Horde Dragonblight Guide Part 6
Level 74

- At Nozzlerust Post, turn in:
- Nozzlerust Defense
- Shaved Ice and get the follow-up Soft Packaging
- Stocking Up
- Head southwest and kill Jormugar Tunnelers and Dragonbone
Condors for 12 Thin Animal Hide.
- Return to Nozzlerust Post and turn in Soft Packaging
and get the new quests:
- Something That Doesn't Melt
- Hard to Swallow
- Ride southeast and weaken a Hulking Jormungar.
When it opens its mouth once you bring it down to 80% HP,
use the Potent Explosives Charges. Pick up the 6
Seared Jormungar Meat from the resulting explosion.
Pick up 12 Splintered Bone Chunks along the way near
the bones.
- Return to Nozzlerust Post.

- At Nozzlerust Post, turn in:
- Something That Doesn't Melt
- Hard to Swallow
get the new quests:
- Harp on This!
- Lumber Hack
- Ride south a bit so you can mount on your dragon, then
fly northwest to Coldwind Heights.
Use Xink's Shredder Control Device to take control
of a shredder.
- Head northwest. Along the way, use Gather Lumber (Ability
6) next to trees marked with a cross to collect lumber.
If it doesn't work, it means it has been recently gathered
by someone else.
Enter the harpy area. Kill Harpies by constantly
using Twisting Blade (Ability 1) and throwing
in Launch Saw Blades (Ability 2) on cooldown.
Use Emergency Repair Kit (Ability 4) to regain
life. Finally, in the northwest area, kill Mistress of
the Coldwind.
Finish gathering 50 Coldwind Lumber.
- Return to Nozzlerust Post and turn in your quests:
- Harp on This!
- Lumber Hack
and get the new quest, Stiff Negotiations.
Fly northeast to Zort, inside the canyon. Turn
in Stiff Negotiations and get the follow-up Slim
- Follow the path northwest into the cave. At the entrance,
click the Ravaged Crystalline Ice Giant to get a
Sample of Rock Flesh.
- Return to Zort and turn in Slim Pickings
and get the follow-up Messy Business. Also,
get the new quest, Stomping Grounds from Ko'char
the Unbreakable.
- Return northwest deeper into the cave. Kill 8 Ice
Heart Jormungar Feeders. Whenever you get the Corosive
Spit debuff, use Zort's Scraper and collect
2 scraping samples.
- Return to Zort and turn in your quests:
- Messy Business and get the follow-up Apply
This Twice A Day
- Stomping Grounds
- Apply This Twice A Day
Get the new quests:
- Really Big Worm (Group)
- Worm Wrangler
- Head northwest and enter the cave again. Use the Sturdy
Crates on 3 Jormungar Spawns and collect
them. Also, if you have a partner with you, at the
end of the cave, drink Zort's Protective Elixir.
Kill Rattlebore. If not, just ignore the Really
Big Worm quest.
- Finally, return to Zort.

- At Zort, turn in Worm Wrangler.
- Ride outside the canyon, then fly your way to Light's
Trust. Turn in The Call of the Crusade and get
the follow-up The Cleansing of Jintha'kalar.
- Ride northeast to Jintha'kalar. Clear your way
northeast and kill 15 Jintha'kalar Scourge. Use your
Seeds of Nature Wrath on Overseer Deathgaze
on the eastern area of the camp then kill him.
- Then, return to Light's Trust and turn in The
Cleansing Of Jintha'kalar and get the follow-up
Into the Breach!
- Ride southwest into the Bronze Dragonshrine. In
the area, use your Hourglass of Eternity to summon
Future You. Let Future You tank the attacking waves
of dragons, you can pick them off one by one.
- Ride southwest, then fly the rest of the way to Wyrmrest
Temple. On the bottom floor, turn in Disturbing Implications
and get the follow-up One of a Kind (Group).
Look for a partner to do the quest chain for One of a
Kind. Any two will be good, but the last steps are recommended
to have a tank and healer in your group. The below map shows
the locations of all the minotaur for the quest - get to
it whenever you find someone to do the minotaur chain with
you. If you don't readily have someone to do it with you,
then just skip over these group quests.

- (Group) Use your Ruby Beacon of the Dragon Queen
to summon a dragon. Use it to fly southwest to Bonesunder.
Kill him for his Emblazoned Battle Horn.
- (Group) Fly back to Wyrmrest Temple and
turn in One of a Kind and get the follow-up Mighty
- (Group) Fly southeast to Bloodfeast. Have
one person attack Bloodfeast and one person kill all the
- (Group) Fly north to Iceshatter. Kill him.
- (Group) Fly north to Drakegore. Kill him.
- (Group) Return to Wyrmrest Temple and turn
in Mighty Magnataur and get the follow-up Reclusive

- (Group) Fly east to Dreg'mar Runebrand and
defeat him.
- Return to Wyrmrest Temple. Turn in Reclusive
Runemaster and get the follow-up Wanton Warlord.
- (Group) Fly southwest to Grom'thar and kill
- (Group) Head back northeast to where you can summon
a dragon, then fly to Wyrmrest Temple and turn in
Wanton Warlord
Whether or not you did the group quests, to finish up Dragonblight
- fly to the top of Wyrmrest Temple and turn in
your quests:
- On Ruby Wings and get the follow-up Return to
- That Which Creates Can Also Destroy
- Mystery of the Infinite
Then, fly back to the ground floor.
- Fly to Kor'kron Vanguard. Go to Saurfang the
Younger and turn in Return to Angrathar and be
treated to the cinematic.
- Head down to the remnants of the battle and get Darkness
Stirs from Alexstrasza. Loot the Armor of
Saurfang, just northwest of where Alexstrasza is
- Ride back to Fordragon Hold and Fly to Warsong
Hold, Borean Tundra. Turn in Darkness Stirs and
get the follow-up Herald of War.
- Take the portal to Orgrimmar. Go to Thrall
and turn in Herald of War. Get the follow-up
A Life Without Regret.
- Take the portal to The Undercity.
- Turn in A Life Without Regret and get the follow-up
The Battle For the Undercity. Wait for a couple
minutes, then follow Thrall into the Undercity.
The most important thing is to continually follow Thrall
- stay in range of their auras and you will be invincible
and deal massive damage. Use your Area of Effect abilities
for the most effect!
- Once done re-taking the Undercity, turn in The Battle
For The Undercity. You will get teleported to the
zeppelin tower.
- Return to Orgrimmar. Train your skills.
- Hearth back to Venomspite, Dragonblight.