Horde Hellfire Peninsula Guide Part 4
Level 61

Fly to Thrallmar.
Turn in A Burden of Souls - don't get the follow-up
The Demoniac Scryer.
Ride west to the Fel Orc Corpse. Turn in The
Assassin and get the follow-up A Strange Weapon.
- Ride southwest to Falcon Watch. Get the Flight
Path. Turn in Falcon Watch and get all the quests
in the area - your quest log for Hellfire Peninsula should
now hold a healthy 15 quests:
- Hellfire Fortifications (Optional)
- Helping the Cenarion Post
- Missing Missive
- Report to Zurai
- The Agony and the Darkness
- A Strange Weapon
- Arelion's Journal
- Birds of a Feather
- In Need of Felblood
- Magic of the Arakkoa
- The Great Fissure
- Cruel's Intentions (Group)
- Source of the Corruption
- Trueflight Arrows
- Wanted: Blacktalon the Savage (Group)
- Fly back to Thrallmar.

- At Thrallmar, turn in A Strange Weapon and
get the follow-up The Warchief's Mandate.
Go outside and turn in The Warchief's Mandate and
get the follow-up A Spirit Guide.
- Ride west to the Pools of Aggonar. If anybody is
interested in doing the group quest Cruel's Intentions,
that's one quest worth doing since it gives a lot of experience,
its in the area, and it gives a nice quest reward - if not
though if nobody's around or interested, just skip it. You
will get one more chance later, see if you can pick up a
group then.
At the pools, go to Arelion's Knapsack. Loot it and
open it to get Arelion's Journal. Around the same
area, kill Terrorfiends to get 6 Felblood Sample
and kill at least 10 Terrorfiends.
- Ride southwest again to the Fel Orc Corpse. Use
your Ancestral Spirit Wolf Totem and follow it -
follow closely so that you get quest credit.
- Follow the wolf to Gorkan Bloodfist. Turn in A
Spirit Guide and get the follow-up The Mag'har.
- Ride south and kill Bonestripper Vultures for 8
Bonestripper Tail Feather.
- Ride southeast and kill 8 Stonecythe Whelp and
3 Stonecythe Alpha.
- Ride to Falcon Watch. Turn in your quests:
- Arelion's Journal and get the follow-up Arelion's
- In Need of Felblood and get the follow-up The
Cleansing Must Be Stopped
- The Great Fissure and get the follow-up Marking
the Path
- Trueflight Arrows
- Fly to Thrallmar. Turn in The Agony and the
Darkness and The Mag'har. Get the follow-up Messenger
to Thrall.
- Then, Fly to Shattrath. Enter the Orgrimmar
Portal in the center of Shattrath. Ride to Thrall
and turn in Messenger to Thrall and get the
follow-up Envoy to the Mag'har. While here, also
train your skills.

- Hearth to Thrallmar.
- If there has been any interest in the group quest Cruel's
Intentions, grab someone and complete it at this step.
Ride west to the Pools of Aggonar and go up to the
Altar of Aggonar. Use the Signaling Gem while
standing on the altar. This will spawn 3 draenei - kill
the Draenei Anchorite.
- Ride northwest to Mag'har Post. Turn in Envoy
to the Mag'har and get the follow-up A Debilitating
- Ride southeast into the Great Fissure. Go to the
Eastern Beacon and activate it.
- Clear your way into the cave and get the Drycap Mushroom
inside. (Note: Blacktalon the Savage is also
in here. He's difficult solo, but you can give it a shot,
or if you're grouped with somebody, take him down for the
quest Wanted: Blacktalon the Savage.)
- Go to the Central Beacon and activate it.
- Go to the Western Beacon and activate it.
- Ride southwest into the Den of Haal'esh. Clear
a path through to the arakkoa and look for Kaliri Nests
- click them to spawn Kaliri Hatchling. When
you spawn a Female Kaliri Hatchling, use your Empty
Birdcage on it.
A ways into the den, you will see a path upwards to the
upper level of the "village." Head across the
upper bridges until you come to Avruu. Kill him and
loot his orb, which starts the quest Avruu's Orb.
- Clear your way southeast to a hut. Click the orb which
spawns Aeranas. Defeat it to complete and turn in
Avruu's Orb.
You should have 4 Haal'eshi Scroll by now from the
arrakoa as well as the Female Kaliri Hatchling, if
not, kill more and find the hatchling on your way to the
next step.
- Clear your to the Wounded Blood Elf Pilgrim. Accept
her escort quest The Road to Falcon Watch - fairly
standard escort quest with an ambush at the exit - let her
tank and fight the mobs one at a time.
- At the end of the escort quest, you will arrive at
Falcon Watch.

- At Falcon Watch, turn in all your quests:
- Birds of a Feather
- Magic of the Arakkoa
- Marking the Path
- The Cleansing Must Be Stopped
- The Road to Falcon Watch and get the follow-up
A Pilgrim's Plight
Also, Set your Hearthstone to
Falcon Watch.
- Ride southwest to Dustquill Ravine. In the southern
part, loot the Torn Pilgrim's Pack.
- Follow the road out of Falcon Watch. Somewhere along the
road is Magister Aledis, a blood elf riding on a
hawkstrider. Talk to him in order to fight him - when he
is brought to low health, he will surrender and you will
be able to turn in Arelion's Secret. Get the follow-up
The Mistress Revealed.
- Ride to the Cenarion Post. Turn in Missing Missive
and Helping the Cenarion Post. Get the quests:
- The Cenarion Expedition
- Colossal Menace (Group)
- Demonic Contamination
- Keep Thornfang Hill Clear!
Note: look around for someone to do Colossal Menace
during the rest of your time in Hellfire Peninsula. If
you find someone, then group up and scroll down to the
bottom of the page to see the details of the Colossal
Menace chain. Once done, proceed where left off.
- Immediately in the areas around the wagon and to the east
are many Hulking Helboar - kill them until you receive
6 Helboar Blood Sample.
- Then, return to the Cenarion Post and turn
in Demonic Contamination and get the follow-up
Testing the Antidote.
- Then, look for a Hulking Helboar and use the
Cenarion Antidote on it. It will turn into Dreadtusk
- then, kill it.
- Then, return to the Cenarion Expedition and
turn in Testing the Antidote.
- Ride southwest into the Ruins of Sha'naar.

Kill Illidari Taskmasters for 5 Demonic Essence
during all the next steps. Note that while Dreghood
Brutes will attack with them, once the taskmaster is dead,
the brutes stop attacking, so just focus on taskmasters.
- There are three huts around the area, go to any and pick
up the quest Naladu.
- Head south up the stairs and avoid Arzeth the Merciless.
Take the east path and turn in Naladu and get the
follow-up A Traitor Among Us.
- Wait for Arzeth the Merciless to walk away from the hut
at the top of the stairs. Go in it and open the Metal
Coffer to get the Sha'nar Key.
- Then, Return to Naladu and turn in A Traitor
Among Us and get the follow-up The Dreghood Elders.
- Head down the stairs and talk to Morod the Windstirrer.
- Head north and talk to Aylaan the Waterwalker.
- Head east and talk to Akoru the Firecaller.
- Return to Naladu and turn in The Dreghood Elders
and get the follow-up, Arzeth's Demise.
- Head to the stairs and use the Staff of the Dreghood
Elders on Arzeth to turn him into a regular monster.
Kill him.
- Then, return to Naladu and turn in Arzeth's

- Ride northwest to Thornfang Hill. Kill 8 Thornfang
Ravager and 8 Thornfang Venomspitter.
- Ride west into Zangarmarsh - at the Cenarion
Refuge, go to Innkeeper Coryth Stoktron. Buy
a Cenarion Spirits (listed as the last item on
the final page).
- Ride back to the Cenarion Post and turn in Keep
Thornfang Hill Clear!
- Ride northeast to Mag'Har Post. At the very top,
turn in A Debilitating Scikness and get the follow-up
Administering the Salve.
- Inside the many huts in the area, you will find Debilitated
Mag'Har Grunts - use the Healing Salve on 10
of them.
- Then, turn in Administrating the Salve.
- Hearth to Falcon Watch. Turn in your quests:
- Source of the Corruption
- A Pilgrim's Plight
- The Mistress Revealed and get the follow-up
Arelion's Mistress
With the Cenarion Spirits you purchased earlier,
go to Viera Sunwhisper and complete Life's Finer
Pleasures. Follow her outside and use the Scroll
of Retribution on her. Then, return to Magistrix
Carinda and turn in Arelion's Mistress.
If you have a partner to do the Raging Colossus questline
with... (optional - if not, just skip on to Zangarmarsh!)

- Kill 5 Raging Colossus. Note that whenever damaged
to a certain point, it splits off a Raging Shardling.
Kill the shardling, then move back to the colossus, otherwise
if you just stay on the colossus, the three spawned shardlings
could overwhelm you. You will also get a Crimson Crystal
Shard which starts Crimson Crystal Clue.
- Return to the Cenarion Post and turn in:
- Colossal Menace
- Crimson Crystal Clue and get the follow-up
The Earthbinder, which can be immediately turned
in. It will spawn a colossus, kill it as you did the
raging colossus before. Get the follow-up, Natural
- Return to the red crystal and clear all the way north
to behind the crystal. Make sure to clear all colossus
anywhere near the runed area! Use the Seed of Revitalization
on the runed area to summon Goliathon who is
just like a Colossus, except with a huge knockback which
will send you flying - make sure to have your back facing
an empty area.
- Return to Cenarion Post and turn in Natural
That concludes Hellfire Peninsula. Onwards to Zangarmarsh!