Death Knight Leveling Guide Part 2
Level 56
- Get Gothik the Harvester, and turn it in to Gothik
who is nearby. Get the follow-up, The Gift That Keeps
On Giving.
- Enter the Havenshire Mine to the northeast. Use
the Gift of the Harvester in your inventory on Scarlet
Miners to have a chance of turning them into Scarlet
Ghouls. Gather 5 of them.
- Return to Gothik the Harvester to turn the quest
in. and get the follow-up An Attack of Opportunity.
- Turn Attack of Opportunity it in to Prince Valanar
in Death's Breach and get the follow-up Massacre
at Light's Point.
- Return to the mine you were just at -- to it's right should
be an Inconspicuous Minecar.

- Get in the Minecar and wait for a miner to come and carry
you to a boat at Light's Point. Get on one of the
boat's Cannons use the cannon's (Ability 1)
and keep pressing 1 to quickly kill Defenders. Use (Ability
2) whenever the defenders approach the cannon. Finish
killing 100 Scarlet Defenders.
- When done, use the cannon's Gryphon ability to return
to Death's Breach and turn Massacre at Light's
Point in and get the follow-up Victory at Death's
- Fly one of the Scourge Gryphons up from Death's
Breach to Highlord Darion Mograine in Ebon
Hold. Get The Will of the Lich King, train your
level 56 abilities.
- Then, fly back down to Death's Breach to turn
the quest in and get the follow-up The Crypt of Remembrance.
- Head out of Death's Breach towards the fields to
talk to Noth the Plaguebringer to get The Plaguebringer's
- Go to the Crypt of Remembrance, turn in the quest
The Crypt of Remembrance and get the follow-up
Lambs to the Slaughter.
- Enter New Avalon at the location indicated on the
map (western entrance) and go into the Inn. Enter the Inn's
basement, and pick up the Empty Cauldron.
- Exit the Inn and head over to the Town Hall on the southwest
side of town. Kill Mayer Quimby, and pick up the
New Avalon Registry.
- Return to the Crypt of Remembrance to turn in Nowhere
to Run and Nowhere to Hide and get the follow-up How
to Win Friends and Influence Enemies. Open the box and
dual-wield the two Keleseth's Persuaders within.
- Enter New Avalon through the eastern entrance,
killing Citizens of New Avalon and Scarlet Crusade
Soldiers while you make your way to the Forge to your
Pick up the Iron Chain in the forge, and continue killing
Crusade mobs until you've completed Lambs to the Slaughter,
The Plaguebringer's Request, and How to Win Friends
and Influence Enemies.
- Return to Noth the Plaguebringer and turn in The
Plaguebringer's Request. Then, get Noth's Special
Brew and 'use' the cauldron that is behind Noth.
This quest is repeatable and gives you a potion that restores
health and Runic Power.
- Return to the Crypt of Remembrance and turn in
Lambs to the Slaughter, and How to Win Friends
and Influence Enemies.
- Get Behind Scarlet Lines and travel to the Scarlet
Tavern in New Avalon to turn it in.
Get the follow-ups The Path of the Righteous Crusader
and Brothers in Death.
- Go to the Scarlet Hold, on the eastern edge of
New Avalon.
- Inside of the Hold, go upstairs. In the 'main' center
room upstairs pick up the Patrol Schedule on the
- Head back downstairs, all the way into the basement.
Talk to Koltira Deathweaver to complete Brothers
in Death. Get the quest Bloody Breakout, and
stay inside of the protective bubble that Koltira
creates. Survive several waves of mobs, mitigating their
spell damage by remaining inside of the bubble. If you
leave the bubble, you will take much more damage. Use
ranged abilities and pull spells to kill mobs, including
High Inquisitor Valroth who eventually comes down
after several waves of lesser mobs.
- Return to the Scarlet Tavern to turn the quests
in. Get the follow-up A Cry for Vengeance.
- Head to the Chapel of the Crimson Flame. Turn the
quest in to Knight Commander Plaguefist and get the
follow-up quest A Special Surprise.
- Enter the long house near the chapel, this is the Prison
House. Walk up to the NPC that the Knight told you
to speak with (it varies depending on your race).
- Wait for the NPC's dialogue to complete, kill him/her,
and return to the Knight to turn the quest in.
- Get A Sort of Homecoming, and then return to Thassarian
at the Scarlet Tavern to turn it in.
- Get Ambush at the Overlook and head to the ambush
spot where you should use the tree disguise item you received
to disguise yourself as a very convincing tree. When the
Scarlet Courier comes to inspect you, kill him when
you are able, take his Scarlet Courier's Belongings
and the Scarlet Courier's Message.
- Return to the Scarlet Tavern and turn in Ambush
at the Overlook.