Alliance Dustwallow Marsh Guide Part 3
Level 40
If you've just joined in here, this guide continues the Dustwallow
Marsh quests. Start at the level 38 section if you haven't
done any of the quests here yet and quest your way up to this
Note that as of Patch 3.2, you may buy an Epic Ground Mount
at level 40 for just 50 gold. Hold off one level though -
we'll be out of Dustwallow Marsh soon and we'll get a mount
as soon as we're out!
- The last section ended off with us at the North Tower.
(If you're joining in at this point in the guide, go
back to the previous Level
38 page and start the Dustwallow Guide from
- Ride southwest to Tabetha's Farm. Turn in Tabetha's
Assistance and Tabetha's Farm. Get the quests:
- The Grimtotem Weapon
- Direhorn Raiders
- Raze Direhorn Post!
- The Reagent Thief
- The Zeppelin Crash
- Head northwest and kill Noxious Shredders and Darkfang
Creepers for 6 Marsh Venom. Also, search for
Mottled Drywater Crocolisks. Use the Captured
Totem and pull the crocolisks near it, then kill them.
(Note: If you're a warlock or a hunter, you need to have
aggro from the crocolisk when it dies to get credit for
the kill. Turn off taunt and send your pet in later against
the crocolisks.)
- Head northeast to Direhorn Post and kill 12
Grimtotems to clear the way to Burn the 3 Tents.
Apothecary Cylla is in the middle tent - kill her and
loot the Sealed Letter to start The Apothecary's

- Head east to Moxie Steelgrille and turn in The
Zeppelin Crash. Get the quests Secure the Cargo!
and Corrosion Prevention.

Look around the area for 8 Zeppelin Cargo and use
the Ooze Buster on oozes while you're near Power
Core Fragments and Dissolve 10 Oozes.
Then, return to Moxie and turn in the two quests Secure
the Cargo! and Corrosion Prevention and get the
follow-up Delivery for Drazzit.
- Return to Tabetha's Farm and turn in:
- The Grimtotem Weapon
- Direhorn Raiders
- Raze Direhorn Post!
- The Reagent Thief
- The Apothecary's Letter
and get the follow-up Justice for the Hyals.
- Ride south to Mudsprocket and turn in Delivery
for Drazzit. Get all the quests:
- Bloodfen Feathers
- WANTED: Goreclaw the Ravenous
- Catch a Dragon by the Tail

- Head south and gather 8 Wyrmtails.
- Head northwest to the raptors and clear a path to Goreclaw
the Ravenous and kill him. Collect 5 Bloodfen Feathers.
- Return to Mudsprocket and turn in:
- Bloodfen Feathers
- WANTED: Goreclaw the Ravenous
- Catch a Dragon by the Tail
and get the follow-ups:
- Banner of the Stonemaul
- The Essence of Enmity
- Ride northwest to the Den of Flame and clear your
way into the cave. Use Brogg's Totem on the Firemaw
Dragons to collect 10 Black Dragonkin Essence.
Keep left in the cave and loot the Stonemaul Banner
on the left side dead end.
- Return to Mudsprocket and turn in
- Banner of the Stonemaul
- The Essence of Enmity
and get the follow-up Spirits of Stonemaul Hold.
- Head northeast to Stonemaul Ruins and loot the
Ogre Remains. A Stonemaul Spirit will appear
after looting. Kill 10 Spirits.
- Return to Mudsprocket and turn in Spirits of
Stonemaul Hold and get the follow-up Challenge to
the Black Flight.
- Head east to Onyxia's Lair. At the entrance, plant
the Stonemaul Banner to get Smolderwing to
come out so you can kill him.
- Return to Mudsprocket and turn in Challenge
to the Black Flight.

- Fly (or Hearth, if its
up) to Theramore. Turn in Stinky's Escape
and Justice for the Hyals. Get the follow-up
Peace At Last.
- Head northwest out of Theramore and lay the Wreath
at the Hyal Family Monument in the graveyard
right outside Theramore. Wait for the quest to complete.
- Return to Theramore and turn in Peace at Last.
Once complete, get on the ship to Menethil Harbor.