Horde Nagrand Guide Part 3
Level 67
Big Note: Level 67 in Nagrand is
a big deal! It opens up the Ring of Blood questline
in northern Nagrand by the Laughing Skull Ruins . Keep
an eye out for groups looking for more for the Ring of Blood
- completion of the entire series means an awesome rare weapon,
Over 100,000 experience, and a decent amount of gold
and potions.

The Ring of Blood requires a full group
of five if everyone is around level 67. If you can get the
help of a couple high levels though, this will be an extremely
quick 100k experience.

- At Garadar, turn in An Audacious Advance and
Bleeding Hollow Supply Crates. Get the follow-up
Diplomatic Measures.
- Ride northwest to the Mag'hari Procession. Turn
in Missing Mag'hari Procession and The Missing
War Party. Get the quests: War on the Warmaul and
Finding the Survivors.
- Ride northwest to Warmaul Hill. Kill 8 Warmaul
Brute and 8 Warmaul Warlock, and use the keys
they drop to Free 5 Mag'har Prisoner.
- Ride southeast to Sunspring Post. Wander around
the village and finish all the objectives:
- Kill 5 Murkblood Putrifier
- Kill 20 Murkblood Scavenger
- Kill 10 Murkblood Raider
- Kill Ortor of Murkblood (inside the big,
main hut)
- Gather 10 Murkblood Idol
- Head southeast into the lake. Kill 8 Lake Surgers
and Watoosun for Watoosun's Polluted Essence.
- Return to the Mag'hari Procession and turn in:
- Finding the Survivors
- Once Were Warriors and get the follow-up He
Will Walk the Earth
- War on the Warmaul
- Ride south to Altruis the Sufferer. Turn in He
Called Himself Altruis... and get the follow-up Survey
the Land and start the flight. After landing, turn the
quest in and don't get the follow-up.
- Follow the road to Aeris Landing.

- At Aeris Landing, turn in The Consortium Needs
You! and get all the quests:
- Stealing from Thieves
- Matters of Security
- A Head Full of Ivory
- Gava'xi
- Head southeast and kill Wild Elekk to collect 3
Pair of Ivory Tusks.
- Head south and kill 8 Voidspawn.
- Head south and kill Gava'xi who wanders around
the crystal chunks and a bit to the east as well. Collect
10 Oshu'gun Crystal Fragments.
- Head southwest to the very edge where you'll find Shattered
Rumblers. Use Gordawg's Boulder on them and they
split into Minions of Gurok. Kill 30.
- Ride to Aeris Landing and turn in all the quests.
- Stealing from Thieves
- Matters of Security
- A Head Full of Ivory
- Gava'xi
- Ride east to Lantresor the Blademaster at the Burning
Blade Ruins.