Horde Thousand Needles Guide Part 1
Level 29

- Fly to Sun Rock Retreat, Stonetalon Mountains.
Turn in Ordanus, don't get the follow-up.
- Fly to Thunder Bluff and turn in The Sacred
Flame and get the follow-up The Sacred Flame.
- Fly to Camp Taurajo. Head southeast down the road
to The Great Lift. At the top of it, turn in Calling
in the Reserves and get Message to Freewind Post.
Then, take the elevator down into The Thousand Needles.

- Follow the road south, then east, and take the lift up
to Freewind Post. Get the Flight Path. Turn
in Message to Freewind Post and The Sacred Flame.
Get all the quests:
- Pacify the Centaur
- Alien Egg
- A Different Approach
- The Sacred Flame
- Wanted - Arnak Grimtotem
- Wind Rider
- Head north and clear a path through the centaur into the
cave, killing 12 Galak Scout, 10 Galak Wrangler, and
6 Galak Windchaser. At the end of the cave, douse
the Ancient Brazier and get the Cloven Hoof.
- Head east and head up the slope to Dorn Plainstalker.
Get Test of Faith. He will teleport you to the top
of a high cliff - time for a fun quest! Head over to the
two wooden planks.
Jump off!
This will complete the quest. Turn in Test of Faith and
get the follow-up Test of Endurance.
- Head southeast and search for an Alien Egg and
pick it up.
- Head southeast and kill Thundering Boulderkins for
2 Purifying Earth.
- Return to Freewind Post. Turn in your completed
- Pacify the Centaur
- Alien Egg
- A Different Approach
- The Sacred Flame
Get the new quests:
- Grimtotem Spying
- Serpent Wild
Hearth to Orgrimmar.