Alliance Western Plaguelands Guide
Level 54
Hearth to Stormwind.
In Stormwind, look around for a wandering Town
Crier who will have the quest A Call to Arms: The Plaguelands!
for you.
Train your skills.

- Fly to Southshore, Hillsbrad Mountains and
head north along the road into the Alterac Mountains.
- Head northeast along the road to Chillwind Camp.
Turn in A Call to Arms: The Plaguelands! and get
the quests:
- Clear The Way
- Argent Dawn Commission and put on the trinket

- Head east to the graveyard and kill 10 Skeletal Flayers
and 10 Slavering Ghouls.
- Return to Chillwind Camp and turn in Clear the
Way. Get the follow-ups
- The Scourge Cauldrons and turn it in to get
the follow-up Target: Felstone Field
- All Along the Watchtowers
- Head northwest and enter the Ruins of Andorhal.
This area is dangerous - make sure to tread carefully and
clear your way to each tower.
Go to Tower One and use the Beacon Torch at
the entrance to the watch tower.
- Head east to Tower Four and use the Beacon Torch
at the entrance to the watch tower.
- Head northwest to Tower Three and use the Beacon
Torch at the entrance to the watch tower.
- Head west to Tower Two and use the Beacon Torch
at the entrance to the watch tower.
- Head northwest out of the ruins and to Felstone Field.
Clear a path to Cauldron Lord Bilemaw near the Cauldron.
Kill him, loot the Felstone Field Cauldron Key, and
click the cauldron to complete Target: Felstone Field
and get the follow-up Return to Chillwind Camp.
- Go to the house on the northwest side of the field. Talk
to Janice Felstone on the second floor of the house
and get Better Late Than Never.
- Head out of the house and to the house just to the east
of it. Click on Janice's Parcel and complete and
get the next step in Better Late Than Never.
- Return to Chillwind Camp and turn in
- Return to Chillwind Camp and get the follow-up
Target: Dalson's Tears
- All Along the Watchtowers.

- Head north to Dalson's Tears and clear a path to
Cauldron Lord Malvinious by the cauldron. Kill him,
loot the Dalson's Tears Cauldron Key and click the
cauldron to turn in Target: Dalson's Tears and get
the follow-up Return to Chillwind Camp.
- Head to the easternmost house (the barn) and click Mrs.
Dalson's Diary. Read through the text to complete the
- Look for the Wandering Skeleton around the barn.
Kill it and loot the Dalson Outhouse Key.
Use the key to open the outhouse. Farmer Dalson,
a level 56 mob, will spawn. Kill it and loot the Dalson
Cabinet Key.
- Go to the house west of the barn and open the Locked
- Hearth to Stormwind.

- Hearth to Stormwind. Train your skills.
- Turn in Better Late Than Never and get the follow-up
Good Natured Emma
- Find Ol' Emma, who wanders around Stormwind, mainly
spotted in the two spots shown above and along the path.
Turn in Good Natured Emma and get the follow-up Good
Luck Charm.
- Fly to Ironforge and turn in The Smoldering
Ruins of Thaurissan.
Also, Set your Hearthstone to Ironforge.

- Fly back to Chillwind Camp, Western Plaguelands.
Turn in Return to Chillwind Camp and get the
follow-up Target: Writhing Haunt.
- Head northeast to the Writhing Haunt. Clear your
way to Cauldron Lord Razarch, ill him, and loot the
Writhing Haunt Cauldron Key. Click the cauldron and
turn in Target: Writhing Haunt and get the follow-up,
Return to Chillwind Camp.
- At the north side of the field is a house. Get the quest
The Wildlife Suffers Too from Mulgris Deepriver.
- Head northwest and kill Diseased Wolf along the
way. (Note: these share spawn spots with Carrion Lurkers,
so kill those along the way too. They will respawn into
wolves, on your way back.)
- Reach Janice Felstone and turn in Good Luck
Charm and get the follow-up Two Halves Become One.
- Head out to the field and find the Jabbering Ghoul.
Kill it and get the Good Luck Other-Half-Charm and
combine the two charms.
Then, return to Janice Felstone and turn in Two
Halves Become One.
- Return to Mulgris Deepriver, making sure to finish
killing 8 Diseased Wolf along the way. Turn in The
Wildlife Suffers Too and get the next step in the chain.
- Head northeast and kill 8 Diseased Grizzly. They
share a spawn spot with Plague Lurkers, so if there
aren't enough Grizzlies, then kill the Lurkers so the Grizzlies
can spawn.
- Then, return to Mulgris Deepriver and turn
in The Wildlife Suffers Too and get the follow-up
Glyphed Oaken Branch.
- Return to Chillwind Camp and turn in Return
to Chillwind Camp. Don't get the follow-up.
Hearth if it is up - or, Fly to Ironforge.