Alliance Zul'Drak Guide Part 1
Level 76
A note: you may be level 77 by now, in which case before
you enter Zul'Drak, you should learn Cold Weather Flying,
and purchase your epic flying mount if you have enough gold
for it. If you're not level 77 yet, or lack the funds to purchase
an epic flying mount, don't worry about the below part in
Flying Mount Instructions If Level
For those who are truly diligent and have followed
Gold Guide
and have not yet received Cold Weather Flying and their
Epic Flying Mount, you'll have a nice stash of gold to
purchase your Epic Flying Mount and be able to
train Cold Weather Flying (Cost: 5,000g training
+ 1,000g Cold Weather training + 100g for the mount).
If not, there's no better time to start the gold guide
than now, to make sure that you'll at least be able to
fly in style starting at level 80! Simply take the portal
to Shattrath City from Dalaran, then fly to Honor Hold.
Then, take a portal to a Capital City and train
your skills.
Hearth back to Dalaran.
Note that you should also train Cold Weather Flying
from the riding trainer at Dalaran by the flight
master at Krasus' Landing.
If you're not level 77, that's to be expected - the above
is just in case you are. If not 77, just take a portal to
a Capital City and train your skills, then Hearth
back to Dalaran.
Onwards to Zul'Drak!

(Optional but Highly Recommended - Group) A note as
you enter Zul'Drak - you may remember the Ring of Blood quest
series from Nagrand. In Zul'Drak, there's once again a series
of arena fights which is just like the Ring of Blood - its
a series called The Amphitheater of Anguish. As soon
as you enter the zone, look out for people looking for more
for the "Ring of Blood" or "Amphitheater"
or "Arena" quests. Find a group of five people with
a tank and healer.
The process of making sure the entire group starts and completes
the quest together is having one person be the designated
quest starter. Have everybody gather around the quest giver,
then one person starts the quest, which will allow everyone
to start the quest. Then, after making sure everybody's turned
in the quest, the quest starter starts the next quest, and
so on and so on.

With a group of five with a tank and a healer, it will be
the fastest burst of experience that is in the game, 192,900
XP in just minutes, along with an extremely good weapon,
and about 120 Gold! Keep an eye out for groups throughout
your entire time in Zul'Drak because there are no pre-requisites.
If you find a group, go there and then continue questing where
you left off.
- Fly to Wintergarde Keep, Dragonblight. Ride northeast
into Zul'Drak.
- Ride to Light's Breach. Turn in Into the Breach!
and get the quests:
- In Search of Answers
- This Just In: Fire Still Hot!
- Trolls Is Gone Crazy!
- Wanted: Ragemane's Flipper (Group)
Look around to see if anybody wants to do Wanted:
Ragemane's Flipper. Any team of two people should
be able to do him. If you don't find anyone, get around
to it later.
- Ride southeast to Rageclaw Den. Complete all of
the following objectives simultaneously:
- Clear your way to the Orders From Drakuru, turn
in In Search of Answers, and get the follow-up
Orders From Drakuru.
- Kill Drakuru Blood Drinkers for Drakuru "Lock
- Free 8 Captured Rageclaw by using the Drakuru
"Lock Openers" on them.
- Use the Rageclaw Fire Extinguisher to Douse
15 Huts. You'll have to use them multiple times to
put out the fires. You can just spam the item to douse
fires very quickly.
- If you have a partner, ride southeast to Rageclaw
Lake and kill Ragemane.
- Return to Light's Breach. Turn in your quests:
- Orders From Drakuru and get the follow-ups The
Ebon Watch and Crusader Forward Camp
- This Just In: Fire Still Hot!
- Trolls Is Gone Crazy!
- Wanted: Ragemane's Flipper (if you did it)

- Ride northwest to the Crusader Forward Camp and
turn in Crusader Forward Camp. Get the follow-up
- That's What Friends Are For...
- Making Something Out Of Nothing
- Ride north to Crusader Dargath.
- Ride southwest to Thrym's End. Talk to Gymer
and get his quest, A Great Storm Approaches.
- Ride west to Gerk and get Light Won't Grant
Me Vengeance.
- Ride west to find Burr.
- Finish killing 15 Vargul and gathering 10
Scourge Scrap Metal then go back to Gerk and
turn in Light Won't Grant Me Vengeance.
- Return to the Crusader Forward Camp. Turn in:
- A Great Storm Approaches and get the follow-up
Gymer's Salvation.
- Making Something Out Of Nothing
- That's What Friends Are For...

- Ride north and kill Banshee Soulclaimers for 6
Banshee Essence.
- Ride southwest to Ebon Watch. Turn in The Ebon
Watch and get the follow-up Kickin' Nass and Takin'
- Ride around the camp to the south and the west and kill
Icetouched Earthragers for 6 Diatomaceous Earth.
- Ride around the camp to the north and the east and kill
10 Withered Trolls and use Stefan's Steel Toed
Boot after each kill to collect 10 Hair Samples.
You should also get an Unliving Choker which starts
the quest An Invitation, of Sorts...
- Ride back to Ebon Watch and turn in:
- Kickin' Nass and Takin' Manes and get the follow-up
Taking a Stand
- An Invitation, of Sorts... and get the follow-up
Near Miss. Talk to Bloodrose Datura nearby
to complete it and get the follow-up You Can Run,
But You Can't Hide.
- Ride east to the Reliquary of Agony and collect
5 Gooey Ghoul Drool (scattered around on the ground)
and kill Putrid Abominations for 5 Putrid
Abomination Guts.
- Then, return to Ebon Watch and turn in You
Can Run, But You Can't Hide and get the follow-up
Dressing Down.
- Then, ride back to the Reliquary of Agony
and use the Ensorcelled Choker to disguise yourself
as a ghoul. Talk to Gristlegut and buy a Bitter
Plasma. Also, accept his quest Feedin' Da Goolz.
- Circle around the area and use the Bowels and Brains
Bowl near Decaying Ghouls and Feed 10
of them.
- Return to Gristlegut and turn in Feedin' Da
- Finally, ride back to Ebon Watch and turn in
Dressing Down. Get the follow-up Infiltrating

- Ride to the Crusader Forward Camp and turn in Ormer's
Salvation. Get the follow-up Our Only Hope.
- Ride northwest to Gymer. Blow up the cage and
turn in Our Only Hope and get the follow-up The
Storm King's Vengeance. Now you get to ride an incredibly
destructive Storm Giant!
The abilities are:
- Ability 1: Gymer's Smash - Spam this to do big
AoE damage to all nearby enemies. You have to have an
enemy targeted.
- Ability 2: Gymer's Roar - fairly useless - knocks
people back.
- Ability 3: Gymer's Grab - use this on
bosses, followed up with Ability 4 to do a lot of damage.
You can also pick up Storm Cloud to heal and become
more powerful.
- Ability 4: Gymer's Throw - throw the Vargul in
Gymer's hand to do a lot of explosion damage.
- Ride northeast to Algar the Chosen and kill him
by spamming Gymer's Smash, and using Gymer's Grab and Gymer's
Throw whenever up as well.
- Ride southeast to Prince Navarius and kill him
by spamming Gymer's Smash, and using Gymer's Grab and Gymer's
Throw whenever up as well. This spawns Thrym who
is bigger than you! Run and grab a Storm Cloud, then
turn and face him using the usual attack pattern.
- Ride back to the Crusader Forward Camp and dismount.
Turn in The Storm King's Vengeance.