Horde Feralas Guide Part 2
Level 51
At Orgrimmar, train your skills.
Also, turn in Ripple Delivery and Rise of the Silithid.
Get Bone Bladed Weapons and March of the Silithid.
All of these quests are located in The Drag area.

- Fly to Camp Mojache. Get Testing the Vessel
from Witch Doctor Uzer'i. Combined with the other
quests, your log should be:
- Testing the Vessel
- Improved Quality
- Natural Materials
- Dark Heart
- Vengeance on the Northspring
- Don't get the quest: The Strength of Corruption
- Ride northwest and kill Ironfur Bears and Longtooth
Runners. Use the Beast Muisek Vessel on their
bodies for 10 Beast Muisek.
- Then, return to Camp Mojache and turn in
Beast Muisek. Get the follow-up Hippogryph Muisek.
- Ride west and kill Hippogryphs and any Wandering
Forest Walkers you see. Use the Hippogryph Muisek
Vessel on their bodies for 10 Hippogryph Muisek.
- Then, return to Camp Mojache and turn in Hippogryph
Muisek. Get the follow-up Faerie Dragon Muisek.
- Ride west and kill Sprite Darters and use the Muisek
Vessel to collect 8 Faerie Dragon Muisek.
- Then, return to Camp Mojache and turn in Faerie
Dragon Muisek. Get the follow-up Treant Muisek.
- Ride south and kill Wandering Treants and use the
Muisek Vessel to collect 3 Treant Muisek.
Also, get 2 Splintered Logs for Natural Materials
from the treants.
- Then, return to Camp Mojache and turn in Treant
Muisek. Get the follow-up Mountain Giant Muisek.

- Ride west to Zorbin Fandazzle. Get his two quests:
Fuel for the Zapping and Zapped Giants.
- Head south and kill Water Elementals for 10
Water Elemental Core.
- Ride northwest and use Zorbin's Ultra-Shrinker on
the Cliff Giants. Kill 15 of them in their
shrunken form for 15 Miniaturization Residue.
- Head north to the Ruins of Ravenwind. Kill 4
Northspring Harpy, 4 Northspring Roguefeather, 4 Northspring
Slayer, 4 Northspring Windcaller. You should also get
a Horn of Hatetalon.
- Head north and use the Horn of Hatetalon at the
northern area of the ruins where there are two decorated
rocks. Kill Edana for her Dark Heart.
- Ride southeast to the Rage Scar Yeti Cave. Kill
them for 10 Rage Scar Yeti Hide. (And, if lucky,
you'll get a Perfect Hide which starts the quest
Perfect Yeti Hide)
- If you've been lucky enough to get an OOX-22/FE Distress
Beacon by now, head southwest into the yeti cave and
complete the quest Find OOX-22/FE! and get the escort
quest Rescue OOX-22/FE! Run and clear in front of
the chicken because it has low hit points. During the ambushes,
be the one the mobs attack first - let the chicken pull
a mob off you, and face the others and finally the one on
the chicken.
- Continue to Zorbin Fandazzle. Turn in Fuel
for the Zapping and Zapped Giants.
- Make sure you have all the materials for Natural
Materials before you return to Camp Mojache
- 2 Splintered Log, 6 Encrusted Minerals, 20 Resilient
Sinew, 40 Metallic Fragments.
- Return to Camp Mojache and turn in all your quests:
- Improved Quality (and Perfect Yeti Hide
if you got lucky with the drop)
- Natural Materials and get the follow-up Weapons
of Spirit, and turn it in immediately.
- Mountain Giant Muisek
- Dark Heart
- Vengeance on the Northspring
Feralas is complete. Hearth to Orgrimmar.