Death Knight Leveling Guide Part 1
Level 55
Welcome to your Death Knight! You will start out at level
55 with 0 talent points. The DK starting quests award "Bonus
Talents" to help ramp you up to the 51 talent points that
a level 60 player should have. For this reason, you must complete
all Death Knight quests.
These first few quests are pretty self-explanatory, so let's
move through them swiftly from the moment you begin. All the
starting quests are right next to each other.
- Get In Service of the Lich King from The Lich
- Turn around and enter the next room to turn the quest
in to Instructor Razuvious. Get the follow-up The
Emblazoned Runeblade.
In the room, use the Weapon Rack on a wall in the
room and use the Battle-Worn Sword by the Runeforge.

Weapon Rack

- Turn in The Emblazoned Runeblade and get the follow-up
Runeforging: Preparation for Battle.
- Walk back to a Runeforge and use your Runeforging
ability in your spellbook and select an appropriate forging
(Recommended: Rune of Cinderglacier).
- Turn in Runeforging: Preparation for Battle and
get the follow-up The Endless Hunger. Enter the center
circle in the room and free an Unworthy Initiate
by clicking on the chains connected to the wall, then kill
the Initiate and turn the quest in to Instructor Razuvious
to get the follow-up quest The Eye of Acherus.
- Return to The Lich King and turn the quest in
and get the follow-up Death Comes From On High.
- Activate the controls for the Eye of Acherus.
When you obtain control of the eye and it's movement,
you will have access to the following abilities (located
now on your main action bar):
- Siphon of Acherus - Used to gather information
about structures for the quest
- Summon Ghouls on Scarlet Crusade - Used to
distract ground Scarlet Crusade Soldiers into
attacking spawned Ghouls while you collect structure
- Shroud - Goes Stealth, helpful for escaping
and moving between information-gathering locations
- Recall Eye of Acherus - Returns you to your
body in Ebon Hold. Use this after quest objectives
are complete
Scarlet Hold
New Avalon Forge
New Avalon Town Hall
Crimson Flame Chapel
Use Siphon of Acherus
at The Scarlet Hold, New Avalon Forge,
New Avalon Town Hall, Chapel of the Crimson
Flame. When complete, return to your body in Ebon
Hold and turn the quest in and get the follow-up
The Might of the Scourge.
Step on the pink glowing Transporter
to be teleported to a lower section of Ebon Hold.
Turn in The Might of the Scourge to Highlord
Darion Mograine and get the follow-up quests:
Walk up the stairs (past the
teleporter you entered through, but don't go in it again)
and turn in your quest to Scourge Commander Thalanor.
Get the follow-up The Scarlet Harvest.
Fly down to Death's Breach
using a Scourge Gryphon. Turn The Scarlet
Harvest in to Prince Valanar and get all
the quests:
Talk to and 'duel' 5 Deathknight
Initiates in the area, then turn in Death's Challenge.
- Leave Death's Breach and follow the path to Havenshire
Farms. Kill 10 Scarlet Crusaders, 10 Citizens
of Havenshire, and loot 15 Saronite Arrows.
- Get and Complete Abandoned Mail by the mailbox.
- After finishing all of these objectives, steal a Havenshire
Horse from the stable area and ride it back up to Death's
- Use the horse's Deliver Stolen Horse ability when
you arrive in Death's Breach to complete the quest.
Turn in all of your quests, and finish killing Deathknight
Initiates or dueling other players to finish Death's
Get the new quest, Into the Realm of Shadows.
- Return south to the Havenshire Farms area. Locate
a Dark Rider of Acherus, and kill him to gain control
of his steed.
- Return with the mount to Death's Breach and use
the horse's Horseman's Call ability to call Salanar
into the shadow realm and complete the quest for you. You
now have permanent access to the Deathknight 100% speed