to summon Brann
Bronzebeard. Turn in Norgannon's Shell. Get the
follow-ups Aid from the Explorers' League and The
Exiles of Ulduar.
- Fly northwest to Bouldercrag's Refuge.