Alliance Thousand Needles Guide
Level 32

- Ride south into The Barrens -- be careful at the entrance
and avoid the guards by sneaking and running past them.
Just east of the main road, there's a gap in the wall where
you can pass through and bypass the Horde guards.

- Head to Ratchet and Get the Flight path.
- Continue south and take the lift into The Thousand

- Just southwest of the bottom of the lift in The Thousand
Needles, pick up Henrig Lonebrow's Journal from the
corpse which starts a quest.
- Head northwest Thalanaar and Get the Flight
Path. Turn in Lonebrow's Journal and don't get
the follow-up.
- Head southeast all the way to The Shimmering Flats.
Pick up all the quests:
- Hardened Shells
- Load Lightening
- Salt Flat Venom
- Hemet Nesingwary Jr.
- Rocket Car Parts
- A Bump in the Road
- Wharfmaster Dizzywig

In The Shimmering Flats, the point is mainly to just
keep moving and kill from monster to monster while collecting
the Rocket Car Parts. The main challenge is the Hollow
Vulture Bones due to the slow spawn rate of the vultures
and that they're only in significant numbers here. Hence,
the circuit is designed so that the vulture area is visited
many times. Go around the flats, kill so that all the quest
objectives are met, then turn them in.
- Large concentration of Vultures.
- Large concentration of Turtles. Keep whatever Turtle
Meat you find, don't vendor it - you'll need it later.
- Large concentration of Saltstone Basilisk and Crystalhides.
- Large concentration of Vultures.
- Large concentration of Scorpids.
- Large concentration of Saltstone Gazers and Crytalhides.
- Large concentration of Vultures.
- Turn in the quests:
- Hardened Shells
- Load Lightening
- Salt Flat Venom
- Rocket Car Parts
- A Bump in the Road.
Get the follow-ups:
- Goblin Sponsorship
- Martek the Exiled
- Wharfmaster Dizzywig
Don't get, or abandon if you got it, Encrusted
Tail Fins.
- Go south out of The Shimmering Flats and to Gadgetzan,
Tanaris. Get the Flight Path.
Fly to Ratchet.
At Ratchet, turn in the quests:
- Goblin Sponsorship and get the follow-up Goblin
- Wharfmaster Dizzywig - don't get the follow-up.
Take the boat to Booty Bay.
At Booty Bay, Get the Flight Path and get all
the quests in town:
- Goblin Sponsorship after turning in the quest and
getting the follow-ups from several NPCs.
- Supply and Demand
- Investigate the Camp
- Supplies to Private Thorsen
- Bloodscalp Ears
- Singing Blue Shards
- Hostile Takeover
- Scaring Shaky
- The Haunted Isle, then turn it in to Baron Revilgaz
at the top of the inn, turn in The Haunted Isle, and
get the follow-up The Stone of the Tides
We're just getting these quests to avoid having to walk all
the way south to Booty Bay in order to get the flight
path and the quests at a later time. We'll return to Booty
Bay later. For now, just hold these quests in your quest log.