Alliance Alterac Mountains Guide
Level 41
With the advent of patch 3.2, you can obtain your mount at
Level 40 for just 60 Total Gold (50 for the training, and
10 for the mount, with some price discounts for reputation),
which will speed up travel significantly.
It's possible that you haven't accumulated 60 Gold yet -
check out the
Gold Guide for
an awesome guide which will allow you to get to at least ten
thousand gold while you level up to 80. Never worry about
the cost of skills and mount prices. You'll even be able to
pick up some rare and epic gear from the auction house with
your gold as you level so you can level even faster.
Get your mount in the following locations:
If you don't have enough money for your mount yet, just continue
on until you do have enough money at which point make a pit
stop and buy your epic mount.
Continuing on: fly to Southshore, Hillsbrad Foothills
(If you don't have the flight path, to get to Southshore,
go north from Wetlands into the Arathi Highlands, then head
west to Hillsbrad Foothills. Follow the road south-west to
Southshore). Turn in Down the Scarlet Path as well
as Further Mysteries.
Make sure you get all the quests in town, such that your quest
log looks like:
- Noble Deaths
- Crushridge Warmongers
- Dark Council
- Preserving Knowledge
- The Perenolde Tiara
- Magical Analysis
Some of these quests are follow-ups from earlier chains.
If you don't have some of them, don't worry about it - just
follow the portions of the guide for which you have quests
Set your Hearthstone to Southshore.

- Head northwest to Archmage Ansirem Runeweaver outside
Dalaran. Turn in Magical Analysis and get
the follow-up Ansirem's Key.
- Head northeast to the Ruins of Alterac. Go to the
keep and kill 10 Crushridge Warmongers and Grel'borg
the Miser who patrols inside the first floor of the
keep and wanders outside occasionally. Loot the Perenolde
- Head northeast to the town hall and get the Weathered
Worn Book and kill enough ogres to collect 5 Recovered
- Head east to get out of the ogre area then up the northwest
path. There are four main Syndicate Camps and each camp
has an Argus Shadow Mage. Kill him and also kill
the surrounding syndicates to collect 7 Alterac Signet
Ring. There's no rush to collect all the signet rings
in this camp, there are three more to go to the northwest.
- This is the second syndicate camp. Kill the Argus Shadow
Mage and surrounding syndicates.
- This is the third syndicate camp. Kill the Argus Shadow
Mage and surrounding syndicates.
- This is the fourth syndicate camp. Kill the Argus Shadow
Mage and surrounding syndicates.
- Head northwest to a house. Nagaz is inside. Kill
him for his head.
Then, open the chest behind him to get the Ensorcelled
Parchment, which starts the quest Ensorcelled Parchment.
- Hearth to Southshore. Turn in:
- Preserving Knowledge and get the follow-up
Return to Milton
- Ensorcelled Parchment and get the follow-up
Stormpike's Deciphering
- Noble Deaths
- Dark Council
- Crushridge Warmongers