Alliance Zul'Drak Guide Part 5
Level 77

- Ride northeast to Zim'Torga. Get the Flight
Path. Turn in To the Witch Doctor. Get the quests:
- Breaking Through Jin'Alai
- The Blessing of Zim'Torga
- The Leaders at Jin'Alai
- Just Checkin'
Turn in The Blessings of Zim'Torga at the center
- Head southwest to Jin'Alai. Near the rectangular
"plaza", you can find the four cauldrons on each
corner of the rectangle. Click on all four of them. Also,
kill a lot of trolls. Once you've killed enough, a Troll
Chieftain will spawn - kill it and gather its treasure
that spawns at its corpse. When you're done killing all
3 Chieftains, return to Zim'Torga. Turn in:
- Breaking Through Jin'Alai
- The Leaders at Jin'Alai
Get the new quests:
- Relics of the Snow Leopard Goddess
- Sealing the Rifts
- The Frozen Earth
- To Speak With Har'koa
- Ride southeast to Har'koa. Turn in To Speak
With Har'koa and get the follow-up But First My Offspring.
- Ride west. Kill 7 Cursed Offspring of Har'koa and
use Whisker of Har'koa on their corpses. Also, gather
10 Har'koan Relics.
- Then, return to Har'koa and turn in But
First My Offspring. Get the follow-up Spirit
of Rhunok.
- Ride northwest back to Zim'Torga. Turn in Relics
of the Snow Leopard Goddess and get the follow-ups:
- Plundering Their Own
- The Blessing of Zim'Rhuk
- Tails Up

- Ride northwest. Kill 7 Elemental Rifts and kill
Frozen Earth for 7 Essence of the Frozen Earth.
- Ride northeast to Zim'Rhuk and turn in The Blessing
of Zim'Rhuk.
- Ride northwest to the Spirit of Rhunok and turn
in Spirit of Rhunok. Get the follow-up My Prophet,
My Enemy.
- Ride south to the lake. Kill the Prophet of Rhunok
for the Arctic Bear God Mojo, and kill the Priests
of Rhunok around the area for 7 Rhunokian Artifacts.
- Return to the Spirit of Rhunok and turn
in My Prophet, My Enemy and get the follow-up An
End to the Suffering.
- Head into the temple and use the Torment's Incense
on Rhunok, then kill it.
- Return to the Spirit of Rhunok and turn in An
End to the Suffering. Get the follow-up Back to
- Ride southeast to Zim'Torga.

- At Zim'Torga, get turn in all your quests:
- Plundering Their Own
- Sealing the Rifts
- The Frozen Earth
Get the new quests:
- Bringing Down Heb'Jin
- Scalps!
- Ride southeast to Har'koa and turn in Back to
Har'koa. Get the follow-up I Sense a Disturbance.
Talk to her again and tell her to call for a ride. Once
you're done, turn in the quest and get the follow-up Preparations
for the Underworld.
- Kill the trolls around the area for 8 Sacred Adornments,
then turn in Preparations for the Underworld and
get the follow-up Seek the Wind Serpent Goddess.
- Ride east to an area with Frost Leopards and Icepaw
Bears. Use your To'kini's Blowgun on them then
approach them while they're sleeping and check them. Find
3 Female Frost Leopards and 3 Female Icepaw Bears.
- Ride northeast to Quetz'lun.

- At Quetz'lun, turn in Seek the Wind Serpent
Goddess. Get the follow-up Setting the Stage.
- Then, head west downstairs and collect 10 Underworld
Power Fragment.
- Then, return to Quetz'lun and turn in Setting
the Stage and get the follow-up Foundation for
- Then, head west downstairs again and kill 12 Trolls
while they're near a Soul Font.
- Then, return to Quetz'lun and turn in Foundation
for Revenge. and get the follow-up Hell Hath
a Fury.
- Hex High Priest Hawinni.
- Hex High Priest Mu'funu.
- Hex High Priestess Tua-Tua.
- Then, return to Quetz'lun and turn in Hell Hath
a Fury. Get the follow-up One Last Thing.
- Once done, ride southwest back to Har'koa.