Horde Hellfire Peninsula Guide Part 2
Level 59

- Head southeast into Zeth'Gor. Clear all the Bleeding
Hollow Orcs in the way. Note that there are many orcs
- but it is worthwhile to kill ALL the orcs for two
reasons: the experience is necessary, and is much safer
since there are many patrols. Don't try to avoid the
orcs in this entire area - actively seek and kill any
that are in the area for both the experience and to reduce
the chances that the an orc patrol will kill you.
Clear your way towards the Stables and kill Worg
Master Kruush and loot his head. By the time you reach
the stables, you should also have collected 12 Bleeding
Hollow Blood.
- Clear your way out and to the Cursed Cauldron outside
the Zeth'Gor gate. Each time you click the cauldron,
scarabs will spawn - I found the fastest (a little dangerous,
but doable and much faster) way to do this was to just click
the cauldron a lot of times quickly - about 6 times - then
run away and wait for the scarabs to despawn. Afterwards,
come back and click the cauldron 6 more times for 12
Boiled Blood, then run away.
- Return to Spinebreaker Post and turn in your quests:
- Boiling Blood
- Wanted: Worg Master Kruush
- Preparing the Salve
Get the follow-up quests:
- Apothecary Antonivich
- Investigate the Crash
- Zeth'Gor Must Burn!
- The Eyes of Grillok
Then, Hearth to Thrallmar.

- At Thrallmar, turn in Return to Thrallmar.
Get the quests in the keep:
- Forge Camp: Mageddon
- The Assassin
- Weaken the Ramparts
Also, optionally, get the PvP quest Hellfire Fortifications
- Apothecary Antonivich is in the northwestern tower
at Thrallmar. Go to him and turn in Apothecary
Antonivich. Get the follow-up Burden of Souls.
- Clear your way up northeast to Forge Camp: Mageddon.
Kill 10 Gan'arg Servant and Razorsaw. Loot
Razorsaw for the Head of Forgefiend Razorsaw and
the Burning Legion Missive, which starts the quest
Vile Plans.
- Then, return to Thrallmar. Turn in Forge
Camp: Mageddon and Vile Plans. Get the follow-up
Cannons of Rage.
- Again, return to Forge Camp: Mageddon. Kill
3 Fel Cannon MKI situated near the edges of the
- Then, return to Thrallmar. Turn in Cannons
of Rage and get the follow-up Doorway to the
- Once those previous quest chain steps are done, clear
your way northwest to Invasion Point: Annihilator.
Clear your way up to, then kill, Warbringer Arix'Amal
for the Burning Legion Gate Key.
Walk up to the portal in the camp and click it to shut down
the gate.
- Ride around the cliff southwest to Foreman Razelcraz.
Get Outland Sucks!
- Head southwest and pick up 6 Shredder Spare Parts.
Also, keep killing the Crust Bursters until you get
a rare random drop, the Eroded Leather Case. The
item starts the quest Missing Missive.
- Then, return to Foreman Razelcraz and turn
in Outland Sucks! and get the follow-up How
to Serve Goblins.
- Head southwest to the three cages. Clear all the orcs
around and head to Manni's Cage and Save Manni.
- Clear your way to Moh and Jakk and save
them. Again, make sure to clear a wide path of orcs for
experience and safety.
- Then, return to Foreman Razelcraz and turn
in How to Serve Goblins and get the follow-up
Shizz Work. Use the Felhound Whistle immediately
right next to Razelcraz.
- Go northwest and kill Helboars, then right click
the poo that is left behind. Keep at it until you find the
Shredder Keys.
- Then, return to Foreman Razelcraz and turn
in Shizz Work and get the follow-up Beneath
- Go to the end of the mine and clear your way through
the tunnels. Kill Urga'zz at the end of the mine.
- Then, return to Foreman Razelcraz and turn in
Beneath Thrallmar.
- Return to Thrallmar. Turn in Doorway to the
Abyss. Get the new quests:
- The Agony and the Darkness
- The Assassin
- Falcon Watch
- Cruel's Intentions (Group)
- Weaken the Ramparts (Dungeon)