Horde Swamp of Sorrows Guide
Level 44

- After Flying to Booty Bay, pick up all the quests
in the area. Your questlog for Stranglethorn Vale, along
with the quests from the previous quest lines, should now
look like:
- Panther Mastery (Bhag'thera Part)
- Speaking With Nezzilok
- Speaking With Gan'zulah
- Mok'thardin's Enchantment (Gorilla Part)
- Scarying Shaky
- The Bloodsail Buccaneers
- Skullsplitter Tusks
- Split Bone Necklace
- The Captain's Chest (Group)
- Akiris by the Bundle
- Raptor Mastery (Tethis Part)
- Zanzil's Secret
- Stranglethorn Fever
- Whiskey Slim's Lost Grog
- Stoley's Debt (Tanaris)
- Tran'rek (Zul'Farrak)
Head north out of Booty Bay and turn west to go to the
shore. Complete The Bloodsail Buccaneers and get
the next-step in the quest chain from the Bloodsail
- Head northeast to a valley of Elder Mistvale Gorillas.
Kill them for 5 Mistvale Giblets, a Gorilla Fang,
and an Aged Gorilla Sinew.
- Go north to Witch Doctor Unbagawa and turn in the
Gorilla Fang to summon three waves of gorillas, ending with
Mokk the Savage. Kill him and loot the Heart of
- Return to Booty Bay and turn in all your quests:
- The Bloodsail Buccaneers and complete the small
series of follow-ups get the follow-up The Bloodsail
- Scaring Shaky and get the follow-up Return
to MacKinley - turn that in and get the follow-up
Voodoo Dues.
- Stranglethorn Fever
Also, pick up the new quests around town:
- Up to Snuff
- Keep an Eye Out

- Head north out of Booty Bay again and turn east to go
to the shore. Look for Half-Buried Bottles and keep
opening them until you get a Carefully Folded Note which
starts Message in a Bottle. Keep picking them up
as you fight your way south to the Bloodsail Camps.
- Bloodsail Camp #1 and the rowboat near it may have the
Bloodsail Charts and Bloodsail Orders. Look
for them as you kill 10 Bloodsail Swashbucklers.
- Bloodsail Camp #2 may also contain Bloodsail Charts
and Orders. Finish killing swashbucklers. You don't
have to finish collecting Snuff yet, more pirates will be
dying soon.
- Return to Booty Bay and turn in and get the next
step in the chain of The Bloodsail Buccaneers.
- Return to the east coast and head south (pick up bottles
until you get the Message in a Bottle quest if you
haven't gotten it yet) to the two ships docked there.
Go up the west one and into the ship and kill Captain
Keelhaul. Also, look around for Cortello's Riddle
which is contained on a parchment placed on any of the
- Go to the east ship and kill Fleet Master Firallon.
Again, look around for Cortello's Riddle which is
contained on a parchment placed on any of the ships if you
haven't gotten it yet.
- Swim further east to Captain Stillwater's ship
and kill him. Also, on the top deck of this ship is Brutus
- kill the golem for Dizzy's Eye. Finish collecting
15 Snuff by killing pirates. Again, look around for
Cortello's Riddle which is contained on a parchment
placed on any of the ships if you haven't gotten it yet.
This is the last ship it can be on, if you haven't found
it yet, go back to previous ships and search for it.
- Swim northeast to the island and talk to Princess Poohbah
to turn in Message in a Bottle and get the next
step in the chain.
- Head to the southeast side of the island and kill King
Mukla to get the Shackle Key.
Return to Princess Poohbah and complete Message
in a Bottle.
- Return to Booty Bay and turn in:
- Up to Snuff
- Keep an Eye Out
- The Bloodsail Buccaneers

- Fly to Grom'gul Base Camp. Turn in Mok'thardin's
Enchantment and get the next step in the chain.
- Follow the road north to Duskwood.

- Ride northeast along the road in Duskwood to Deadwind
Pass. Avoid the Alliance town of Darkshire.

- Ride east through Deadman's Crossing to the Swamp
of Sorrows.

- Ride east to the Cortello's Riddle, underneath
the bridge. Get the next step in the quest chain for Cortello's
- Ride southeast to Stonard. Get the Flight Path.
Turn in Report to Helgrum and get just these
- Little Morsels
- Lack of Surplus
- Pool of Tears
- Head northeast and find and ill Noboru the Cudgel
- he wanders around a bit, so search in the general area.
Tip: make a macro by typing /macro and then creating
a "Search" macro with the line /target Noboru.
Keep pressing the button and if Noboru shows up, then you'll
know you're close. Noboru's Cudgel starts the
quest Noboru the Cudgel.
- Ride northwest to The Harborage and turn in Noboru
the Cudgel.
- Ride northeast to the Fallow Sanctuary. Look for
a Captured Crocolisk, Captured Tarantual, and Captured
Jaguar. Feed them your Fel-Tainted Morsels.

- Further east at the Fallow Sanctuary, find Galen
Goodward. Get the escort quest Galen's Escape and
escort him out of the camp.
- Head southwest and find Galen's Strongbox. Open
it and complete Galen's Escape.
- Ride southeast to the Pool of Tears. Go around
it and look for 5 Atal'ai Artifacts.
- Ride southeast to Misty Reed Post. At Misty
Reed Post, turn in Lack of Surplus and get the
follow-up Lack of Surplus.
- Ride north to find Sawtooth Snappers. Kill them
for 6 Sawtooth Snapper Claws.
- Then, ride back south to Misty Reed Post and
turn in Lack of Surplus. Get the follow-up Threat
From the Sea.
- Head southeast down to the shore. Kill your way north
up the shore and kill in all 10 Marsh Murlocs, 10 Marsh
Inkspewers, and 10 Marsh Flesheaters.
- Then, ride back to Misty Reed Post and turn
in Threat From the Sea. Get the follow-up and
turn it in to the other orc as well.
- Ride west back to Stonard and turn in Little
Morsels and The Pool of Tears. Get the follow-up
The Atal'ai Exile.